Airline Mogul Forum

A Distance Calulator Would Be Nice


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Reply #15 on: November 10, 2007, 06:24:31 am
Quote from: "dktc"
Quote from: "Jps"
Are the "premium features" going to free?

Yes, they are going to free up some time for the premium users for other things (provided they have a life outside AM :P )

No, you need to pay for those features.

 :?  Pay....

ID: 5000 ~ Flying Beyond The Stars

Air Elbonia

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Reply #16 on: November 10, 2007, 10:34:27 am
Quote from: "bibi974"
Hope these "premium features" won't spread everywhere... might kill competition, prevent some people from playin and/or create a huge gap between thse who paid and tose who didn't as those last one would be a ta disadvantage...unless that's what you like, AM would soon because and All-pay game.
Maybe i m going too far in thinking? :D

Anyway so far AM's been great thx

There is no worry of AM becoming an all-pay game. have no fear.

premium features at best will be relatively minor convenience updates to a few pages, maybe an extra site skin or two.  The real difference maker will be in the multiworld functionality.  This is not wholely hammered out at the moment but generally speaking: there will be some form of token system created for multiworlds.  say, 1-2 token(s) to enter a game (where you start out with something like 5 tokens); all players have tokens generated automatically as time progresses however the premium players get tokens at a reasonably faster rate.  This is significant in that it'll cost between X and Y tokens to generate a private world of your own.  I'm also considering capping the number of active worlds a player can be in, which would be eliminated for premium players.  I've seen a similar system in action elsewhere, and it seems pretty fair and fun for all; incentive for those who wish to pay while providing the game essentially fully featured (gameplay wise) free for all who don't.  

**DISCLAIMER: general outline may be subject to change while the principle that premium features are rather minor convenience oriented alterations or multiworld related advantages is locked in.**
Air Elbonia, First in Time Travel since 2073!  (AEB ID in Game: 333)


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Reply #17 on: November 10, 2007, 10:37:33 am
What's the cost per month to be one?

ID: 5000 ~ Flying Beyond The Stars


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Reply #18 on: November 10, 2007, 12:37:38 pm
seems fair enough, hope it won't cost too much

You never rose that high!


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Reply #19 on: November 10, 2007, 10:38:22 pm
Nothing has been discussed fully on a staff level so theres lots left to do on that front. More important issues to solve before we go money grabbing. Unless we have issues with costs. :)
Stephen Murphy
Airline Mogul Chief Developer


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