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Messages - kfai

Pages: 1
General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 06:05:23 pm »
Quote from: "dktc"
Quote from: "sla31"
Quote from: "myflyingsky"
Quote from: "juancho"
Wether you have enough time or not is not their problem.  You obviously had more than enough time to setup those routes. If I were the admin I would save you time and delete your account. :roll: You got caught and now you guys are whinning, well tough sh*t.

I think you really need to mind your language.
I don't think we are get caught.

He right d1 is going to lock this topic if you don't watch it.

Maybe, Maybe not...

...guys, the situation is being examined closely by StephenM. And trust me when I said closely.

Let's give d1 a break for a bit. His is cracking under the pressure (instead of cracking down on you all). Please be patient for a bit and trust StephenM to take care of this situation (trust me if not him :P ). He gets all your points and the whole admin team is learning with this "experience".

@KFai, don't worry about your order from me. The planes would be kept on the market, awaiting you to pick them up (as promised in my recent post in my brokerage thread).

Thanks, CEO of D Express.

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 05:56:30 pm »
5:17 PM air.elbonia: that will still happen
i have, and properly use, 71 gates at msp (out of 300)
it would only take 4 active airlines there on my scale to fill it
me: I'm trying to catch the people who don't properly use the gates.
5:18 PM (i.e. the multiple 0.5's on the same route, the high frequency flights, etc...)
air.elbonia: all theroetically valid strategies
5:19 PM i suppose i'm a lot more laissez-faire about it
me: Stephen's had enough, I've had enough, Asia's had enough.

Mr. dl-3508, see what one of our dear Admin Mr. Air. Elbonia said. Have you forgot?
Are u logic enough?  
If you think 0.5 frequency is not valid, you should not allow us to do so at early time. Not to block us at game year 2003.

Also, please inform us before blocking us. You blocking action may causes me to loose 3 orders from our broker, 5 billion in total. This is lucky to me as it only cost 5billion. Ifyou blocked me few days earlier, total lost may be >15billion. :twisted:

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 12:23:43 pm »
Quote from: "StephenM"
If your airline was banned, please email either of the 2 email address, as stated in the message! Its not the end of the world, we just want to get rid of the bugs. When the aircraft are removed you can be unbanned again. Its quite simple.

Mr. Stephen, one of our dear adamins,

I'm afraid it is not the porblem of bugs, but the emotional action from another ADMIN dl-3508.
I understand there is a problem arised from B707 problem and you, Mr. Stephen, have to get rid of it. But please understand that we have just been banned with an improper way and without a rational reason. (That means, we don't have such planes and not affected by B707 issues)

In additional, this action made us feel that he is trying to use his power to protect his own/alliance's profit...

Thanks for trying to show us the way but our situation is not like that. You will be appreciated if you can help us figure it out.

General Chat / NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY...
« on: August 26, 2007, 08:17:08 am »

Guys, see you all playing the game NEXT WEEK. You've all been banned. (the ones on that list, excluding Dora)
CEO of Pacfic Blue, ID 302.
Senior Editor of AMM (Airline Mogul Magazine)

"The Night Watchman" (Big Pete)
2nd Most Southerly Member in the game.

barbarian. Y DORA could be excluded
forget it... Barbarian will not(or unable to) answer any question

General Chat / SHOCKED by a SECOND WARNING from dl-3508
« on: August 24, 2007, 02:10:32 pm »
don't know how others will judge me. but one thing they can see directly is someone get caught asking for an appeal.

ok...then to the admins: please work together or arguements and appeals will be endless. This is what i can say to them.

lastly, because admins can't solve the problems, then please lock this thread. looking forward for a solution

This thread should be locked is because of you. Please be conscious. This game is open for public to join (as it is a webpage), you cannot kick someone out by your own preference. If I break the agreement before I join the game, fine, you could call a cop and take me to the jail... :roll:  However, my current situation seems not like this...

Please stop argue about this problem because of me and our dear ADMIN. I open this post is want everyone know what I encountered. We are playing a airline game, not a war game. I just looking for satisfaction from buying planes, creating routes and earning virtual money. Please keep remind yourself that the money is "Virtual", don't loose mind in the game. This game allow us to communicate, neogiate and deal with other parties. I believe it is not for people to personal attack each other.

What I want to state again, is the confuse from our dear ADMIN. I'm not going to attack anyone, but want to ask: Why I should be WARNED? Same as the court, I want to know what your warning based on. Which rule? Please tell me your JUSTIFICATION.

General Chat / SHOCKED by a SECOND WARNING from dl-3508
« on: August 23, 2007, 07:09:58 pm »
Dear all,

I regret to announce that Today our Airline CEO - K.K.Fai have received a email from our dear site adimin. - dl-3508, the content is about a warning of our Airline operation.

The following is the complete content of the mail:

Sender : HIDDEN

Date :  23rdAug, 2007 8:07:06


Title :  Re: Airline Mogul


Hi, I am d1-3508, an adminstrator on Airline Mogul.
Now, we have a problem here.
I have found all of you have taken all or most of the remaining gates at the following airports, so I am going to list them;
Kapellen Airservice: ATH, BRE, FRA, KLX, LXS, JMK, NAP, CIA & FCO
King's Arm Airline: TKG, HLP, CGK, SEL & HND
Pacific Atlantic Airline: DEL & MES
Flower Family: HZG, LYA, ENY & XIY
KFAI Airlines: HRB, KUL & BOM
MOMO Rabbit Airlines: KUL & SEL
Royal Pacific Airline: MFM & ICN
Tottoko Hamutar?Airline: MES, PEN, SEL & ICN
Free Flying Airline: ITM
Doraemon Airlines: ITM & HND
I want you all to respond to this email, but that's all for the moment.

If you do not return these gates, and I have to give
another warning to you, you will be banned until a date
that we see fit.


Based on the requests by our dear admin(ADMIN), I - on behalve of KFai Airline,  based on the notified further actions, I would like to raise some questions as follows:

 1. In the previous mail, ADMIN claim that "we have problem here.". Please clearly define what is the problem is. ADMIN was stated the fact "ADMIN have found ALL of you have taken all or most of the remaining gates at the following airports", but didn't list out the problem. Violation of game rules? Which Rules? please define. Noted that most of the base gates rented by KFai Airline were nearly 100% utilization.

2. Previous mail again. ADMIN listed out some Airline names, what is the meaning of that email? As you mentioned, "I WANT you all to respond to this email", please, NOT a MUST. The point is, I don't know what should I reply ADMIN for this email. Committment of returning gates? Closing the Airlines? Or simpily follow D Express Airline's action, close all the existing routes? If so, please advice, why I have to do so. Is it a non-disclosure rule that all participants have to follow?

3. Last question from Previous mail. ADMIN mentioned "..., but that's all for the moment". AS ADMIN STATED, no follow-up action or requred action other than reply ADMIN's mail. However, what will be consequence for not reply that mail? I'm afraid that it was not stated in last mail. In addition, NO DEADLINE for requested reply. This made CEO of KFai Airline get confused, what can I do, what should I do and when should I do.

4. For the email received today, I wounder that why this is a SECOND WARNING. Is that mean the previous email is a WARNING? It doesn't make any sense that a mail without a word of "WARNING" or "ADVICE" is a WANRING LETTER? May be all staff in KFai Airline's English level are bad enough to get a F in GCE level English Lang. exam?

5. Refer from the email, "If you do not return these gates, and I have to give another warning to you", before ADMIN to do so, please answer me the following:
i. Why I have to return these gates?
ii. Have you warned me before? Based on what? Evidence?
iii. Why you have to warn us? Too wide expansion? Anti-Trust Laws? my dear...
iv. These gates were RENT, not BORROW, all participants are required to pay the rental fee of renting a single gate. Please note that I have not lent money from ADMIN. ADMIN should not have the power to take our gates back if and only if KFai Airline violates the game rules. Please tell us how can you do this based on the avaliablility of using/renting those gates from the system.

6. "..., you will be banned until a date that we see fit." ADMIN will first banned my account? or give another warning to me first? or the account banning will be the warning action? When will you do so? What criteria that you will banned my account/warning to me?
I would like to say, banning my account is not a form of warning, but a displinary action. Silly question: Assuming my account is BANNED, do you still can see that I am ABLE to FIX IT?

Last but not the least, according to the "Airline Mogul Wiki", "Gates and Routes": "Create Route", it stated as following:
"Also, only airplanes that have a flight to or from the departure airport are included to prevent unrealistic, and impossible in real-life, airplane movements. If no airplanes show up in the list, your fleet has no aircraft that can fly this route."
That's the reason why I think our action does not violates the game rule and our dear ADMIN have NO REASON to give any displinary action to us. ADMIN may advice us to release the gate or to admend the system so that prevents same situation appear again, but PLEASE not do something that is UNFAIR to us.

Anyway, Thanks for the great game creator/ designer for providing such great designed game to us. Hopefully this game could continully improved.

KFai Airline

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