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Lonestar Airlines All That They Want You to Know! (PW# 1727)


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Lonestar Airlines (LSA), a major Airbus fan, has started purchasing aircraft from Airbus' main competitor Boeing. LSA the launch customer of the Airbus A300B1, has just placed an order for 3 Boeing 737s which will arrive in a few months time. CEO Oddward has told us that he feels that the aircraft supplied by Airbus although reasonable quality do not fulfil the needs of the company's European routes and feels that a smaller jet fits this need better than a large widebody aircraft. Our sources at Airbus have suggested that a competitor to the Boeing 737 series is in the pipeline but nothing will be released at least another decade and certainly not until we have released a viable version of the A300.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 08:15:35 pm by oddward »


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Reply #1 on: December 24, 2010, 08:38:53 pm
Lonestar Airlines European expansion plan is now nearing the end of phase 1 as they are operating 1 flight a day to most of Europe's largest airports from London Heathrow. Currently the flights are operated by 10 of Airbuses' A300B1 and 18 of Boeing's 737-200. There are also a further 6 currently in production. Lonestar Airlines hope that Boeing continues the 737 range and wishes to be the launch customer of subsequent models of this "fantastic aircraft". Lonestar Airlines currently operates 134 flights from London Heathrow and once they have reached a stage at which they are able to expand with flights from 4 major airports in Europe they will and we quote Oddward in saying that "We are well aware that we will not be the first airline to operate flights across the Atlantic, but we will be the most comprehensive and we will take the states by storm with flights from all the American airports that fit our companies stringent requirements for operational effectiveness. Once we have successfully completed this we will move to start flights from at least 2 American cities to those cities in both Europe and America that we already have flights." When pressed on what their stringent requirements were he gave this reply "They help us judge whether an airport is worth the expense of starting a flight. In some exceptional circumstances we will operate flights to those that don't make the cut. We hope to at some point during our European expansion plan a company makes an aircraft that fits our needs, there are already aircraft that meet these but we don't have the need to operate flights to such destinations." When asked on when flights would start to America we were told "When we have the infrastructure in place to support the large through put of passengers that we will see when we start flights to America and once again when we have a suitable aircraft for operational requirements."


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Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 01:38:34 am
Lonestar Airlines Operational announcement. Lonestar Airlines is proud to announce that it will begin routes from Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport once the final destinations are served. They have already rented gates which they are now converting them from the Aéroports de Paris regional attire to those of their domestic European routes ( Red, White, Purple and Gold). Combinations of these colours can be seen on their current fleet as no longhaul routes are operated currently. Lonestar Airlines has also just constructed a 30 gate terminal building at London Heathrow. Oddward has stated that " This terminal has been designed to give all our economy customers the first class experience and all our first class passengers the royal treatment. We have specially designed this terminal building so that the customer is always above the action they are able to see the entire airport in all its glory" They hope to open up new and revolutionary terminals elsewhere around the globe.


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Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 09:50:40 pm

Lonestar Airlines has just announced that they are replacing all their current Boeing 737-200s with the larger 757-200 so far 2 aircraft have been replaced. Originally operating from London Heathrow these planes will now be based at Frankfurt Airport. Once all 737s from LHR have been replaced by 757s the replacement of the 737s operating from Paris Charles-de-Gaulle will also be replaced by 757s. This process will work through out the companies bases until all 737s are replaced by 757s or equivalent aircraft with all aircraft operating from the same base (excluding long haul aircraft) being the same type. Whilst this process is happening Lonestar Airlines is also intending to replace all 747s currently with the company with 767s or equivalent aircraft.


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Reply #4 on: March 10, 2011, 08:57:08 pm
Nice to read this, but can we have a link to your airline?


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