Position: Chinese-speaking forum moderator
Brief duties & requirements: To moderate the upcoming Chinese forums where appropriate.
Payment: No financial reward.
* Aged 18 years or older (This may be asked to be confirmed)
* Have a good knowledge of Airline Mogul, its recent developments and knowledge of at least the last round (More experience = more informed decisions)
* Strong interest in aviation & Airline Mogul
* Minimum time availability of 2 hours per day.
* Anyone with examinations for school/college (State/final exams) are encouraged not to apply.
* Have a good form of communications.
* Act in a professional and personable manner.
* Act in a responsible manner with regard to duties and any tasks/privileges set on them.
* Fluency in both Traditional Chinese and English. Knowledge of Simplified Chinese not required, but is an advantage. (Does not have to be first languages, but we reserve the rights to test your language skills during the application process)
* Knowledge of how to use Gmail & GoogleTalk is an advantage.
Detailed Duties
* To moderate the Chinese forums
* Help those who have questions about the game
* Organize the forums and the posts of the users
* Other tasks as required and delegated by staff
Closing Date: 19th Oct, 2007 (Friday)
Applications to: stephen(dot)murphy(at)airlinemogul(dot)com
Required Information:
* Full real name
* Forum nickname
* Airline Name
* Airline ID
* Reason(s) why you want to apply for this post
* Any details you think are relevant
Other: Extra weighting will be made for those that put in significant effort and/or visible aspiration to attain the position. Bonus will also be given to those with Third level education, either current or previous.
Miscellaneous considerations:
- Not allowed to be GizGiz
- Not allowed to be GizGiz
- Not allowed to be GizGiz
There are a total of 1 positions available
職位: 中文版面管理員
職位簡介: 管理即將面世的 AM 中文 討論區
報酬: 沒有任何金錢報酬
* 十八歲或以上 (可被要求出示文件證明 )
* 對 Airline Mogul 有深入認識 , 包括近期發展及上一回合的經驗 (更多經驗 = 更能作適當決定 )
* 對 Airline Mogul 及航空有濃厚興趣
* 每天最少能撥出兩小時來管理討論區
* 需應付公開考試者, 請不要申請
* 具備良好溝通技巧
* 態度專業、友善
* 能成熟、負責任地執行職責和使用特權
* 流利繁體中文及英文,懂簡体中文者優先。 (毋須是母語 ,但我們保留測試申請者語言能力的權利 )
* 懂使用谷歌 Gmail 及 GoogleTalk 者優先
* 管理中文討論區版面
* 協助解答玩家的疑問
* 保持討論區的整潔
* 其他由職員安排的職責
截止申請日期: 2007 年 10 月19 日 ( 星期 五)
申請請寄: stephen(dot)murphy(at)airlinemogul(dot)com
* 真實姓名
* 討論區別名
* 航空公司名字
* 航空公司編號
* 申請此 職位之原因
* 其他你認為與 此職位有關的 資料
其他: 能展示熱切期望或抱負者、為得到此職位而付出努力之人仕、及擁有大專或以上程度者, 將獲優先考慮
名額 1 名