Airline Mogul Forum

More Airplane Pictures

r20m · 2 · 2278


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on: May 20, 2017, 04:27:18 pm
Small thing:

Will it be too much to add more airplane pictures? I know server load might be a challenge with all the variants, but I feel like older aircraft and current regionals should have them.
I find that I often google them for pics, this would add a little bit of 'immersion' to the mostly-text game. As for royalty-free stuff I can help grab a few good pics for a/c from free databases.

<< r20m >>


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Reply #1 on: May 21, 2017, 09:47:40 am
We would love to, but they are not our pictures. We have asked a few users on to allow us putting a thumbnail of the aircraft linking to their picture. There are not many pictures of older or rare aircraft, so that might be difficult.
The reason why we don't just take any picture we like is copyright. Since there is money involved in Airline Mogul we can't just take anything we like - even though that would be nice and easy :)

If you know anybody who has pictures of the missing aircraft - or if you have the pictures by yourself then please do share - as long as we have written permission to use them :)


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