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Mandela Air (PW 1924)

norge · 13 · 3073


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on: April 27, 2011, 02:27:18 pm

South Africa's new airline commenced operations for three months ago. The name is Mandela Air, named after the famous Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa and a man against racism. We are pleased to wear his (sur)name on our flights.
We are based at the South-African airport OR Tambo in Johannesburg and all current routes are based from the largest airport in Africa. We are very pleased to operate low fares and high service to the many people of this continent.

Here are our "start-up" routes, quite cheap?

MDA 100 Port Elizabeth -- 2 times a day, € 99
MDA 103 Durban -- 2 times a day, € 110
MDA 107 East London -- 1.5 times a day, € 124
MDA 108 Cape Town -- 3 times a day, € 102
MDA 112 George -- 2 times a day, € 90
MDA 200 Nairobi -- 2 times a day, € 160
MDA 207 Harare -- 1.5 times a day, € 127
MDA 208 Dar es Salaam -- 1 time a day, € 232
MDA 217 Lusaka -- 2 times a day, € 105
MDA 220 Mombasa -- 1 time a day, € 230
MDA 235 Windhoek -- 1 time a day, € 186

We are that lucky to have 5 airplanes for all of our routes above. One of them, ZS-AAE, have a clear message: Against HIV/AIDS. The disease is a major problem especially here in Southern Africa, so we are planning to lease ZA-AAE to airlines all over the world, spread the message.

ZS-AAA (Airbus A319), \"The Mandela Pride\"
ZS-AAB (Airbus A319), \"The Freedom\"
ZS-AAC (Airbus A319), \"Evelyn Ntoko Mase\"
ZS-AAD (Airbus A319), \"Winnie Madikizela\"
ZS-AAE (Airbus A319), \"Against HIV/AIDS\"

The name are symbolic, according to us. The Mandela Pride is our flagship aircraft. The Freedom represents freedom. Evelyn N. Mase and Winnie Madikizela is Nelson Mandela first wives. And our special plane, as we said above.

The further fleet plans is undecided, but a small regional jet or an Airbus A318 is planned to be used on our new routes. There are not many big destinations to fly to here in the south.

All For Africa!

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 02:25:05 pm by norge »


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Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 02:38:09 pm
Here is the logo you requested: I put it here with your airline.

The writing is 2 colours, and then the other colours are at the side.


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Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 04:44:46 pm

Now we have gotten a logo! Time to celebrate! Special thanks to ba4, for creating this logo. Mandela Air modified the logo slightly so it fits better. Now there is a livery to be made. The normal white paint scheme with a red "Mandela Air" above the windows seems a bit outdated. It is very ugly, so we wont post it. Instead we will post a preview on our future livery to be revealed in some months. See under.

Mandela Air have modified and removed and changed the routes under.

MDA 107 (East London) have now become MDA 117 and now goes twice a day. The fare have dropped to € 104.
MDA 207 (Harare) have now fares at € 137.

We have introduced a new route, to the island nation of Mauritius. This will be our fourth once-a-day route from OR Tambo. We will later try to increase the frequency on all of these routes.

MDA 284 Plaisance -- 1 time a day, € 257.

Fasten your seatbelts, increase the thrust and fly!

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 08:45:36 pm by norge »


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Reply #3 on: April 29, 2011, 08:46:48 am

Your airline is excellent! Can you show my original logo?


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Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 05:24:59 pm

Just today, we've ordered one Embraer ERJ-170STD for use on our routes to smaller airports in Southern Africa and South Africa. The routes are planned, but not officially known jet. And these routes will be the 13th to maybe 17th (one to four routes). Luanda, Antanarivo and Pointe Noire are speculated to be three routed served by the 6th plane in the fleet.

We have just opened our website, to hang on to this modern world. The name is and is the most up-to-date website in Africa. On the site you'll find route maps, timetables, information and much more for the customers best.

For your information, Mandela Air have changed the following routes under:

MDA 108 (Cape Town) have now got daily services at 4 times a day, and the fare have been reduced to € 85.

This was for increased aviability and will be a major connection if we should open a hub there.

APU. Checked. Service. Great.

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 08:28:49 am by norge »


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Reply #5 on: May 03, 2011, 02:17:44 pm

In October, we got an Embraer ERJ-170STD, and many new routes was speculated. But, Mandela Air came with six surprices. Two of them were just additional routes on our Airbus A319's. We managed to sneak in routes to Bloemfontein and Nelspuit. Both places are easily accesible by car, taking only two-three hours driving in. But we wanted a new option, by plane. The Airbus will fly you there in an hour.

There are four more routes here. The first is Maputo in Mozambique. Like Nelspuit and Bloemfontein, it is easy to travel with car. But then you have to cross the border. We will minimize the cost of going international, and take you safely to Maputo. The next one is to Ivato Int., serving Antananarivo in Madagaskar. This is our first route to one of the largest island of the world.

Then over to the most weirdest route: The 24 nm route to Lanseria, just outside of Johannesburg. Was it the rush hours that made us serve Lanseria? Was it for filling the hours left one the plane? We don't really know either.

The last one is Victoria Falls. We wanted to give tourist the cheap opportunity to spot the fantastic falls. The airport lies close to the falls, so take the jeep and camera and drive a fantastic path on the way. Go on safari and try the African cuisine. We guarantee a great experience.

We give 40% discount on all safaries and "falltrips", with our brand new Victoria Falls Card. Every passenger flying to Victoria Falls will recive the card when boarding. Note that this does not count from Victoria Falls

MDA 104 Bloemfontein -- 2 times a day, € 83
MDA 115 Nelspuit -- 1 time a day, € 140
MDA 120 Lanseria -- 2 times a day, € 110
MDA 205 Maputo -- 2 times a day, € 160
MDA 212 Antananarivo -- 2 times a day, € 210
MDA 218 Victoria Falls -- 1.5 times a day, € 220

But lets introduce the plane:

ZS-AAF (Embraer ERJ-170STD), \"Welcome to Greece\"

The name is just temporarily, for support to the South African athletes during the next years Summer Olympics in Athens. The motto for the games are "Welcome Home", so twisted it a bit and made our plane.

Supporting South Africa during the 2004 Summer Olympics.

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 01:08:02 pm by norge »


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Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 01:44:43 pm

Well, first we'd like to celebrate our first birthday! And is there a better way to celebrate than giving all flights on our foundation date, one year after, a 100% discount? And, all flights during the week we we're born, one year after, have a 50% discount! Go grab your phone, your computer, your car and phone/check/drive-to-your-local-Mandela-Air-office and order right now!

Enough of that. Here is something serious.

Before, Mandela Air had free alcohol during the flights. This was resticted to one bottle per person. And, of course we had a lot of bottles. But giving customers is a hard way of having profits. To even have profits we have increased the cost of bottles to € 70.60. And the amount of bottles per person have been increased to two.

Still, all meals are free.

But on the birthday, new routes have entered Mandela Airs route map. We have Kimberly and Luanda and many exciting new destinations for you to discover and experience. Enjoy the Botwana capitol and a place where the name is named after an explorer.

MDA 116 Kimberly -- 2 times a day, € 135
MDA 213 Luanda -- 1.5 times a day, € 293
MDA 231 Bulawayo -- 2 times a day, € 166
MDA 234 Gaborone -- 1 time a day, € 140
MDA 256 Livingston -- 1 time a day, € 270

But all flight have a plane. Gaborone is served by the remaining time on one of our Airbus A319s. The other is from our second Embraer ERJ-170STD. It is called after Nelson Mandelas current wife.

ZS-AAG (Embraer ERJ-170STD), \"Graça Machel\"

Has it a livery? Yes! Thanks to bolli for creating this marvelous livery. We are stunned! Amazed! We just can't describe the fantasticness of this livery. It is already painted at our flagship aircraft, the Airbus A319 with the name \"The Mandela Pride\"

One year of flights.

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 08:53:33 am by norge »


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Reply #7 on: May 08, 2011, 06:53:37 am
€0.00 to €70.60! That's quite a price change! Inflation?


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Reply #8 on: May 08, 2011, 11:52:44 am
Maybe it was... lets just hope they'll produce more.  ;)


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Reply #9 on: June 05, 2011, 08:49:54 am

It has been a long time since last time, and things have changed in this company. We are now an old company. Three and a half years old! Days and months have passed, but we're still here.

Just an late celebration above.

In the two (silent) years we have built a terminal at OR Tambo Airport in Johannesburg. The terminal, called Terminal Mandela, have ten gates and is also used by alliance members, in the alliance High Flying Alliance. But we don't have that many flights that we could fill it up, and two gates haven't been used at all.

In addition, we have opened a hub and a five-gate terminal in Cape Town. Check out the new routes:

Durban, East London, George, Harare, Windhoek, Lusaka, Port Elizabeth and Uprington.

They're all operated by an Embraer ERJ-170STD.

But not all planes are an Embraer ERJ-170STD or an Airbus A319. Some months ago we ordered an Airbus A320-200. Now it flies to Lagos and Reunion. We also have one on order.

The Report is Back Flying.

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 08:51:42 am by norge »


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Reply #10 on: June 05, 2011, 09:09:08 am
Good Airline!


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Reply #11 on: June 07, 2011, 02:19:06 pm

Since last time, airplanes have comed (but not went). We didn't present the new planes in the last post, so let's do it now:

ZS-AAH (Embraer ERJ-170STD), \"High Flying Alliance\"
ZA-AAI (Embraer ERJ-170STD), \"Cape Town\"
ZA-AAJ (Airbus A320-200), \"Unity In Diversity\"
ZA-AAK (Airbus A320-200), \"Bantu\"

The first is the name of our alliance, and the second is for the hub in Cape Town. But the third, is the motto of South Africa. The last is the common name for nine of South Africas eleven official languages.

Presenting some planes.

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air


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Reply #12 on: June 17, 2011, 04:01:25 pm

The routes originating from our recent hub, Cape Town, have become a new airline. The airline is called West Cape Connection, and only operates from Cape Town as a subsidiary. Logo and livery is to be announced soon by the Mandela Corporation.

Splitting into two.

CEO I. Strandaboe
Mandela Air
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 12:10:05 pm by norge »


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