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Topics - Midwest15

Pages: 1
General Chat / Question
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:00:15 am »
What is the most desired aircraft right now....

I like the 737-300 and ATR'

General Chat / Is it me???
« on: March 11, 2008, 12:20:09 am »
Ok Ive recieved several emails and have been reading several forums and have noticed that people are whinning too much...Part of the challenge in this game is to stick to your guns and not be a sore loser when someone does something you dont like. Some advise alliances are very helpful in times of need like fare wars, if u got the money why not just go do that, otherwise accept the fact that others are going to be cheap and try to drive you out. Ive realized that theres no point in whinning to death about someone does this some one does that, if you arent making money maybe you should do some research before you aquire a gate on a particular route, if someone has a 1 euro fare stick to your fare because guess what in the long run you will make more money. I know I have been apart of trying to suggest things and i will cont to do so but realistically speaking the staff running the site can do only so much and even then its not gonna be the real world, so stop this non-sense "but in the real world" crap....and grow some balls and stick to your guns, running an airline is difficult and prolonged and things dont happen overnight...Thanks

PS-Also having 100% LF is not always the way to be most profitable some routes you make more at 75% then 100%...sorta like the real world  :roll: so dont freak out about always having 100% LF

General Chat / Need some help
« on: March 02, 2008, 06:23:46 am »
So is the airline log thingy down or something because I have mine done and its a JPEG and is 36kb and still wont i doing something wrong or what?

General Chat / Another dumb question
« on: February 29, 2008, 06:21:12 am »
When I accept and Open Broker Request, that aircraft becomes mine correct??? Ive never done it before and thought id be stupid and click ok and am kinda worried now

General Chat / Huge Question
« on: February 29, 2008, 05:55:38 am »
How can "*a certain airline" be valued at €92,510,415 with 3 aircaft and 0% utilization of gates (36), 0 profit, 0 Pax etc....Im just curious...

PS-Is this owner a broker or just amazingly good at making money lol

*edited by dktc: please don't accuse your fellow player in public*

Bugs / Focus City issues
« on: January 28, 2008, 08:45:28 am »
I cant open a focus city for some reason...i have 4 gates at my hub
ID: 9060

General Chat / Question
« on: January 26, 2008, 12:04:57 pm »
I'm totally confused on why im in the red below I will show you the stats and the hopefully someone can explain to me why im in the red.....

DOP=603K(What does DOP mean?)

I looked in the finance section too and it said I would make 8mill in profits i being impatient?

Pages: 1
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