Airline Mogul Forum

SHOCKED by a SECOND WARNING from dl-3508

kfai · 31 · 7599


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on: August 23, 2007, 07:09:58 pm
Dear all,

I regret to announce that Today our Airline CEO - K.K.Fai have received a email from our dear site adimin. - dl-3508, the content is about a warning of our Airline operation.

The following is the complete content of the mail:

Sender : HIDDEN

Date :  23rdAug, 2007 8:07:06


Title :  Re: Airline Mogul


Hi, I am d1-3508, an adminstrator on Airline Mogul.
Now, we have a problem here.
I have found all of you have taken all or most of the remaining gates at the following airports, so I am going to list them;
Kapellen Airservice: ATH, BRE, FRA, KLX, LXS, JMK, NAP, CIA & FCO
King's Arm Airline: TKG, HLP, CGK, SEL & HND
Pacific Atlantic Airline: DEL & MES
Flower Family: HZG, LYA, ENY & XIY
KFAI Airlines: HRB, KUL & BOM
MOMO Rabbit Airlines: KUL & SEL
Royal Pacific Airline: MFM & ICN
Tottoko Hamutar?Airline: MES, PEN, SEL & ICN
Free Flying Airline: ITM
Doraemon Airlines: ITM & HND
I want you all to respond to this email, but that's all for the moment.

If you do not return these gates, and I have to give
another warning to you, you will be banned until a date
that we see fit.


Based on the requests by our dear admin(ADMIN), I - on behalve of KFai Airline,  based on the notified further actions, I would like to raise some questions as follows:

 1. In the previous mail, ADMIN claim that "we have problem here.". Please clearly define what is the problem is. ADMIN was stated the fact "ADMIN have found ALL of you have taken all or most of the remaining gates at the following airports", but didn't list out the problem. Violation of game rules? Which Rules? please define. Noted that most of the base gates rented by KFai Airline were nearly 100% utilization.

2. Previous mail again. ADMIN listed out some Airline names, what is the meaning of that email? As you mentioned, "I WANT you all to respond to this email", please, NOT a MUST. The point is, I don't know what should I reply ADMIN for this email. Committment of returning gates? Closing the Airlines? Or simpily follow D Express Airline's action, close all the existing routes? If so, please advice, why I have to do so. Is it a non-disclosure rule that all participants have to follow?

3. Last question from Previous mail. ADMIN mentioned "..., but that's all for the moment". AS ADMIN STATED, no follow-up action or requred action other than reply ADMIN's mail. However, what will be consequence for not reply that mail? I'm afraid that it was not stated in last mail. In addition, NO DEADLINE for requested reply. This made CEO of KFai Airline get confused, what can I do, what should I do and when should I do.

4. For the email received today, I wounder that why this is a SECOND WARNING. Is that mean the previous email is a WARNING? It doesn't make any sense that a mail without a word of "WARNING" or "ADVICE" is a WANRING LETTER? May be all staff in KFai Airline's English level are bad enough to get a F in GCE level English Lang. exam?

5. Refer from the email, "If you do not return these gates, and I have to give another warning to you", before ADMIN to do so, please answer me the following:
i. Why I have to return these gates?
ii. Have you warned me before? Based on what? Evidence?
iii. Why you have to warn us? Too wide expansion? Anti-Trust Laws? my dear...
iv. These gates were RENT, not BORROW, all participants are required to pay the rental fee of renting a single gate. Please note that I have not lent money from ADMIN. ADMIN should not have the power to take our gates back if and only if KFai Airline violates the game rules. Please tell us how can you do this based on the avaliablility of using/renting those gates from the system.

6. "..., you will be banned until a date that we see fit." ADMIN will first banned my account? or give another warning to me first? or the account banning will be the warning action? When will you do so? What criteria that you will banned my account/warning to me?
I would like to say, banning my account is not a form of warning, but a displinary action. Silly question: Assuming my account is BANNED, do you still can see that I am ABLE to FIX IT?

Last but not the least, according to the "Airline Mogul Wiki", "Gates and Routes": "Create Route", it stated as following:
"Also, only airplanes that have a flight to or from the departure airport are included to prevent unrealistic, and impossible in real-life, airplane movements. If no airplanes show up in the list, your fleet has no aircraft that can fly this route."
That's the reason why I think our action does not violates the game rule and our dear ADMIN have NO REASON to give any displinary action to us. ADMIN may advice us to release the gate or to admend the system so that prevents same situation appear again, but PLEASE not do something that is UNFAIR to us.

Anyway, Thanks for the great game creator/ designer for providing such great designed game to us. Hopefully this game could continully improved.

KFai Airline


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Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 07:14:49 pm
Busted!! hahahaha :lol:


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Reply #2 on: August 23, 2007, 07:43:15 pm
of couse you can easily use up the slot and make it 100% utilization by operate 9*0.5 flight in one route.  :roll:
nited Sky Group member,ID:673


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Reply #3 on: August 23, 2007, 08:14:27 pm
everyone will get angry when they were caught for wrongdoings. you can just let it be.
if i was admin, i'll just click a button and send you out of AM forever :lol:


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Reply #4 on: August 23, 2007, 09:01:30 pm
About this event, I have talked about it before, I will change my rountes to please  what the admin think. Actually, I need sometimes to change all of my route, as you know, it is not a easy task for me to change all of my route in a short time. I dont think anyone can handle four thousands routes in a few days, especially I stay at home 24 hours.For singapore airlines,If I make any inconvenient to you in the past. I make an apology to you , I will try my best to force all of my friends or my alliance members to create' 1 route'instead of 0.5. Thanks a lot.

Mo Mo Rabbit Airlines
ID 850
China Xiamen


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Reply #5 on: August 23, 2007, 09:30:04 pm
Yeah and while your at it. Might as well delete your ridiculous Mexico City-Albuquerque route with the 747-400.


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Reply #6 on: August 23, 2007, 11:30:56 pm
Quote from: "juancho"
Might as well delete your ridiculous Mexico City-Albuquerque route with the 747-400.

Nothing wrong with that route... except he is competing with you, which is NOT the reason why he should delete it. (@warren, if you delete it, let me know. I do have wide-bodies that I could use, as well as a base in MEX).

As for the 0.5 frequency "situation", I have long remained neutral about it. Why? Just because technically, this is NOT a cheat. Theoretically, a feature that is provided to all players does not constitutes any exploitation or any "unfair advantages". I am not saying that 0.5 is good / bad for the game situation, or that it is moral / immoral. It is just that you can't discipline the players for using a feature you provide them with.

As I have mentioned once in another thread, the problem lies on the revenue/profit formulae. It is not the players' faults. It is not a bad idea either. But it is a concern that has to be fixed, and I think AEB is working on it. So, as a result, I have to support KFAI and the others. Not because I agree on what they are doing but simply because the responsibility is not on them. That is, they should not be blamed. However, I do encourage players to shift from flying 0.5 frequencies to 1 frequencies, where possible. That would show your respect and courtesy to the game as well as other players.
D Express (id 616) 8)
AM Membership Officer / Official Broker

Air Elbonia

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Reply #7 on: August 23, 2007, 11:37:01 pm
Quote from: "dktc"
Quote from: "juancho"
Might as well delete your ridiculous Mexico City-Albuquerque route with the 747-400.

Nothing wrong with that route... except he is competing with you, which is NOT the reason why he should delete it. (@warren, if you delete it, let me know. I do have wide-bodies that I could use, as well as a base in MEX).

As for the 0.5 frequency "situation", I have long remained neutral about it. Why? Just because technically, this is NOT a cheat. Theoretically, a feature that is provided to all players does not constitutes any exploitation or any "unfair advantages". I am not saying that 0.5 is good / bad for the game situation, or that it is moral / immoral. It is just that you can't discipline the players for using a feature you provide them with.

As I have mentioned once in another thread, the problem lies on the revenue/profit formulae. It is not the players' faults. It is not a bad idea either. But it is a concern that has to be fixed, and I think AEB is working on it. So, as a result, I have to support KFAI and the others. Not because I agree on what they are doing but simply because the responsibility is not on them. That is, they should not be blamed. However, I do encourage players to shift from flying 0.5 frequencies to 1 frequencies, where possible. That would show your respect and courtesy to the game as well as other players.

The .5 frequency issue is being worked on, but no solution will be perfect (And i'm not for scrapping one-ways simply for the present situation). Thusfar, the new formula will be better then now, but still hasn't gotten far enough along to have reasonably "solved" the loophole.

the difference, at least, with about half the people warned (wasn't me, wasn't my idea per-se) is that they tend towards operating multiple high frequency short hop routes.

I saw an airport earlier today with around 12 different 10+ frequency routes between cities around 100nm apart.  high quantity, high frequency routes tends to get people's ire up (even admins) because it chews up limited gates.  Terminals should reasonably fix this problem when implemented, but as of yet they don't exist.  Yes, even in that case it's not illegal, but it is getting problematic enough to get some admin action.
Air Elbonia, First in Time Travel since 2073!  (AEB ID in Game: 333)


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Reply #8 on: August 23, 2007, 11:46:30 pm
Quote from: "dktc"

Nothing wrong with that route... except he is competing with you, which is NOT the reason why he should delete it.

Yes it is! :evil: Any 747-400 flying into Albuquerque is a travesty and an insult to this game. :x

Jeez, do any of you guys hava a sense of humor?  :lol: I got him beat to a pulp on that route. Not like MOMO gives a rats piss even though that route may be a money loser for him, afterall he's #1 :o


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Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 04:41:36 am
Quote from: "dktc"

Nothing wrong with that route... except he is competing with you, which is NOT the reason why he should delete it. (@warren, if you delete it, let me know. I do have wide-bodies that I could use, as well as a base in MEX).

As for the 0.5 frequency "situation", I have long remained neutral about it. Why? Just because technically, this is NOT a cheat. Theoretically, a feature that is provided to all players does not constitutes any exploitation or any "unfair advantages". I am not saying that 0.5 is good / bad for the game situation, or that it is moral / immoral. It is just that you can't discipline the players for using a feature you provide them with.

As I have mentioned once in another thread, the problem lies on the revenue/profit formulae. It is not the players' faults. It is not a bad idea either. But it is a concern that has to be fixed, and I think AEB is working on it. So, as a result, I have to support KFAI and the others. Not because I agree on what they are doing but simply because the responsibility is not on them. That is, they should not be blamed. However, I do encourage players to shift from flying 0.5 frequencies to 1 frequencies, where possible. That would show your respect and courtesy to the game as well as other players.

of course the revenue/profit fomulae of the game isn't perfect. someone may be have responsibility to this. But as a airline simulation game, they should play as real as possible. Even though they are 'legally' allowed to operate 10*0.5 frequencies, they should realize that they are doing something far from realism. If kfai airlines plays unrealistically because the game formulae is bad, on what ground we can call this logic? He should take the responsibility for playing bad and he should not ask others those silly questions (very silly indeed). And I expect he will change 10*0.5 to 10*1 :lol:  in this way, admin can't warn him because he has lots of money.

so, i have to say again, if i was admin, i'll just click a button and send you out of AM forever. The game is mine and I don't welcome you here. yes, it can be this simple.


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Reply #10 on: August 24, 2007, 05:22:53 am
I'm going to keep my mouth shut for now.

But let me say this. Warren & Kfai, we know what you're up to, and both me & Will saw, so don't lie.

Here's a small example of what we're hunting for: (Taken from )

KAA144217     Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta  36.5
KAA144214    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    36.5
KAA144181    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    21
KAA144228     Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta  36.5
KAA144178    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    21
KAA144219    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    36.5
KAA144225    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    36.5
KAA144182    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    21
KAA144238    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    21
KAA144223    Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta    36.5
EO of Pacfic Blue, ID 302.
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Reply #11 on: August 24, 2007, 05:48:25 am
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"

I saw an airport earlier today with around 12 different 10+ frequency routes between cities around 100nm apart.  high quantity, high frequency routes tends to get people's ire up (even admins) because it chews up limited gates.  Terminals should reasonably fix this problem when implemented, but as of yet they don't exist.  Yes, even in that case it's not illegal, but it is getting problematic enough to get some admin action.

I think that we should implement "common use gates."  Example, why do I need to buy 10 slots (1 gate) at an airport which I only want to fly one round trip per day?

I admit that I am flying 10 frequencies between airports just so that I can get as much bang for my buck in terms of gate utilization.
irXpress (ID: 1955)
Flying only Round-Trips....


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Reply #12 on: August 24, 2007, 05:58:42 am
So, evidence are here. KMF Alliance has been making us small airlines in Asia a very bad time (now even other continents).
now i think you have choices; closing your alliance or make your 10*0.5 frequency to 10*1 frequency.

it's my pleasure for NOT entering your alliance. :roll:

Air Elbonia

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Reply #13 on: August 24, 2007, 06:16:45 am
Quote from: "warreng24"
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"

I saw an airport earlier today with around 12 different 10+ frequency routes between cities around 100nm apart.  high quantity, high frequency routes tends to get people's ire up (even admins) because it chews up limited gates.  Terminals should reasonably fix this problem when implemented, but as of yet they don't exist.  Yes, even in that case it's not illegal, but it is getting problematic enough to get some admin action.

I think that we should implement "common use gates."  Example, why do I need to buy 10 slots (1 gate) at an airport which I only want to fly one round trip per day?

I admit that I am flying 10 frequencies between airports just so that I can get as much bang for my buck in terms of gate utilization.

I personally do not have any issue with 10x.5, or filling up slots at a gate.  It's filling up, for no good economic or profit motive other then monopolization, dozens of gates with 150+ frequencies to a neighboring city.

Common use gates would have the same result as present, just with more precision. unfortunately.
Air Elbonia, First in Time Travel since 2073!  (AEB ID in Game: 333)


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Reply #14 on: August 24, 2007, 08:35:39 am
I will force all of them to cancel the route with high freq. But , I need some time to contact them. On the other hands, I dont think my airlines or K Fai airlines use such methods(  high frequency short hop routes)to hold the gates in Seuol ,Harbin and  Kuala Lumpua,  so can you tell me why we still receive your warning letter?

Mo Mo Rabbit Airlines
China Xiamen
ID 850


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