Airline Mogul Forum

Why can't I make this route?


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on: December 28, 2007, 08:02:04 pm
I have 2 hours left on my Beech which has a speed of 247. So I should be able to do a 1.0 route of up to 494nm right?
So why can't I make a route that is 452nm round trip?
Does the turn time come into it? I don't fully understand how the turn time affects things.
Any explanations gratefully accepted  :)



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Reply #1 on: December 28, 2007, 08:05:56 pm
Turn time is the time needed for the aircraft to unload, refuel and reload. If you fly a round trip, IIRC, the turn time x 2 is added to the total route time.


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Reply #2 on: December 28, 2007, 11:05:09 pm
Hmm OK lets see if I got this right...
So the turn time for the Beech is 11 mins right? Or 22 mins for a round trip.
If I take that off the time left on the aircraft (2 hours) leaves 98 mins available for flying.
At a speed of 247nm/h (4.1 nm/min) It can only do 403nm.
Which is why I can't do the 452nm round trip.
Is that right?


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Reply #3 on: December 28, 2007, 11:11:33 pm
I suppose so...

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Reply #4 on: December 29, 2007, 02:02:28 am
Yep, you got it right....

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