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Topics - Sky Blue Air

Pages: 1
Bugs / [HELP!]My AM account was disappeared!
« on: April 11, 2008, 01:39:29 pm »
My AM account was disappeared!
I was very angry about this.
The problem begin after the testing of updated administration systems for Multiworlds.
I'm a user that registered before the Multiworlds Launch.
I don't know since the admin reply my email.

Your account has not been affected by the database error. You should be able to log in.

Then i reply:

But i can't login with these
''Either the email address and password entered do not match those on the file, you have not activated your account or you are not appoved for testing.''

i'm sorry for create a new account for observe and check my airline and
I can't find my airline in world # 4.
My airline name is Sky Blue Airline in asia.
Where is my data?

He said:
You asked for a reset, which was carried out promptly.....
so, you need to rebuild your airline before it appears in ranking.

I was shocked when i check the ranking,
My airline was disappeared without a trace.
Be honestly,i never Multiple Account.
Could you re-build the acount for me please?
Thank you!

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