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Topics - moondog

Pages: 1
General Chat / I think the starter plane was too good
« on: March 03, 2008, 12:49:00 pm »
While I enjoyed the benefits of starting out with a bigger airplane (it was much harder getting things going with that Beech last round), IMO the game has been altered in an un-natural manner by the bigger starter plane.

In particular, whenever accounts are closed, brokers end up with them, which they in turn sell/lease, sometimes on the open market, and sometimes through private transactions.

Airlines that have been lucky enough to pick them up on the cheap have derived considerable benefit at the expense of the rest.

I expect that the advantage associated with this will dissipate as the round progresses, but it has been marked thus far.

My thoughts:

-Beech was too small; something with 30-50 seats would be better
-revise the scrapping system (IMO scrapped planes should simply disappear from the game; if that sounds too drastic, maybe put some measures in place to boost the costs that the brokers have to incur)

General Chat / maintenance costs
« on: February 04, 2008, 09:39:23 am »
I'd like to know more about how these are caculated and what factors influence them.  I understand that owned gates are subject to maintenance fees (and this a big piece of the pie for me), but I'm interested in slicing away at the rest of that 855 m.   This was not an issue last round (when everyone flew the same plane); this time, it's having a profound effect on the bottom line.

Bugs / 747s too slow
« on: January 26, 2008, 08:43:19 pm »
Hi.  I've spent enough time on 747s to know that they cruise much faster than 490-5 mph.  I think the proper figure is closer to 590 iirc.

Bugs / starliner range is a bit misleading
« on: January 11, 2008, 11:31:59 am »
Hello.  I found out today --through experience-- that the Starliner's true range (within the context of the game) is significantly shorter than the advertised 7194.  Actually, it's a (semi-obvious) feature of the plane's speed, but the farthest it can go in 24 hours is 6776 miles ({24-0.39 turn time}*287).

Bugs / $3 b just disappeared from my cash account
« on: December 18, 2007, 10:37:21 am »
Several minutes ago, I was sitting on $3.5b in cash and I tried to buy some L1049Gs (a perfect plane for running out the round because they can fly anywhere and no need to worry about draining off excess hours). Requests for 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, and 20 planes were denied..... then I finally bought 10 and now my cash balance is a mere $20k. In other words, I appear to have been shorted $3b. If they're retracting yesterday's $1.5b gift, I understand, but why am I down 2x that?

Bugs / incorrect route distances
« on: October 17, 2007, 02:16:19 am »
I just researched HND-LAX and learned that the game thinks the distance is 5482 nm (actual distance is within 1% of that number, but the units are statute miles; 4769 is the correct number for "nm").  This isn't really a problem, assuming aircraft ranges are also quoted in statute miles, but if this is not the case, it might be worth fixing.

Bugs / error when trying to launch new routes
« on: October 13, 2007, 09:35:20 pm »
Hi.  Whenever I try to create a new route from my home city, I receive the following error message:

Error: The airport you have selected to depart from is not a focus city, hub, or base available to you. Please try again.  

My airline is Air Moo in case any of you admins want to check it out.

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