Airline Mogul Forum

K Bai

gvw888 · 18 · 3319


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on: January 10, 2008, 10:48:13 pm
We can only agree to disagree.


Navigation #3: Regional Airline based in mid-size airports.
ARIA Company - ID: 2061

Well if that is the attitude of even the mods ie 'I disagree with you so I'm going to lock the thread' and 'playing the game like an idiot is OK so f**k you', then I don't have any further interest in the game.
Kudos to Stephen for a brilliant concept and programming skills, just a pity that it's the kind of game that always brings out the carrots in people.

Quick, you mods, run and lock this thread before anyone can reply :lol:

Edited by StephenM - Removed a word and replaced it with a lovely vegetable


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Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 10:53:54 pm
Well i guess they wanted to avoid ppol arguing.
 ID 5228
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Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 10:55:19 pm
Well I am very proud of the fact that the forums have largely stayed friendly. I want to keep it that way too. So keep the language polite and discussion on topic. If you want to play with yourself do so in private. ;)
Stephen Murphy
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Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 11:39:54 pm
Stephan, you dont stop half the swearing :lol:
British Pan Airways (BPA)

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Reply #4 on: January 10, 2008, 11:57:18 pm
Quote from: "Seattle"
Stephan, you dont stop half the swearing :lol:

Thats what mods are for.
Stephen Murphy
Airline Mogul Chief Developer


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Reply #5 on: January 11, 2008, 12:19:26 am
I've yet to be on a forum where people agreed on things.  I habitually post on flyertalk and a half dozen tech forums.  The most learning and interaction you'll get is when you debate things.  Having the gestapo close any forum discussion that they dislike isn't doing anyone a favor.  

Certainly, if you want to limit the $1 route discussions, make a post for it and force people to use that thread.  Have a look at the status match thread on flyertalk.  No need for the forum to be full of the stuff, but it is certainly a very valid discussion that most people on here want to have.


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Reply #6 on: January 11, 2008, 12:26:19 am
It's called experience.

The €1 discussions keep going into a circle with no sort of agreement reached in the end.  Just like (f)lamers in religious "discussions" in various forums in cyberspace.

Bye, and don't forget to close the door behind you.

This is a free game.  If you don't like it, go somewhere else - CornField.


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Reply #7 on: January 11, 2008, 01:13:18 am
As I have told Stephen several days ago, we don't "need" to lock those threads. What we need is Stephen to say we don't need to stop anything until it has escalated to a point where unacceptable behaviors occur. If Stephen is willing to say that, I can guarantee all mods will stop working. It is a matter of conscious and consensus.

By conscious, I mean whether we, as mods, should let things escalate, knowing full well it is going to turn ugly; whether that is what we want; and whether that is something we can stand. By consensus, I mean whether this is the will of this community to have a mod free environment; and whether this is agree upon by the admin team, esp. the site owner, Stephen. If the consensus part is fulfilled, the worst we as mods would do is resign if we can't stand that and have to stand by our values.

The question in debate here is whether you all want the forum to run loose without any enforcement of rules or any restrains at all. If that is what you all choose, I will personally convince Stephen that all mods will go on holiday without providing any support or enforcement of rules, of any sort until further notice. You could then all f-ing swear the heck off in every single post and to the face of every single user in this community without any censor, if that is what you all want. Personally, do I care? If not for some sort of obligation to Stephen, the other admins, and the game, I would had been gone months ago. So, please let us know if you guys don't want us mods doing anything because you would be doing us a huge favor.

dktc is very disappointed and annoyed with the behavior of some members of this community, who not only not appreciate what is available to them for free, but are constantly stepping on boundaries; whining, complaining, and threatening to quit. dktc is also totally fed up with spending time here providing service that he has no obligation to provide, but because of which he and his fellow colleagues are being criticized about.
D Express (id 616) 8)
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Reply #8 on: January 11, 2008, 03:45:25 am
Quote from: "gvw888"
We can only agree to disagree.


Navigation #3: Regional Airline based in mid-size airports.
ARIA Company - ID: 2061

Well if that is the attitude of even the mods ie 'I disagree with you so I'm going to lock the thread' and 'playing the game like an idiot is OK so f**k you', then I don't have any further interest in the game.
Kudos to Stephen for a brilliant concept and programming skills, just a pity that it's the kind of game that always brings out the carrots in people.

Quick, you mods, run and lock this thread before anyone can reply :lol:

Edited by StephenM - Removed a word and replaced it with a lovely vegetable

That thread was in a death spiral the second it started.
You want to know the real reason Pacific locked it......  He beat me to it.
I will continue to zealously lock threads that are nothing more than complaining, whining, wheedling, pissing and moaning, or otherwise uselessly ranting about pointless subjects like 1 euro fares, or why any player is quiting a FREE game. That is unless I am told to stop by the owners of the forum.   Those threads add absolutely nothing to the game, the discussion of it, or the devolpment of it.......

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Reply #9 on: January 11, 2008, 04:14:24 am
lol, you belong to a forum, you listen to the owners, its like being obnoxious in a store, then coming back to complain about being kicked out, you dont need to be here! but nice people are welcomed
(mods and Stephen feel free to edit this if you want, though i dont have much choice i suppose)
Undead Air


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Reply #10 on: January 11, 2008, 05:37:03 am


Its funny to watch these things pop-up. Eventually we have a right to "complain" about to much saturation because the game gets to a point where it isnt fun. However, you should no go ranting and critizing the forum moderators because they closed a thread. In this forum, you are the student, the mods are all principles, and Stephan is.... the Superintendent. :P

If you don't listen to them or you activly swear at them, put them down, anger them, you will get DETENTION, or worse EXPELTION. Equivilent of suspended and banned.

Thats how I think of it. So, don't anger the mods and stephan unless you want to be banned. :wink:
British Pan Airways (BPA)

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Reply #11 on: January 11, 2008, 09:15:10 am
Oh cool this a nice little thread. I'd like to mention that some people who post $1 threads are new. So be nice and friendly and kindly say something friendly instead of saying "I'm sick of these threads!" They sometimes are new so you cant really do anything about that.

Also there's a nice little channel called #airlinemogul in IRC. :lol: .. Feel free to chat there.


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Reply #12 on: January 11, 2008, 09:23:45 am
i think that alot of this stuff could be avoided if there was a clear and large box warning about the implications of huge airports and the competition seen there upon creation of base or focus city. this could be set to display at 250-350k airports.
LFC - Melmac Spacelines


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Reply #13 on: January 11, 2008, 10:21:59 am
for gods sake, just make a sticky saying that you cant do anything about the $1 routes so you can save yourself from lockinng the threads

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Reply #14 on: January 11, 2008, 02:33:41 pm
Quote from: "dktc"
As I have told Stephen several days ago, we don't "need" to lock those threads. What we need is Stephen to say we don't need to stop anything until it has escalated to a point where unacceptable behaviors occur. If Stephen is willing to say that, I can guarantee all mods will stop working. It is a matter of conscious and consensus.

By conscious, I mean whether we, as mods, should let things escalate, knowing full well it is going to turn ugly; whether that is what we want; and whether that is something we can stand. By consensus, I mean whether this is the will of this community to have a mod free environment; and whether this is agree upon by the admin team, esp. the site owner, Stephen. If the consensus part is fulfilled, the worst we as mods would do is resign if we can't stand that and have to stand by our values.

The question in debate here is whether you all want the forum to run loose without any enforcement of rules or any restrains at all. If that is what you all choose, I will personally convince Stephen that all mods will go on holiday without providing any support or enforcement of rules, of any sort until further notice. You could then all f-ing swear the heck off in every single post and to the face of every single user in this community without any censor, if that is what you all want. Personally, do I care? If not for some sort of obligation to Stephen, the other admins, and the game, I would had been gone months ago. So, please let us know if you guys don't want us mods doing anything because you would be doing us a huge favor.

dktc is very disappointed and annoyed with the behavior of some members of this community, who not only not appreciate what is available to them for free, but are constantly stepping on boundaries; whining, complaining, and threatening to quit. dktc is also totally fed up with spending time here providing service that he has no obligation to provide, but because of which he and his fellow colleagues are being criticized about.

right - i think we need to seperate the forums from the game.  the game is great - now on to the forum.  Obviously - with the "official subforums" i.e. places you say, hey i've got a suggestion or places where stephen provides game updates - those places should be moderated and kept free of clutter.  However, why we even have mods on the general chat is a great question.  Ultimately i see no need for moderation on the general chat, and if moderation continues - someone should just start a third party forum for people who play AM and want to discuss it.  Does it bother me if I see the word carrot ?  no.  Do long threads bother me. no.  do people whining and moaning bother me. no.  i mean - to me i see absolutely no down side to whining moaning carrying on - because it doesn't affect me, if i don't want to read it, then i won't.  So yes this is a long post of saying that i think moderation on the boards is unnecessary and there's no real need for them (outside of maybe the official subforums).  But as is often pointed out - this is stephens board so he can do what he wants.    And he should realize that sooner or later people will continue to play his game and go to a non-official board to talk about the game.


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