Airline Mogul Forum

Cheating or just unfair?

Sheep Air

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Reply #30 on: June 07, 2008, 09:25:26 pm
In a previous round, I used to have fun seeing what I could drive a competitor down to by adjusting routes I competed on. With one, I actually managed to get him down to under 99%, before he crept back up over 99%.

It's not just about constant load factor - it's also about the speed with which they respond when you adjust a route they are on. You can play all kind of games to investigate it - vary time of day you adjust, play around with aircraft size and frequencies and watch what their responses are and how quickly they respond, no matter what you do.

Its a game within a game :D ;)

Dooskie III

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Reply #31 on: June 08, 2008, 06:33:13 pm
Quote from: "epxair"
there are some reasons why LF drops so dramatically within a short time.....

1. Larger planes mean more seats, more profits (theoretically)......however, if one edit the fare cheaper than your route, your profit and load factor get severe damage because you are using a LARGE plane!!!(eg. 767)

2. over focus on short haul routes......short haul routes are the ones which always have intense competition!!!! so why not fly to somewhere farther but less or even NO competition?? take my airline of W6 as an example.....i fly to more than 1800 airports from atlanta.....

by now.....i just edit my routes about every 3 days (W6)....and my LF still maintain very well.....
my suggestion is that if someone compete with you.......just let them go.....don't change your fleet so often.....
remember you also need research fee in order to edit a route...
only renew your fleet unless you can earn more significantly....and try more long haul.... :D

p.s. i never use cheats....also i have stated many times it is not wise to build a base on my bases :D
And as you found two rounds ago, it's not wise to build a base on my bases.  8)


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Reply #32 on: June 08, 2008, 06:47:46 pm
And as you found two rounds ago, it's not wise to build a base on my bases.  8) ex-competitor....
actually at that time i was planned to start off by having a base in SEA which i think there maybe less competition....and no matter how i was planned to move out to another mega base in latter stage........

can't imagine that i just try to hv at least one airport with less competition but i made the wrong choice lol
uropacific 4659
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Reply #33 on: June 09, 2008, 05:17:26 am
Quote from: "fenati2"
all this is possible.

but by the other hand, we yes, have cheaters on the game. its easy to see them; check the 10 top players of your world and you will see 99,5% loadfactors. thats absolutely impossible unless they use some cheating script to update their routes.

you can see that the real players, have 80, 85%: thats the best you can get when you have so many routes. im world#6 number 17 in the rank, and i cant get more then 87% loadfactor, because i would have to stay the entire day updating my routes. if i click right now on routes under 50% loadfactor, i get more then 150 routes do edit. imagine someone twice as bigger then me, with 95% loadfactor...

santa claus i guess.

my 979 routes are just fine, i typically only have to change about 25 routes in a whole real world day. (world 3 might i add) Best advise i can give you, is quit whinning.

Dooskie III

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Reply #34 on: June 11, 2008, 09:06:04 am
Quote from: "fenati2"
i insist. that this is no excuse. i also have a big airline, i fly to almost every possible place below 2000nm arround my bases, and im saying is impossible to get 99.5% and mantain it. In europe, from big bases like mine, say frankfurt, madrid, etc, there is NO ROUTE without some competition.

its not a nonsense, for christ sake. i doubt is too hard for someone who knows programming well to make a greasemonkey script or something.

you have to at least agree with me that for a big airline to mantain above 90% loadfactor you have to be the entire day editing routes.

I've got almost 2,900 routes in North America and maintain a 100% LF, with no 'monkey' business at all going on. My laptop is on in front of me all day long, I take a five minute break from work every hour just to keep up with how my airline is doing. I edit anywhere from zero to five routes per hour. That's it, unless someone decides they're going to make some big attack on one of my bases, then it might be more.  8)


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