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NorthEastern International Airlines - (NIA)


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on: August 25, 2010, 07:24:38 am
Press Release - November 11th, 1990
New York, New York

NorthEastern International Airlines (NIA) Start-up.

NorthEastern International Airilnes is please to announce the start-up of passenger flight operations from our base at New York's - John F. Kennedy International Airport.  NIA is please to announce the start-up using a 181 seat Boeing 707-120 aircraft.  Our initial flight operations will consist of 1 daily service between New York - JFK and Miami International Airport, and New York - JFK and Raliegh - Durham International Airport. 

NorthEastern Internatioal Airlines goal is to be the number airline out of the New York Area.  We will be focusing on East Coast operations as well as expansion into the European and Carribbean Markets. 

We are please to announce our start up service and are looking forward to continued growth and expansion out of the New York Area.  Please stay tuned for additional updates on our expanding service.


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Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 10:22:31 am
NorthEastern International Airlines- Expansion

New York, NY-  NorthEastern International Airilnes (NIA) is please to announce the continued expansion of passenger flight operations.  We are please to announce the start-up of our new daily Non-Stop Service between New York's - JFK airport and the Greater Orlando International Airport.

NorthEastern International's CEO expressed his enthusiam for the new service. "We are please to announce this daily service. Providing the residents of New York with an easy, affordable, enjoyable service to one of the most lucrative tourist destinations excities us.  We are looking forward to continued expansion into the sunshine state and making NIA the premier airline between New York and Florida."

Please continue to stay abreast of the continued expansion of NorthEastern International Airways.


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Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 05:26:40 am
Hey!  Just wanted to welcome you to the form.  Sorry I missed this when you posted it a couple days ago.  Better late than never  :D  Keep us updated!
Bryce Rea


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