Airline Mogul Forum

Effects of time


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on: January 01, 2008, 09:06:35 pm
Just wondering what effects the passage of time has on the game so that I can plan for it.
Does it have any effect on:
1. The fare price that can be charged Ie. inflation and still maintain load factors.
2. Gate rental.
3. I assume as new aircraft types come into existance that the price is set accordingly.
4. Any other effects?


Air Elbonia

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Reply #1 on: January 02, 2008, 01:22:19 am
1. inflation no, but competition tends to creep in more when time passes [as they get the money to buy the planes to do so]
2. no, except players renting them up.
3. aircraft come in on the 1st of the year, and are phased out at the same time.  [for when a plane is phased out, see the withdrawn information].
4. not exceptionally, there's a weak base demand mod new this age that's based on the game year [demand slightly increments up from year to year].  also, fuel prices change on the year change, but... they seem to be a little low at the moment. definitely need to reevaluate/update the fuel usage formulas.

i may be forgetting other things.
Air Elbonia, First in Time Travel since 2073!  (AEB ID in Game: 333)


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