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Messages - blastpast

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Game Updates / Rankings Update
« on: November 12, 2007, 09:04:40 am »
yeah exactly. they do say the same thing about planes. a plane flies people from one airport to another. but other people can look up in the sky and tell you exactly what make and model that plane flying at FL350 is.

anyways, i was just going to say thanks stephen for the updated rankings page. i always meant to say something about it somewhere, but i guess it'd been discussed enough.  :wink:    oddly enough i think the part i like about it best is that it doesnt take 10 seconds to load anymore. i hated that. so thanks for updating it and making it load faster.

Bugs / Block time
« on: November 09, 2007, 07:41:58 am »
only thing i could think of is that the aircraft your trying to create the route with doesnt actually have 24 hours available. or the other option is it's a bug which is why you posted it in the bugs folder  :lol:

General Chat / What is Miscellanious Revenue?
« on: November 09, 2007, 07:31:06 am »
and since you couldn't think of it, i'll add that the way you set prices for food and drink is through the admin page. breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, soda, coffee/tea, and alcoholic drinks.

General Chat / RC Super Connines
« on: November 08, 2007, 09:36:01 pm »
those two vids are awesome, thanks for sharing

General Chat / Bases and Gates
« on: November 08, 2007, 08:31:32 pm »
you have to have 4 gates in order to create a base, but once you pay the fee to create the base, you do not have to keep the 4 gates. so say right now you're filling up 20 of the 40 slots. i would suggest finding another flight so you're using 3 gates, and return 1 gate prior to the next month. because they will be auto returned, and if you havent been warned yet, you will be, along with being charged. if your gates are auto returned, or returned by you, you will NOT lose your base.

hope this was clear enough

General Chat / Martin 2-0-2 or DC-3
« on: October 29, 2007, 08:35:07 am »
im thinkin about it too. only have 4 dc-3's in service though.

General Chat / Massive Airlines
« on: October 29, 2007, 08:33:24 am »
easy, we have no life  :lol:  just kidding. we're very quick with the time we have at the game. research fast, find the most profitable routes, start at the biggest airports in the world, and find the most economical planes that will help to result in the most profit. you take advantage of the brokerage system to order your planes. decently cheap planes that have at least 20 seats, and a greater range than the dc-3. a lot of airlines though, especially and mainly in europe, can use dc-3's because there are so many airports within 1000 nm. paris, london, frankfurt just to name a few all very close.

i'm not near the best on here. still a long way to go. but i'm not doing too bad either i dont think. i have 129 airlines in front of me right now in the world, and i hope to keep climing up.

Bugs / Leasing gone terribly awry!
« on: October 27, 2007, 11:31:44 pm »
Airline ID  3416

Aircraft ID 5069

*Sorry, This aircraft appears to have been listed or is out on an active lease.*

I believe this aircraft was automatically returned after the previous lease contract. It is listed In Service with 24 hours on my fleet page.

Game Data / continents
« on: October 26, 2007, 04:17:15 am »
i understand. maybe new members could be notified before they pick their starting airport? as someone may pick mexico city thinking they could later expand to Miami or something. i'm sorry to be a bother but i think if something can be explained in a good way at a good time then it should to prevent problems. someone could be wasting time if they use gates by country, then go to expand a real two weeks into their company, and find out they cant. they either have to then base out of an area that does not have many major airports, or they have to ask to be closed down so they can pick a new base.

i originally posted to find out why, and if mexico could be listed as n america. but i see it's best for the game for that not to happen. my experience was last round anyway, so it doesnt matter now for me anymore.

Bugs / Leasing gone terribly awry!
« on: October 25, 2007, 06:43:35 pm »
i believed a couple planes i've leased out for 12, 18, and 25 months had the problem of the expired leases as soon as i leased it out. this is unfair to the airline leasing. i dont remember id's or anything so don't ask that. i was just wanting to use my example to state that i hope it's fixed soon.

General Chat / brokerage deal hasn't gone through?
« on: October 25, 2007, 06:39:12 pm »
i agree with alfc. you should be happy for it. this happened to me. only it was 35% mark-up! but a small cheap plane to begin with. they didnt collect the plane. then i was able to sell the plane at 130% it's value. so it was a cheap plane but i made good profit off of it. you could sell it for 80%, and it'd be gone quick, or you could maybe put it on the market at 125% and leave it there until it sells. it'll take longer but depending on the plane and other sales of the plane, it could last not very long.

Game Data / continents
« on: October 25, 2007, 05:39:04 pm »
Quote from: "Jps"
This has already been said 100 times... I've had enough of the first 25... North America has a lot of pretty nice airports.. Atlanta, New York etc.  

While Central America is too small... so the admins decided to change that..

Same with Turkey in Middle East

 :shock: sorry all i do is piss you off jps... sorry to everyone else i piss off too. i search, look on the few most recent pages for a related topic title, and if i cant find it after 15-30 minutes, i post a new one. you cant get mad at me if this was talked about under leases or something though. sorry jps.   and ok thanks stephen, hope you didnt get pissed at me too!

Game Data / continents
« on: October 25, 2007, 09:11:06 am »
who all decided to put the continents the way they are? mexico is in north america, and actually central america is not concidered a continent either it's part of north america. so was this decided to north american starters couldnt be in mexico city and alaska and 4 other places in between, or what? just wondering, because i think mexico should be put back as north america. last round, not this round, but last round i purchased 4 gates at mexico city to find out it wasnt in north america like it should be. it was when i first joined the game last route. just thought at least mexico should be in north america so other ppl dont make the mistake i did.

General Chat / Airline Value
« on: October 25, 2007, 03:45:10 am »
ok thanks very much Air Elbonia. that makes much more sense. because then there's 14.5 million in gates, and i was under by 2.5 million. so thats another 18 million. just one more million off. which im sure is in there somewhere. thanks again

General Chat / Airline Value
« on: October 25, 2007, 03:28:47 am »
well when i add those things up i'm 19 million short of my current airline value. i even had aircraft i have waiting to be delivered in the aircraft figure. i have planes leased out, but none leased in. could the other 19 million be gates other than terminals? the value of my two bases? not sure. thats why i ask.

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