Airline Mogul Forum

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Messages - r20m

Pages: 1 2
World has been CREATED. Official start at 23 Mar 2020 22:58 GMT+1

World ends on 10 Sep 2022 22:58 GMT+1


• World name & number
GunderWorld I - Number & Link provided upon creation

• Era or current year of world
1950 - 2020

• Max players (and how many places are left)
50 Maximum Players

• Starting aircraft & quantity
TWO (2) Douglas DC-6 aircraft

• Starting cash
500,000 EUR

• Passworded?
None, join at will!

• Range of map
Full World

• Maximum Bases & Foreign Bases
8 & 2 - Alliances encouraged for the big guys.

I will be removing defunct/inactive airlines. This will keep the world lean and ensure only active players are occupying routes & airports.

Feel free to use the forum to purchase/sell aircraft, advertise your alliance, and document your airline's progress. I will certainly begin by doing so with my own company. If you're more design minded, let's see those logos!

Creation is tomorrow 2020-5-22, with the world officially starting 2020-5-23. See you there!

Jetabout is no longer active, so the below website I've found can also be used for templates.

Suggestions / New Aircraft - 2019
« on: June 07, 2019, 04:40:49 pm »
Hey all,

Will the aircraft list be updated to include new planes as they enter service?
I know some of these recent aircraft are still testing/being developed, but the A220 has been in service for a bit.

Perhaps I just don't see them since none of my worlds have gone to current day :D In which case, please ignore.

Comac C919
Comac ARJ21 Xiangfeng
Irkut MC-21
Mitsubishi Regional Jet
Airbus A220 / Bombardier CSeries

Airline Branding Center / Re: r20m's Logos
« on: May 22, 2019, 11:10:17 pm »
Oh, you're Gunderfmip Transmorgrify??? :P

yep, I handle the gundeR :D

Airline Branding Center / r20m's Logos
« on: May 21, 2019, 11:58:04 pm »

Bugs / Re: Cannot Redeem Tokens
« on: May 20, 2019, 12:15:45 pm »
Got them! Thank you!

Bugs / Cannot Redeem Tokens
« on: May 19, 2019, 10:37:08 pm »

I got 25eur of tokens, but I am unable to redeem them using PayPal's given transaction ID. Is the transaction reflected in your records?


Airline Reports / Re: gundeRfmiP transMOGRIFY
« on: December 20, 2017, 03:47:35 am »
New updates from gundeRfmiP:

the gunderFmiP era (STL)
Tired of spending a fortune on snacks containing unnecessary colors? Never fear:

gunderFmiP transmOGRIFY is now replacing boring old chips and pretzels with brand new gundeRsnack(tm)!

gundeRsnack(tm) is a nutritious corn blend brought to you by our new partners at ZeaMagnus. gundeRsnack(tm) is avaialble in several forms. Pricing below:

gundeRsnack(tm) Paste, 1 tube - $5.00

gundeRsnack(tm) Water Substitute, 1 cup - $6.00

gundeRsnack(tm) Crunch Square, 100g - $5.00

gundeRsnack(tm) Food Stick, 1 bushel - $7.00

gundeRsnack(tm) Froth, 6ml - $3.00


Your first tube of gundeRsnack(tm) Paste is complementary with a compulsory surcharge of $10.00. Refusal to pay this surcharge will result in immediate seating downgrade.

Eat more corn!

[Leak] Low-cost Airline Fare Breakdown (GundeRFmiP CLE)
Author: Thorvald Brennigan, News 6

The Cleveland-based low-cost airline gundeRFmiP transMOGRIFY's internally-circulated fare breakdown has been leaked by an executive accidentally releasing the information instead of his official press release. The fare breakdown was saved and shared by hundreds of viewers before being taken down.

gundeRFmip transMOGRIFY has declined comment on the situation, saying only that FMI's operations will continue as scheduled.

Airline Reports / gundeRfmiP transMOGRIFY
« on: December 13, 2017, 03:36:11 am »
gundeRfmiP transMOGRIFY operates in two worlds right now:
Public World #3312 (St. Louis base);
PW#3178. A new hope (Cleveland base).

Below are gundRfmiP transMOGRIFY's posts from the world forums:

the gunderFmiP era (STL)
based out of the famous 'city 780 miles from pueblo'

a new airline arises


gunderFmiP transMOGRIFY

get out of st louis


bringing to you. beloved customers, planes fully equipped with real amenities for safe and comfortable travel:



landing gear

air, freshly pressurized for your comfort

sometimes there's even water onboard


come fly the better choice

the bigger blip

get hoisted by


the gunderFmiP era (STL)
gunderFmiP transmOGRIFY is now introducing a new pricing tier for your budgeting comfort.

the pricing tier of don'tPlunderTheGunder(tm) brings to you, the best costumers in the world, ways to keep pinching those pennies you can be spending on our new fees instead:

New gundeRSTAND(tm) will have you standing in our luxorious aircraft as you soar to your destination on a budget. only available on flights three hours or shorter.

gunderREST(tm) will have you lying prone on a metal wire rack placed in the back half of the aircraft. racks will be stacked 4 high. there will be no aisle, to save space and money for you, our beloved and valued costumers.

a new pricing tier

fmiP oUt

gunderFIRST(tm) boarding priority will determine when you're getting off in the case of an emergency

gunderfmip (CLE)
the FMIP spreads out

going to the famous 'city starting with the letter M' making it the a new FmiPbaseâ„¢ connecting the midwest with the mississipi river area somewhat north of the delta but south of St. Louis in other news gundeRfmiP transMOGRIFY is introducing a new budget pricing tier for people who really just need to get there:


comes with a seat on a plane. Boarding fee, takeoff fee, and landing fee not included.

specially designated fmiPBudgetâ„¢ seats come with innovative one-of-a-kind coin operated lighting, ventilation and reclining. $.56 per use per service. Nickels and pennies only.

Quality is never a wonder once you're flying on gundeR

catch you all on the fmiP side

General Chat / Re: Guess the aircraft!
« on: May 22, 2017, 09:16:30 pm »
Junkers Ju 88?

Yep! Romanian markings on that one

General Chat / Re: Guess the aircraft!
« on: May 22, 2017, 01:09:24 am »
Have a try at this one -

General Chat / Re: Guess the aircraft!
« on: May 21, 2017, 01:21:06 am »

Looking at the larger airlines, how long does it take getting to manage ~500 a/c across the world? Is it still even fun at that point? Not to sound abrasive, I'm genuinely curious.
Here's an airline with 1036 (!) aircraft
British European Limited - W3258

Good lord that's some hauling

Now I'm remembering my biggest airline was about 40 planes until it got deleted in the 70s.
Going through that era finding replacements for all of them was the biggest pain, so I can see it getting much easier managing them later on.

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