Can I change your suggestion a little?
A few ideas to make the game more realistic is different pricing. Example 1st class cost more then the nubs in the back. Or executive jets being able to charge much more per person due to the space, and the fact of what kind of aircraft it is. I find it extremely unrealistic that someone would pay $1000, to ride 200 miles in a beach 1900. Ticket pricing should also be based on how far the aircraft has to go, which ties in with the $1000 a piece for 19 people to ride 200 miles. By adding this in the game it adds a realistic touch, slows growth, and allows long haul flights to being more profit by comparison which in reality ticket wise is true.
That is really a good idea - to tie the price with the distance, instead of the amount of seats. Base price could then be e.g. €100 for 200 miles. The beach has 19 seats, that could give a bonus of 10%. It flies 250 knots (just a number), that could give yet another bonus of 25%. That leaves the price at €135. If it were a 737, it would have higher bonuses.
But there's still a cap on the amount of total sold seats (total customers, that is) - let's say that in this example it is 500 seats. If the amount of sold seats exceeds the cap number, the total price would suffer from a penalty. That way it would make sense to fly a regional route with a 1900D instead of a 737.
Another idea would be to allow staff control. Figure how many flight attendants are on the airplane. More service could allow more customers, where if you have a low level of service, you are less likely to be as popular. Marketing could be changed by putting more money into marketing you are putting your self out there, bringing in more people, or less if you go the cheap route in a attempt to save money.
That could be combined with the price suggestion, so if you have good service, you could add a bonus of x%, but if you have bad service, you have to subtract y%. Then it's up to the player to see if bad service saves money, or good service gives more money.
I just think it should be overall service, instead of per route. That will make it all much more simple.
Aircraft Maintenance cost can make or break your bank, but what about pre cautions such as having more mechanics. By having more full time mechanics, and scheduled maintenance less parts will break causing a surge in cost. It is not very realistic to have a sustained cost, for example one beach 1900, nothing goes wrong there should be no fee out side of having it inspected which could tie in with hiring mechanics. But with lack of maintenance something could break causing a major repair needing to happen which could cost $20,000.
I believe that the staff is developing a new maintenance formula, but it has been promised several years ago.
More aircraft, i saw alot of different things on adding in classes of seats, but what about adding in options when you order the aircraft such as more expensive interior. Instead of the base seats lets add tvs in the back of every seat. By having a nicer aircraft it could tie in with adding in a "popularity" of your airline which could inturn go with my suggestions above.
That may be a little harder to do, but I think it can be done. That could also add a bonus to the ticket price.
Thank you for reading my mess of writing rate hate. Talk about it
Thank you for some brilliant suggestions! I hope you like my additions