Airline Mogul Forum

Aircraft Cycles and Hours reset


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on: April 19, 2009, 03:04:28 am
I don't know if this is a bug or some sort of maintenance overhaul feature. But I pulled my 727-200 adv.'s from their routes and they have sat idle for maybe 10 game days. Now they have 0 hours and 0 cycles, they all had close to or over 30,000 hours, like said not sure if it is a bug or some feature of the game i did not know about.

Upper Valley Air ID 20086
Aircrafts 32, 33, 42-47

I imagine you can manipulate maintenance costs with this, just figured i would mention it.


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Reply #1 on: April 19, 2009, 05:20:18 pm
I just discovered this problem too - two of my airplanes which are leased out now display 0 cycles and 0 airframe hours - while I had in fact flown these airplanes for not less than 5000 and 1000 hours, respectively.

On the aircraft leasing page all aircrafts show 0 age, 0 cycles and 0 airframe hours (those with aircraft id smaller than 2000 should obviously be older than 1 year of age!)
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