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Messages - rocketboy

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General Chat / Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: July 17, 2008, 02:08:20 pm »
Maybe you should try Seashore. It's a native mac image editor based on gimp that is developed in Cocoa and needs no X11 stuff.

Bugs / [Not a Bug] w8 Holland
« on: June 27, 2008, 05:31:13 am »
Did you try 'Netherlands'?

General Chat / Alliance Rankings - Average Member Value 1983-07
« on: March 05, 2008, 03:08:33 pm »
It depends on the alliance. Some alliances' have open membership so anyone can just sign up in-game. For other alliances' you have to be voted in. Usually this means posting in their alliance thread or posting on their own private forum with information about your airline. Once given the go ahead you would apply in-game and the members would vote you in. As far as I know FT alliance is the only one that is by invitation only. Read the threads in the alliance forum, most welcome applications.

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 04, 2008, 02:28:45 pm »
I guess the only thing that is reasonable to say about this topic is that it would be better if the game algorithms dealt with short sighted business practises more effectively. It might take a little while, but in the real world companies that make an entire market segment unprofitable go bust or at the very least their boards are fired by their stockholders. I think the game logic is pretty good as is, but there are still some holes that allow dumb behaviour to be sustainable. That being said, I'm not sure in real life even LAX to SFO could support the 25 airlines currently competing for passengers, so the game logic has to 'give' somewhere.

As for capitalism being solely about looking out for yourself, that is not strictly true and doesn't necessarily mean screwing everyone else at all costs anyway. It is not in any one companies interest for a market segment to completely collapse and profit margins to reach zero. Why do you think companies are constantly being caught colluding with each other and being punished for it (especially in the airline industry where price matching on stuff like fuel surcharges for instance is rampant)? It's much better that everyone in a market make some money than no one makes any.

Air1, perhaps YOU should look it up. Might I suggest reading Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations first.

And, anyone who seriously thinks they are a shark by ruining a market for everyone should consider that once all the fish are gone everyone goes hungry. Seriously it's more like being a insert french for shower here than a shark.

General Chat / I don't know Geography
« on: March 02, 2008, 05:23:22 pm »
You know... not wishing to be mean but honestly maybe you should look at a map before you post on the forum. Part of the game is learning where to fly to and using the resources that are easily available like wikipedia and google maps to find the information you need.

General Chat / Can someone explain what multiworlds is?
« on: February 29, 2008, 06:53:11 pm »
It should be also pointed out that the search feature in this forum is rather poor as search features go. It's hardly Google and sometimes it is quite hard to find relevant information. This seems to be the case on most phpBB based forums.

Game Data / Canadian Airports
« on: February 20, 2008, 02:40:49 pm »
Montreal-Mirabel (YMX) is now only a GA and cargo airport. They have been transitioning over service to Trudeau for years but now not even the lowest of charter flights has to go out of Mirabel!

General Chat / I think AM is already oversatured.
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:04:00 pm »
Maybe I wasn't clear. The airline I was talking about is NOT in my alliance. He is in another that apparently doesn't care what their members do. I am in an alliance that has policies to deal with issues and is active about supporting the group as a whole and not just letting it turn into a free for all.

I have absolutely no control over airlines in other alliances. Besides which, flooding routes is totally counter productive in the end to everyone involved INCLUDING the flooder.

Oh, and right back at you, Blue Sky Mine, with the oh so appropriate emoticon:  :roll:

General Chat / I think AM is already oversatured.
« on: February 11, 2008, 03:18:29 pm »
I agree that the alliance function is too easily exploited. I have a base at Guam with a decent amount of routes and yet in terms of passenger traffic I am second on the list to a high ranked North American based airline that isn't even based there! This airline is using alliance bases all over Asia to fly 4 gates worth of wide bodies into Guam. If you check the departures and arrivals you see that this airline has not a single departing flight listed. I don't think it's in the spirit of the 'alliance' idea that large airlines can exploit the system to the point that they become the largest airline even at airports where they are not based!

Sometimes I look at route maps on airlines' pages and see that their routes originate from about 20 bases and that even though they are based in Europe, for example, they have a large domestic network in the US. I can't understand why the other members of the alliance accept this way of playing. If I was based at JFK and an alliance member used my base to create an obviously lucrative route like JFK-ORD I would be kind of pissed.

I think that somehow connecting at each others hubs and functional codesharing should be the basis of the alliance system, not preying on small airlines' bases to build airlines with, in effect, bases on every continent.

Game Data / Noumea
« on: February 07, 2008, 06:01:01 am »
How come Noumea (NOU) New Caledonia got adjusted to 450,000 passengers from about 1.4 million and yet the gate cost is still 100,000?

Noumea looks like this now:

NOU   Noumea   415,104   83   100,000   5,443

When I based there it had over 3 times as many passengers. Either it should be returned to 1.4M passengers or the price should be dropped to 50k like other airports in it's class.


Game Data / Pago Pago Incorrect position
« on: January 18, 2008, 02:52:33 pm »
I agree that Apia and Pago Pago are close, but they are not on the same island. Apia is in Western Samoa, Pago Pago is, as you say, in American Samoa. They shouldn't be more than about 200km apart.

I have noticed some other weirdness in the south pacific. I will also try to figure out what places are in the wrong spots.

General Chat / Andy's 1970 sigs
« on: January 05, 2008, 09:39:28 pm »
FYI... This thread seems to be about signatures not logos. Seems like the planes that Andy has illustrated have the LOGOs of the respective airlines on their tails.

General Chat / Un-sold brokered planes
« on: November 16, 2007, 09:28:26 pm »
ahh... 3 'real' days! I am always forgetting what is 'real' days and what is 'game' days.


General Chat / Un-sold brokered planes
« on: November 16, 2007, 09:22:49 pm »
I brokered some planes for an airline and they haven't bought them. I feel like I have given them enough time now (2 real days) and given that the order is 8 connies I would like to unlock my investment. How do I either use those planes myself or sell them on the open market? I don't see any link to click that allows me to do anything with the planes.

Thanks for the help.

General Chat / Montana? Wyoming? Idaho? Utah? N-S Dakota?
« on: October 24, 2007, 08:09:35 pm »
Sky West seems to do pretty well flying around those states amongst others. They are a massive regional airline that flies under the United banner. Its kind of short sighted to dismiss small destinations. With the right equipment there is lots of money to be made flying to small centres that rely on air travel. Kalispell Montana has quite a high tech community, for instance, and they rely on feeder services to places like Chicago and Salt Lake City.

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