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Taxes and staff salary


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Reply #15 on: November 25, 2010, 05:57:32 am
I couldn't agree more. But if an airline based in, let's say UK, and then opened main bases in Russia, it wouldn't get hit by those taxes. It's easy to bypass.

Tiger In Training

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Reply #16 on: November 25, 2010, 08:27:40 am

The thing with taxes is that they may vary between trading blocs and individual nations.

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #17 on: November 25, 2010, 11:25:40 am
I couldn't agree more. But if an airline based in, let's say UK, and then opened main bases in Russia, it wouldn't get hit by those taxes. It's easy to bypass.

I'm sure there are similar taxes all around the world. Denmark has absolutely horrendous import taxes on aircraft in general. That would mean fewer airlines in Copenhagen. Fewer airlines in Beijing too, as the Chinese gov. would prefer Chinese jets.

It would mean there are places that are hard but profitable to operate from, and places that are easy and profitable.  It would also increase the cost of many popular aircraft types (*cough*A319*cough*), slowing growth a bit.
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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Reply #18 on: November 25, 2010, 01:41:51 pm

The thing with taxes is that they may vary between trading blocs and individual nations.
I'm sure there are similar taxes all around the world. Denmark has absolutely horrendous import taxes on aircraft in general. That would mean fewer airlines in Copenhagen. Fewer airlines in Beijing too, as the Chinese gov. would prefer Chinese jets.

The work that would be involved in terms of research for a feature like this is not something we have the staff resources to support. So it would have to be either a simplified system or simply someone else will have to do the work.
Stephen Murphy
Airline Mogul Chief Developer

Virgin Serbia

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Reply #19 on: November 25, 2010, 02:25:35 pm

The thing with taxes is that they may vary between trading blocs and individual nations.
I'm sure there are similar taxes all around the world. Denmark has absolutely horrendous import taxes on aircraft in general. That would mean fewer airlines in Copenhagen. Fewer airlines in Beijing too, as the Chinese gov. would prefer Chinese jets.

The work that would be involved in terms of research for a feature like this is not something we have the staff resources to support. So it would have to be either a simplified system or simply someone else will have to do the work.

T'was a suggestion for a possible future remake of the game ;) Probably too much of a hassle at the moment, considering all the other things that need to be done...
O0 Lotus Airlines of India (PW#2650) •


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