But what if an airline is replacing a fleet of 50, it could take over a week to sell them due to when one can log on. It's not uncommon to see 20 or so used aircraft, but seeing 50, under 6monyhs old is annoying.
Even if you have a large number to sell with a max amount of 5 listings at a time, it will also slow down the speed of the game a bit, I think. Might be a good idea to have a column indicating the amount of this aircraft available, etc.
What could possibly solve the 50 listings under 6 months old problem, would be to have a time constraint on new aircraft, for instance if you purchase a new aircraft, you can not list it until its a minimum age of 6 months.... What do you think of that? It will immediately eliminate the large amount of new aircraft listings, plus no one is going to keep unused 50 aircraft and wait 6 game months to list it, so it will make people re-think their strategy first of all.
As I have suggested before, simply force everyone to trade through broker would have solved this....
... oh wait... that wouldn't be favourable since it would limit the market 
This could work, but if you look at the statistics of daily requests/purchases, would the brokers be able to 'service' all the airlines in the world, taking into consideration the delivery time, the financial aspect, etc.? Will this not create a possible delay in delivery times, if there are 100s of requests per day, especially in a public world?
It seems to me that the problem here is people buying aircraft and reselling them new (not the real second hand aircraft). I would propose a different feature whereby people can broker aircraft in advance (maybe even giving the official brokers discounts...), and sell them in a separate market (on a separate page). The aircraft could then even be autolisted. Similar to the PFL system I suppose.
Each purchase order would be grouped when it appears on the market, with a column indicating how many are available in each gouping. Clicking on the Buy button would bring the user to a page where they could specify how many of the aircraft they wish to purchase.
On thinking about it, it may actually work if you had the grouped new aircraft together in the same market with the second hand ones and an option to sort between the advanced brokered aircraft and ones simply put up for sale.
This system could be applied to leasing (really just the existing PFL system combined with the idea of gouping the aircraft on Leasing Market page). It would be good for sellers, as they would have autolisted aircraft and for the buyers as they could by in bulk new aircraft. In terms of changes to the aircraft market page, the only thing would be a colum to indicte how many aircraft are available in a grouping. I think the most difficult part would be coding.
Wow! It sounds a bit complicated but its got potential to work I think, however won't it just be easier to have a type of search page where you complete details what you're looking for to purchase, i.e. manufacturer, age limit, purchase price, etc. and when you click on search it will bring up all the listings within your search criteria?