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Penalties for cheaters


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Reply #15 on: November 30, 2007, 03:35:20 pm
Quote from: "dktc"

What I am thinking is a fixed amount + a percentage of networth + an additional percentage of administrative fee (which unfortunately, I don't get to pocket). The fixed amount would most possibly cover the unfair gain from the violation, which the other two should make up the real penalty. At the moment, it is only 120% of the fixed amount, which sometimes does not even cover all the unfair profit made, although the sum is usually large enough to sound good :roll:

Cash penalties are fine and dandy; however, unless you fine them 10-20 billion and send them deep into the red, they will most likely be back up and running quickly. Say you catch an airline cheating and it has 100mil DOP and about 6 billion in available cash. Even if you fine the airline 20 billion, it will be back up and running within a week as if nothing happened. Even if you prevent the airline from logging in for a week, it would take just a few hours of route adjusting to get back near normal.

I would rather see a cheating airline's cash set to 0 and their DOP severely reduced (80-90%) for a period of time (6 months to 1 year for minor penalties; 2-4 years for major penalties).
Planet Express Airways
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Reply #16 on: November 30, 2007, 04:20:36 pm
What I am thinking of is relating the airline's networth (value) to the penalty. Say if I take 50%*networth of cash away, I am positive most airlines will be in red :lol:

But another factor we have to take into consideration is that we are to deter players from violating the routes and to take away any advantages they have possibly gained from doing so. In the process, we may add a bit something in there, but it is not in our interest to drive all players away. (wait... no... I mean it is not in Stephen's interest to drive them away, although I personally don't care for them at all.) Too creul a penalty would just be a waste of time for both parties. It would be much easier to reset/delete the account instead. However, that would drive away players and increase complaints (which in my pov are unreasonable... but then people will start screaming at me because that is politically incorrect. People love to be fake, and teh authority is always wrong...oh well... :roll: )
D Express (id 616) 8)
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Reply #17 on: November 30, 2007, 05:13:16 pm
Just make it a rule that if someone created more then two or three fake accounts you ban all his/her accounts immediately. These efheads don't just try to cheat, they try to kill the game. (And thus aren't responsive to penalties)
EO Blue Sky Mine (XAI), ID 2041

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Reply #18 on: November 30, 2007, 05:29:46 pm
Quote from: "dktc"
In the process, we may add a bit something in there, but it is not in our interest to drive all players away. (wait... no... I mean it is not in Stephen's interest to drive them away, although I personally don't care for them at all.)

I'm going out a limb and say that the majority of the people you would drive away are more detrimental to the game and are the kind of people Stephen wouldn't mind not seeing again.
Planet Express Airways
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Reply #19 on: November 30, 2007, 07:11:00 pm
Problem is there is no way to know for sure that account is a fake or a dupe in most cases.

I just got another email questioning why his accounting got deleted. And yes, I mean "questioning", not "enqiring" or "asking". Under ideal circumstances, in which everyone would read the game rules and realize that they are the ones who got their own account deleted, I would telling them to f*** themselves. But the problem is, everyone assume it is my fault that their accounts got suspended or deleted. It is always my fault that they are ignorant. It is my fault that they cheat. It is my fault that they share computer with someone else that use a very similar email address or a fake address as they use, without telling us......

Anyway, the point is, there could be innocent people that got deleted if I go ahead and delete everyone I think is violating the rule, and I would not be able to stand those guilty idiots blaming me. Then, people will complain that I am rude (like I am being complained about now for speaking the truth instead of being fake) and that I should get fired.

Someone would be commenting that I am self-centered and that I am being defensive again. :roll:
D Express (id 616) 8)
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Reply #20 on: November 30, 2007, 09:47:37 pm
Quote from: "dktc"
Problem is there is no way to know for sure that account is a fake or a dupe in most cases.

I just got another email questioning why his accounting got deleted. And yes, I mean "questioning", not "enqiring" or "asking". Under ideal circumstances, in which everyone would read the game rules and realize that they are the ones who got their own account deleted, I would telling them to f*** themselves. But the problem is, everyone assume it is my fault that their accounts got suspended or deleted. It is always my fault that they are ignorant. It is my fault that they cheat. It is my fault that they share computer with someone else that use a very similar email address or a fake address as they use, without telling us......

Anyway, the point is, there could be innocent people that got deleted if I go ahead and delete everyone I think is violating the rule, and I would not be able to stand those guilty idiots blaming me. Then, people will complain that I am rude (like I am being complained about now for speaking the truth instead of being fake) and that I should get fired.

Someone would be commenting that I am self-centered and that I am being defensive again. :roll:

You need to liberally quote forum rule number 1
'This is the private property of Stephen and his backers'
'You don't have to be here'

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Reply #21 on: November 30, 2007, 10:15:26 pm
Quote from: "CornField"
You need to liberally quote forum rule number 1
'This is the private property of Stephen and his backers'
'You don't have to be here'

And people say I am rude and tell me to go f*** myself. They are out of here. :roll:
(and this is a real occurance... and one of these days, I will fire myself)
D Express (id 616) 8)
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Reply #22 on: November 30, 2007, 10:44:48 pm
Use one of the game's biggest problems to your advantage;  release all their gates and make their accounts inactive for 24 hours.  especially if their in a busy place like north america or europe, they will never get their gates back.


The only way they could stay alive is going like hampo and lease everything, but that would be tough to do. 8)

Blue Sky Mine

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Reply #23 on: December 01, 2007, 10:31:21 am
Quote from: "dktc"
Problem is there is no way to know for sure that account is a fake or a dupe in most cases.

I just got another email questioning why his accounting got deleted. And yes, I mean "questioning", not "enqiring" or "asking". Under ideal circumstances, in which everyone would read the game rules and realize that they are the ones who got their own account deleted, I would telling them to f*** themselves. But the problem is, everyone assume it is my fault that their accounts got suspended or deleted. It is always my fault that they are ignorant. It is my fault that they cheat. It is my fault that they share computer with someone else that use a very similar email address or a fake address as they use, without telling us......

Anyway, the point is, there could be innocent people that got deleted if I go ahead and delete everyone I think is violating the rule, and I would not be able to stand those guilty idiots blaming me. Then, people will complain that I am rude (like I am being complained about now for speaking the truth instead of being fake) and that I should get fired.

Someone would be commenting that I am self-centered and that I am being defensive again. :roll:

Yah, I know that part... I reckon it doesn't matter if you run a board or a game, the rule violaters are the guys who have the worst grammer and the biggest vocab of insults...

I mean, seriously. The AM page has written all over it that you won't tolerate multiple accounts. And most people on here don't share their accounts with 13 brothers who have the the mail adresses

Really I can understand that you're annoyed!
EO Blue Sky Mine (XAI), ID 2041

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Reply #24 on: December 01, 2007, 03:52:58 pm
Excuse my ignorance but how can you cheat on this game anyway?


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Reply #25 on: December 01, 2007, 04:03:57 pm
Quote from: "BritishNational"
Excuse my ignorance but how can you cheat on this game anyway?

by making double accounts so one of the accouts can have like 20 starter DC-3 and sell them to the base accounts with like, 50% off  :roll:

or exposing the .5 routes, or sql injection the server to give your accounts free money  :roll:
GweBS Air[BS]. A New Life Is Here.
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Reply #26 on: December 01, 2007, 05:32:00 pm
Quote from: "gagahput3ra"
Quote from: "BritishNational"
Excuse my ignorance but how can you cheat on this game anyway?

by making double accounts so one of the accouts can have like 20 starter DC-3 and sell them to the base accounts with like, 50% off  :roll:

or exposing the .5 routes, or sql injection the server to give your accounts free money  :roll:

Yah, and some of those are pretty obvious: There were some players in the game who had 6 DC-3s on the first gameday without being a broker. Honni soit qui mal y pense :roll:
EO Blue Sky Mine (XAI), ID 2041

Mein Maserati fährt 210,
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Reply #27 on: December 01, 2007, 05:36:24 pm
Quote from: "Blue Sky Mine"
Quote from: "gagahput3ra"
Quote from: "BritishNational"
Excuse my ignorance but how can you cheat on this game anyway?

by making double accounts so one of the accouts can have like 20 starter DC-3 and sell them to the base accounts with like, 50% off  :roll:

or exposing the .5 routes, or sql injection the server to give your accounts free money  :roll:

Yah, and some of those are pretty obvious: There were some players in the game who had 6 DC-3s on the first gameday without being a broker. Honni soit qui mal y pense :roll:

and what does it mean, i really didn't understand them  :roll:

GweBS Air[BS]. A New Life Is Here.
BlueSkies Members
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Blue Sky Mine

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Reply #28 on: December 01, 2007, 06:16:23 pm
Disdained be who thinks it's a bad sign.
EO Blue Sky Mine (XAI), ID 2041

Mein Maserati fährt 210,
Schwupp, die Polizei hat´s nicht geseh´n,
das macht Spaß!
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Air Elbonia

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Reply #29 on: December 01, 2007, 07:36:23 pm
Quote from: "gagahput3ra"
Quote from: "BritishNational"
Excuse my ignorance but how can you cheat on this game anyway?

by making double accounts so one of the accouts can have like 20 starter DC-3 and sell them to the base accounts with like, 50% off  :roll:

or exposing the .5 routes, or sql injection the server to give your accounts free money  :roll:

where's the sql injection. pm me.
Air Elbonia, First in Time Travel since 2073!  (AEB ID in Game: 333)


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