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Messages - Midwest15

Pages: 1 2
General Chat / Private Worlds?
« on: June 06, 2008, 03:30:54 am »
I was wondering the same thing, Im thinking it will be 60+ tokens because I know most of us have 100+ tokens as is and if we all start private worlds it would prolly flood the system. But since private worlds wont be for awhile no need to worry how much its going to cost to create one

General Chat / Where to start up the airline in multiworlds
« on: April 03, 2008, 03:02:24 pm »
Thought id be authentic and actually start at SLC instead of ORD for good old skywest....beware of the CRJ baby!!!

General Chat / Question
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:00:15 am »
What is the most desired aircraft right now....

I like the 737-300 and ATR'

General Chat / Is it me???
« on: March 12, 2008, 11:08:53 pm »
oh and does anyone know when the CRJ series began service??? late 80's or early 90's? Because as we all know skywest doesnt have ATR's, 7372 or 757 lol

General Chat / Is it me???
« on: March 12, 2008, 11:06:47 pm »
hahaha ya got me but anyways i am only loosing like a grand or two i think....pooor pooor me lol oh nad for the last time im not complaining, just exposing  :oops: i love support FT and love how yall support each other....i just love how the person ur helping isnt fairing as well as the help lol

General Chat / Is it me???
« on: March 12, 2008, 04:02:00 am »
All under one alliance....this route is ORD-MEM
Dassault Mercure 7.5  €1
Boeing 737-200 Adv 1  €1
SE 210 Caravelle Super 10B 1  €1
Airbus A300B2-200 4  €1
SE 210 Caravelle Super 10B 7  €1
SE 210 Caravelle Super 10B 7  €1
SE 210 Caravelle Super 10B 7  €1
The rest of us.....
BAe-146-100 0.5  €600
Boeing 737-200 6  €99
SE 210 Caravelle Super 10B 1  €600
BAe-146-100 1  €700
DHC-3/PZL-3S Beaver 1  €99

Gotta love stupidity, sad thing is that im making money on this route too

General Chat / Is it me???
« on: March 12, 2008, 12:19:52 am »
its more of a lol type situation not me complaining, trust me if i was complaining it would be about something major, i was more pointing out the fact that people think they are invinsable when they join big alliances like FT which i think is going on 3 stages at #1...cant remember.....anyways im more interested in leasing out planes at this point i think it poses a greater challenge at the moment....and there no way in hell i can make a run to the top 50 at this juncture since the round is so short....FYI I will be putting out Fk6000 for 1.7mil lease or 25mil purchase if anyone wants any let me know i got 5 going offline here within the hour

General Chat / Is it me???
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:44:08 pm »
haha on a side note, i have a guy going after me thinking that he will put me out of business because hes in an alliance (FT :roll: ), not only has he started a farewar but in the long run he will be pissing ppl off just because he thinks he can drive me out of this route and overall my hub.......i have a feeling the alliance person(s) backing him will back away once they realize im not going anywhere and dont need to profit on this route to keep it....amature

General Chat / Is it me???
« on: March 11, 2008, 12:20:09 am »
Ok Ive recieved several emails and have been reading several forums and have noticed that people are whinning too much...Part of the challenge in this game is to stick to your guns and not be a sore loser when someone does something you dont like. Some advise alliances are very helpful in times of need like fare wars, if u got the money why not just go do that, otherwise accept the fact that others are going to be cheap and try to drive you out. Ive realized that theres no point in whinning to death about someone does this some one does that, if you arent making money maybe you should do some research before you aquire a gate on a particular route, if someone has a 1 euro fare stick to your fare because guess what in the long run you will make more money. I know I have been apart of trying to suggest things and i will cont to do so but realistically speaking the staff running the site can do only so much and even then its not gonna be the real world, so stop this non-sense "but in the real world" crap....and grow some balls and stick to your guns, running an airline is difficult and prolonged and things dont happen overnight...Thanks

PS-Also having 100% LF is not always the way to be most profitable some routes you make more at 75% then 100%...sorta like the real world  :roll: so dont freak out about always having 100% LF

General Chat / Jobs in real life like AM
« on: March 02, 2008, 02:20:47 pm »
I think Im the only non-aviation related worker here lol (cop) althogh I went to pilot school in college for 2 years in chicago and the wx was horrible and c152 xwind component is like 17kts and to aviation in chicago thats like a leaf blowing around. so then i went into police science and got my BA in that and looky now I still fly 100kts in the air on the side and 100mph on the ground for my job lol so like its been mentioned before flying isnt necessarily having a desire to or not, we all want to fly its whether its practical beyond schooling is whether its realistic and for most of us its not and we have to save up to make flying our hobbies. Plus unless you go in on the management side of flying, the job market and pay is not all that good for 5-10 years and those college loans really add up after you graduate lol

General Chat / Need some help
« on: March 02, 2008, 06:25:27 am »
because i would like to add it to my signature and airline logo...any info would be great

General Chat / Need some help
« on: March 02, 2008, 06:23:46 am »
So is the airline log thingy down or something because I have mine done and its a JPEG and is 36kb and still wont i doing something wrong or what?

General Chat / Another dumb question
« on: February 29, 2008, 08:11:33 am »
so say if they do pick up i dont get anything for assisting with the transaction??? or is that were airline value comes into play in terms of equaling out my stupidity on this case

General Chat / Another dumb question
« on: February 29, 2008, 06:41:22 am »
well now i feel like and idiot how do u negociate the mark up because i was being curious and just clicker "broker plane" or whatever it was, the only benift then of me doing this was airline value and naming the plane and at somepoint i may end up having to pay full price and if i dont at that point have the money what happens

General Chat / Another dumb question
« on: February 29, 2008, 06:23:26 am »
thank you

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