The new broker tender system is launched today! All players, now, are invited to partake in the brokering process.
Simply place a request either through the used_ac page, or your very own aircraft page (as if you were buying a new aircraft, but in the Request Aircraft menu). select the type, engines, so forth you desire, offer a markup percent based off of the list value (between 0 and 35%) and pay a downpayment of around 25% of the final value of the deal (this is to protect the broker, from a bad buyer)
This request will be viewable in the used market, any player can fulfill it. If the request remains open for 6 game 'months', after that period the downpayment is refunded and the request is removed. at any point, until the deal is accepted, the deal can be cancelled and the deposit returned to the player.
IF it is taken by another player (game broker or not), they will pay the remainder of the list price, and delivery will begin. From here on out, you can no longer cancel the deal within the game (your deposit is lost).
Once delivered, the aircraft is immediately, and automatically, listed to the requestor for the remaining balance (for that aircraft) garaunteed for a period of 3 game "months". (this should protect the buyer from a bad broker). After this period is over, the plane remains listed privately to the buyer however the broker is now free to remove it from the sale market and use it in his own fleet.
One last thing, you can either list a request publicly (to id 0) or privately (to a specific player). If a request is privately listed, the broker may (politely) reject the deal through the system. In the future the system will be expanded to edit proposals, but for now it's a complete but basic brokering system. ONLY newly purchased aircraft can be used to satisfy these deals, so no worries about overpaying for a used plane.
Here's hoping you all like it, because it took a while to test out. let me know if there are any bugs.
Edit: oh yes. one last piece of news. For those curious about the game brokers, their power has been restrained to the discount applies only to this integrated broker system. It is now harder for any player to abuse as position of game-broker (though i watched these guys for a while now, none of them have strayed into this temptation.)