Ok...its one thing to do this later in the rounds to save gates...but at the start its just annoying :x Its not just new people doing this, already had one perfectly good route take a steep dive....guys only doing a 2 frequency. Which isn't a big deal...but lowering the price for no reason....He could easily get much more even with 2x...We are the only 2 on the route and he's not a new player. Its things like this that are pointless and annoying to the rest of us trying to play the game. Wouldn't be surprised if that route is the first to hit €1 :x
Its one thing to run higher frequencies and try for the highest possible profit...but say 5 airlines have a price near €500 it makes no sense to put high or even a lower frequency at €5...and do this to multiple routes. To me thats just screams "I'm bored with the game so why not cause some trouble" :? Its things like that that have ruined the past 2 rounds for me, theres no more fun in it when someone starts purposefully ruining routes just to be a pain :x Not everyone has the time to edit 100+ routes cause person B had to much time on their hands and was no longer here to actually play the game. These people generally do this then leave it this way till they are forced into inactive bankruptcy.
People new or old need to get it through their heads, running high frequencies will not gain you anymore profit...if anything you may only gain a just a couple bucks more with that 5 frequency then you could with a 1 frequency. So its completely pointless and just annoys everyone else. Put those aircraft to use on several routes...not run them only on one. Theres no logic in it. The goal is to make as much money as possible...cant be done if all you run is 2 routes at 10x

Real airlines do have high frequencies here and there. But unlike real life, in this game there may be 50 airlines on that route, therefore it is useless. Prices are going to drop eventually...but when your just starting up everyone needs that extra €300+ on those routes. Hopefully multiworlds will help solve some of these problems, and have many more factors to play in other then a single ticket price. When things are already becoming a mess in the first 3 hours I can already tell where this rounds headed