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Messages - MarkP1969

Pages: 1 2
dktc- Thank you for the explanation.

I can only wish that maybe a poll can be taken and possibly, depending on the years in the private world, (maybe at the half way point of said world) you guys can consider atleast one stimulus type package per private world for no cost with limits perhaps. Based on a percentage of what you paid to start your world. 

Anyway, I look forward to the edit world functions.

pck- I apologize as well and thank you for your explanations as well.

Sure. It is your world. You made it with your tokens. Now, that does not mean you have the liberty to bypass the rules and give a so-called "stimulus" package (which might only stimulate your airline), nor are you granted the freedom to deduct hard-earned cash from a player, due to jealousy/envy. They are private in the way that you are given rights to how you start your airline world.

500k? more than enough. More money = buys more aircraft = more time consuming in making routes. use something that is between your temples, enclosed by your skull.

Private: secluded - Credits to: Oxford - The Australian School Dictionary
Privacy in Airline Mogul is when you have the rights to choose the basics of the world.

Semi-Private? nothing shows up in all my dictionaries

The Staff have taken this action to prevent deduction of cash. "Big Brother" has not watched over Airline Mogul, the "citizens" of AM themselves have complained. So, for the full fairness for all, the staff had done this.

Now, stop whining about this change. If you even bothered to buy tokens instead of waiting for them, maybe you can start off with 5 Boeing 747s with a starting cash of 80billion and play your dream world. No one cares. So, why don't you just shut it and live with it, or go running away to another game whilst crying.


I have purchased plenty of tokens thank you. I am not sitting around waiting for them to magically appear. So instead of allowing to take away money why not just allow to give a stimulus? And furthermore I have a right to my opinion same as you so no I won't shut it and how about you shut it and run away to another dimension?

So I misplaced a dash?

semiprivate definition

semiĀ·priĀ·vate (-pr??v?t)

partly but not completely private;

I still strongly agree. If all the members of a private world vote on a stimulus package for the members how does that effect anyone else outside of my world. It is my world and as such should be allowed to run it as we see fit. No sense in even having private worlds. Go ahead and shut them all down there is no good reason to have them now. Just so I can pick who I can play with? Not a good enough option for private worlds in my book. I can see that Airline Mogul maybe is not a good choice for me anyway anymore. And I am sure there are others that agree.

To all those that think 500k is ok. Well I don't have time for that so my airline suffers because I don't have time to log in 8 times a day and make routes etc...

These are private worlds. PRIVATE! That means they are private. What does private mean?

Privacy, the ability of a person to control the availability and path of information about himself or herself and exposure of himself or herself.

Maybe you should change the name to Semi-Private? Since that is what they have become now. Big Brother is watching them now!

I personally do not like this idea and it is bummer. Some airlines need the extra boost and as long as it is a group decision then it should be allowed. This was one of the best features of private worlds. There is no benefit of going private now other than playing with a few friends only. This should be a decision based upon the creator of the private world. There should be private worlds with both features. Either cash stimulus turned on or off and posted as such in the private world info area. This is not a good idea and will personally probably drive me a and my small team away from here.

Bugs / Re: Menu bar dissappeared
« on: January 02, 2009, 03:49:31 pm »
I confirm. Same issue here in my home. Have checked multiple pcs and browsers

Game Strategy / best regional aircraft?
« on: July 28, 2008, 04:50:38 am »
Gulfstream 1 or  2 low seats high profit

General Chat / Airline VAlue
« on: July 02, 2008, 03:03:10 am »
Ok I searched and found like 10.0000000000.00000 results none of them helped..

What effects Airline value?

Game Updates / Premium Features for Gate Search
« on: July 02, 2008, 02:40:21 am »
Not understanding how check my gates works...when I check that I get 0 results

General Chat / Yo Man, the world's big enough for both of us....
« on: June 21, 2008, 09:06:00 pm »
:roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Flight Simulators & Online Flying / Vatsim or VA members here??
« on: March 17, 2008, 02:55:54 am »
Founder Ozark Virtual Airlines:

VATSIM ID: 814838

General Chat / To those already doing 2+ frequencies on routes...
« on: March 06, 2008, 04:09:11 am »
Quote from: "MusicAIR"
Quote from: "Vamerica"
I wasn't even talking about there strategy, I was just answering a question, no need to get mad at me.

Though no matter what, MarkP1969's response was a bit harsh, I believe he was probably referring to the idea of running 2+ frequencies and not to your correct post about going into debt on gate rentals (something not enough people realize!). :)

That is exactly what I was saying....I don't care if you have 70000000000000000000000000000's routes on a city pair or if you have a 7989897907890780 seat aircraft doing it whatever! This is a game and I treat it as such. It is fun don't get me wrong. But I am not going to rant and rave because someone ruined my precious route....get over it and concentrate on the game people!

General Chat / To those already doing 2+ frequencies on routes...
« on: March 03, 2008, 01:42:13 am »
Who cares? This is a freaking game people. I dont really care what the other guy does...that is there strategy and let them do it....whatever.

Game News / IMPORTANT POLL [Please Vote]
« on: February 24, 2008, 01:55:56 am »
2 years....I will sit out...extend it for two years

General Chat / When's the next reset?
« on: January 10, 2008, 12:57:45 am »
Define reset please

General Chat / Newbie questions
« on: January 07, 2008, 12:53:17 am »
Thanks chaps!

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