Airline Mogul Forum

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Topics - ashuji

Pages: 1
The A-Z of the Broker Market / *TrAnS aSiA bRoKeRaGe*- PW# 2646
« on: February 08, 2012, 02:17:02 pm »
*TrAnS aSiA bRoKeRaGe*( the newest enterant in the close knit community of official brokers) is pleased to announce that we are open for business in PW# 2646 .

Currently we try to offer various aircrafts twice daily in the lease market. We take interest in researching the market and offering the most suitable aircrafts.
 Also, very soon we would be offering corporate discounts to our esteemed partners (customers).
 So dont waste time , mail us ingame with your proposal if you represent an airline or alliance & plan to expand.

We take pride in the quality of service we offer.

Implemented Suggestions / In Game Mail Suggestions
« on: February 05, 2011, 12:41:41 pm »
I am writing the following after doing a thorough search of the "suggestions" area.Hopefully I am not repeating them.

The suggestions are not directly related to the basic gameplay, but would hopefully improve the message system.

  • Delete Button should be placed on the Top of the message list too. It is placed at the bottom atm, and one has to scroll down to delete anything
  • A new saved/ archive folder to be added, so that messages considered worth saving may be put there.
  • The message box ( where we write messages) needs some tweaking. There is no result of formatting/ spacing / paragraphing, etc on the end result.
  • Options of Mail Lists to be added. It will help in sending similar mails to more than one player.Maybe two predefined standard mail lists should be there for everyone - One of AM staff & second of that world's Official Brokers.

This is just my two bits regarding what I thought would simplify and enhance the IGM system. I have absolutely no idea if the above mentioned are feasable or practically possible.

Game Strategy / Aircraft queries - Full World
« on: February 04, 2011, 08:28:36 am »
Airline ID: 39535
World ID: Public World #1841
Current world year: June 1993
Current bases: Beijing Capital International / Hong Kong - Chek Lap Kok
DOC: € 17,899,943
Forum code: Airline Mogul - See my airline

Goals:  Top 10 ranking , airline value.

As this is my first FULL world in the real sense, I need some suggestions about the way I feel like playing here.
  • I plan to operate mostly A/c with over 400 speed , is that viable ?
  • Bombardier CRJ-100LR for < 2 mil Pax cities.
  • Fokker F28 Fellowship 4000/6000 for 2-8 mil Pax cities
  • Fokker 100's for > 8 mil Pax cities

Assumptions :
  • The above mentioned cities are in the A/c range
  • F-100's to be replaced by better/ bigger A/c for > 15 mil cities when it is affordable.

There is minimal competition atm, 1-2 competitors with 70+ seater ATR's or BAe ATP's or smaller A/c.

I have read time and again that ATR's or BAe ATP's are very profitable, but TBH I dont feel like doing so many routes on numerous small A/c's.

Could you all kindly have a look at my airline and tell me :
  • if its possible to do without ATR's or BAe ATP's .
  • are the Pax limits correct that I have set for these A/c's.
  • Can F-100's be the mainstay of my airline for the next 1-2 game year ?

Hope to recieve similar guidance as I have done in the past.

Bugs / [Fixed] Great Circle Mapper Error
« on: February 03, 2011, 05:36:01 pm »
The following error is prolly causing my route image to not load.I tried copying the link in a new window and got this :
Unknown Airport Code: DQA

The Airport details are as follows:
Airport InformationAirport   
IATA   Airport Name   Gates   Cost
DQA   Daqing Saertu   49   €50,000
ICAO   Passengers   Cargo   Country
ZYDQ   101,553   310    China
Gate Rental Information for Daqing Saertu

Airline ID is 39535
Current World:
Public World #1841

Any help would be appreciated.

General Chat / Broker in a private world
« on: January 07, 2011, 10:07:33 am »
I would just like to ask if the broker in a private world is appointed by the world's creator  or is it done by AM staff.

Game Strategy / Airline Analysis requested.
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:22:57 pm »
Airline ID:39535
Public World #1776
Time Left: 2 years
Map Type: Large World
Game Date :4 Nov 1986
Current bases: 1) BOM/VABB/ Chhatrapati Shivaji International
                     2)DXB /OMDB / Dubai International Airport

Financial Situation
DOC: € 4,770,496

Forum code: Airline Mogul - See my airline

Goals:Learning to play in a beter fashion alongwith attaining decent rankings.

A Critical Analysis of the airline is expected from all the experienced players, with the view of pointing out the loopholes and areas of betterment.

All tips for gameplay advancement with special emphasis on the best planes are welcome.

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