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Demonstration of how to ruin a route :)

Jps · 117 · 20193


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Reply #45 on: February 25, 2008, 04:12:59 pm
Quote from: "ceo_txi"
Like I said...lets take this away from want to act all big and crap on here,meet me on yahoo,if you have the ' me,we about to see how much of a badd a$$ you really are.

now will someone lock this thread.

Are you going to be real mean on Yahoo?  :shock:  Let me find my old sweats. Don't want to ruin good clothes if we are going to rumble.  :lol:


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Reply #46 on: February 25, 2008, 04:39:49 pm
:popcorn:  :lol:

Blue Sky Mine

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Reply #47 on: February 25, 2008, 04:53:21 pm
yay, the multiple-freq-idiots are back again :?
EO Blue Sky Mine (XAI), ID 2041

Mein Maserati fährt 210,
Schwupp, die Polizei hat´s nicht geseh´n,
das macht Spaß!
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Reply #48 on: February 25, 2008, 06:38:01 pm
Quote from: "myefre"
Quote from: "ceo_txi"
It was you then...The original PM I sent was to the airline...You stated that you didnt run that airline.
If you didnt run that airline as you stated,then it would not have been you that got the PM.So therefore you lied.
And for the record,it was not an obnoxious PM.
So,with that said... we see that you are a pathetic sit down & STFU little boy.

And if you want to continue this, catch me on yahoo.. my screen name is DARK.RAVEN

You sent this PM to me.

Title: Stop

Dont you think you have enough cash and aircraft already?
It really takes the fun away when you start the predatory pricing.Especially for a small upstart airline.

I am not a liar. :roll:

It's funny how with a little effort you learned what airline I really am. Why don't you take that same effort and learn you Son of Myefre is. That way you don't do anything else stupid.

Also, telling me to "STFU" is a hell of a lot closer to a threat than anything  I told you you hypocrite. But that's OK. I don't mind. I'm not going to STFU though.  :lol:

BTW, I found out you were running 4-7 freq on your routes. No wonder they kept editting the routes. Learn to play the game before you go off whining.

And it looks like he's back at doing multiple frequencies again


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Reply #49 on: February 25, 2008, 07:00:59 pm


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Reply #50 on: February 25, 2008, 07:06:56 pm
Quote from: "ceo_txi"
Oh wow...2 least im not charging 1.00 fares like certain others are doing.
In reality,there are 4 and 5 flights for each airline at each city in real life.
You are making a big deal out of nothing.
At least I dont have 7 flights to each city for $1.00 fares.
So stop trying to stir the pot,and create more animosity.

Considering you are based out of HOU, there are a number of other airports within the range of the starter aircraft that could give you better DOP than running multiples. Stirring the pot? Hardly. Just calling it as I see it.


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Reply #51 on: February 25, 2008, 07:14:28 pm


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Reply #52 on: February 25, 2008, 07:20:31 pm
Quote from: "ceo_txi"
Oh wow...2 least im not charging 1.00 fares like certain others are doing.
In reality,there are 4 and 5 flights for each airline at each city in real life.
You are making a big deal out of nothing.
At least I dont have 7 flights to each city for $1.00 fares.
So stop trying to stir the pot,and create more animosity.

Take a look at this airport and feel better with your "just freq. 2" flights:  :wink:

Anyway, as long as you go with the rules feel free to do anything you want to. In other words: have fun playing here! Gives me a better chance for higher rankings.  8)
an (AirHanoverInternational ID:5980)


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Reply #53 on: February 25, 2008, 07:28:00 pm
Quote from: "ceo_txi"
well,Im like new to this game.And all I am doing is mimicking the same routes that the real Texas International flew.
It is strictly for nostalgic reasons.nothing more-nothing less.I dont have a desire to see who has the biggest set of balls here.But I have to try to remember that most every one here is probabley under the age of puberty,and thinks they run the world.
Anyways,There is no rule that says I cant do that.Im trying to keep it as close to real as is possible.
But for the record,I will not let someone disrespect me.I might let the 1st remark go by,but escalate it,and I dont hold nothing back,even if it pisses off others.
I stand my ground,and dont let NO BODY intimidate me.

AM does not mimic the real world, however. Running multiple frequencies, even at 2x, decreases overall route DOP. Try running WNs DAL-HOU schedule and see what fares you get.

You get the respect you give to others.


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Reply #54 on: February 25, 2008, 07:46:31 pm
Quote from: "ceo_txi"
well,Im like new to this game.And all I am doing is mimicking the same routes that the real Texas International flew.
It is strictly for nostalgic reasons.nothing more-nothing less.I dont have a desire to see who has the biggest set of balls here.But I have to try to remember that most every one here is probabley under the age of puberty,and thinks they run the world.
Anyways,There is no rule that says I cant do that.Im trying to keep it as close to real as is possible.
But for the record,I will not let someone disrespect me.I might let the 1st remark go by,but escalate it,and I dont hold nothing back,even if it pisses off others.
I stand my ground,and dont let NO BODY intimidate me.

and challenge them to a duel at the OK Yahoo.  :twisted:


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Reply #55 on: February 25, 2008, 09:35:30 pm
I see a lock coming this way :roll:

@myefre and ceo_txi: Act like grown-ups, no matter how under-aged you consider the general AM population to be and no matter who you think has started this argument, just stay on topic or keep this a Yahoo-talk conversation.


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Reply #56 on: February 25, 2008, 10:08:36 pm
Quote from: "ceo_txi"
And all I am doing is mimicking the same routes that the real Texas International flew.
It is strictly for nostalgic reasons.nothing more-nothing less.

Then that means you shouldn't care about how much profit you make on a route. Make your "peanuts", establish the route network, and be happy.
Planet Express Airways
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ID: 3446

Opinions expressed in my posts are suggestions to achieve maximum airline value and top rankings.
If you do not wish for either, then feel free to ignore.


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Reply #57 on: February 25, 2008, 10:14:37 pm
@ ceo_txi: I think I have warned you not to post anything about this in the forum or the post will be locked. Like most of the time, I am the great predictor :lol: . Please act your age. You are behaving no more than "kids that have not hit puberty", as you have put it. Further "not backing down" and "demanding respect" could potentially result in discipinary action. If it really boils down to using "respect" as an argument, the case is pretty much lost (when you don't have any authority or legality to demand the "respect" you want, that is).

@myfere: Calm down. We (as in the MO's) have been trying to do you in for quite a while but we have not gathered any evidence to do anything at all. That means you are pretty clean (despite quite an amount of players have thought that you are cheating, because of your ranking, and your strategies). Don't give us a reason to ban you for being rude on the forum. :P  :wink:

To all users: if you have to pick a fight, go elsewhere. Not only should you schedule the fight in another venue (and don't forget to send us tickets at the support address :P ), there are a lot of other games out there you could go. If you love picking fights, go to those other games (I don't want to mention names... or someone would be breathing down my neck again~... ).

Now... ice yourself down and get back on topic! or... rather... stop posting in this topic :roll:

*edit: The "doing myfere in" part sounds a bit evil :lol: . That is more of a joke when I posted that... but in reality, we do keep track of him, just so we could tell the players who email us about him that he is legal with confident. :) *
D Express (id 616) 8)
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Reply #58 on: February 25, 2008, 10:48:02 pm
Quote from: "dktc"
*edit: The "doing myfere in" part sounds a bit evil :lol: . That is more of a joke when I posted that... but in reality, we do keep track of him, just so we could tell the players who email us about him that he is legal with confident. :) *

 :shock:  :twisted:  :shock:  8)  :shock:


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Reply #59 on: February 26, 2008, 12:09:07 am
Quote from: "dktc"
edit: The "doing myfere in" part sounds a bit evil :lol: . That is more of a joke when I posted that... but in reality, we do keep track of him, just so we could tell the players who email us about him that he is legal with confident. :) *

AFIAK, myefre likes folks doing evil against him. Or at least if you're a leather-clad female  :twisted:


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