Airline Mogul Forum

Airline Value dropping...


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on: March 01, 2008, 11:28:32 am
Hey im just curious....

I created a second base this morning (I woke up and found a large ammount of cash in the bank!  :D )

I opened up base No2 at Seoul - Gimpo Intl.... close to my home base Tokyo Heneda HND.... purely becuase I could serve all the airports I already have gates rented at (Utilisation)

I based x2 aircraft there and ordered one more NAMC YS11A-500....

Opening up at Seoul increased my DOP by 900.000+ (with only 2 NAMC YS11A's based there at current)

On the ranking legue I then plumeted down from 102 (at the current time) to 169.

Is this becuase I spent a large proportion of my money on perishable services such as gate purchase and creating a base?

I would had thought that this would have increased my airline value or is this effect temporary?

All opinions welcome



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Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 11:51:25 am
tis only temporary

once you get more money and your planes are delivered you'll go up again


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