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Messages - Lord Voldemort

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Game Strategy / Re: Which continent and why?
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:02:13 am »
Europe, then NAmerica if I'm going for rank in a fast paced game, Asia if I want to play semi competitively but more laid back, and Africa/SAmerica is I just want to have a super laid back round, maybe a few hour per week. I've never tried the Middle East or Australia. Maybe I should give Antarctica a shot as well  :lol:?

Game Strategy / Question about route length
« on: January 10, 2011, 12:58:28 am »
Does longer route length increase the demand or just the amount people are willing to pay?
I know it seems trivial but if the former then I can place a larger aircraft on some of these routes  :-*

EDIT: Unrelated but it popped up.
Recently I just finished creating routes from all my bases to ALL my gates.
My not base gates all had 50% capacity (5 routes). However, two of my bases had two more routes than the other 3. Can someone explain how this is the case?

General Chat / Re: Any Sense in less than 100% Loadfactor?
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:42:32 am »
Right... It was only of the first 10 routes I made, and now I have 100.
That makes more sense, considering I've been in the base less than 5 game months.

General Chat / Re: Any Sense in less than 100% Loadfactor?
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:56:58 am »
Its fairly small so you may not notice it too much. It should give you preference atleast over competition on a route.

It seems large enough. I was editing a 90% LF route, and I was actually able to raise the price by 3 for 100%.

Game Strategy / Re: Airline Analysis requested.
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:40:36 pm »
In my opinion leases aren't that bad, no need to get rid of them.
First, you get to use them immediately, AND you don't need to pay maintenance.
Replace them when the lease time is short or you have oodles of $ to spend.
EDIT: Whoa, lots of leases. But still, no need to get rid of them.
Just buy from now out, it'll be cheaper at first.

Bugs / Re: World Info - At a Glance Error
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:08:24 pm »
Yeah it was corrected today, thanks.
I don't want to start a new thread about this, but is there a way to view which completed worlds you have been in? Sometimes it's fun to just go down memory lane.

General Chat / Re: History of you playing AM
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:04:23 pm »
My friend, nwadeltaboy, introduced it to me.
I was hooked almost right away. My first base was in Cairo, my DOP was $8 Million by the end of the round.
Then I tried a Europe base... and then I really got hooked... $8 Million? Haha, chump change.
I played for a good year, and then I got a little tired.
I just remembered this place again, and I'm hooked yet again.

General Chat / Re: Any Sense in less than 100% Loadfactor?
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:56:17 pm »
Right! It's a seniority bonus or something like that. Thanks.

[=] Suggestions / Re: List of Online Players?
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:54:07 pm »
I think it should go in the rankings next to their id and just be like the gates red circle for not online green for online

This is a good idea as well. I was thinking under the title, where it says:
Welcome Name, Your ID is Number
PM(x).... etc..
Other online players are: a, b, c....()

However this might clutter up the top, especially in public worlds.
This might be a reason for AirbusGuy350's idea, as even if it takes a bit longer find online players, it won't clutter any menus or anything.

Bugs / World Info - At a Glance Error
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:36:34 am »
A small problem really, but I thought I ought to point it out nonetheless.
On Private World 1794, Deutsch Abfliegen, ID 13327.

The World Info - At a Glance shows each of my two bases twice.
Also, the market share percentage that it shows for each are different.

General Chat / Re: The Welcome back thread
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:42:42 am »
Ah, it feels good to be back  :D

General Chat / Re: The corrupted wish game.
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:40:13 am »
Wish granted, but there's nothing for me to corrupt :(

I wish my Planes would come in faster!

General Chat / Re: Any Sense in less than 100% Loadfactor?
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:37:53 am »
To any new players that happen to chance upon this:
1. If you have hundreds of routes, it's just not worth the time to edit each route to squeeze out a few extra $.
2. More importantly: to stop the price wars. At some point, realize that it's better to take a 93.18% Load Factor earning you 50k than each of you going down, down, and further down until even though you have 100% load factor you might only be earning 30-40k. I remember in the Public Worlds the LHR - CDG route, what you would think would be one of the most profitable due to insanely high passenger counts in both places, and the low fuel, actually only ended up earning you 40k tops by year 5. Why? Everyone wants a piece of the pie, and they want their piece of the pie to by 100% of the theoretical size. Unfortunately, they were giving away bits of the pie in the process...

One of my routes in my current game: Frankfurt to Rome.
There are 4 of us there, and everyone priced it at 330. My LF is only 79%. However, I know if I break this balance that we have here, it'll only start to hurt as the price will drop, 1 euro at a time, to god knows what.

[=] Suggestions / Re: List of Online Players?
« on: January 03, 2011, 10:12:08 pm »
Gotta love Mr. MUST HAVE 100% Loadfactor...  ^-^

[=] Suggestions / List of Online Players?
« on: January 03, 2011, 04:23:59 am »
I decided to jump back into this game :)... I've been learning programming recently and somehow that reminded me of this I guess. Anyways, I don't know how hard this would be to implement, given my new found appreciation of the difficulty of making seemingly small/easy updates, but a list of online players in a given world would be nice to have, for business purposes to see who it would be best to send requests, etc.. to.

Anyways, looking forward to getting into AM again!
PS - I also liked that there's mini-forum on each world! Cool stuff!

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