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Airline Branding Center / Transparent Aircraft Template Center
« on: September 03, 2010, 06:37:29 pm »So all you have to do is drag them to your desktop, and or the image editing program (Print Shop, Photoshop, GIMP, MS Paint, etc.) you choose to use and they are already ready to be used.
For it to work properly just make sure that the template is on the top layer, and then everything else is on layers below the template.
Airline Branding Center / We Need Your Help - Creators Wanted!
« on: September 03, 2010, 05:19:37 am »Now that I've got this started we need your help! I cannot do this alone.
With many parts of the new "Be Active" plan still needing started I simply will not be able to handle all of the logo/paint scheme requests alone. So we need others who are willing to help, and that is where you come in.
If you have the skills we can use you! I will still be helping, and overseeing things, but we need at least three people handling things.
So if your interested shot me a PM or reply to this thread, and I'll get you informed!
Your help will be much appreciated, and will come with a reward.
Airline Branding Center / Airline Names, Logos, and Paint Scheme Request Thread
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:19:44 pm »If you wish to create your own paint scheme templates can be found here
Paint Scheme Request Form
Your Airline Name/Slogan (If You Have One) -
Your Airline Logo -
Country Your Airline Is Registered In -
Colors -
Extra Information -
Aircraft -
Logo Request Form
Your Airline Name/Slogan (If You Have One) -
Country Your Airline Is Registered In -
Colors -
Extra Information -
Airline Name Request Form
Your Airline Logo (If You Have One)-
Country Your Airline Is Registered In -
Colors -
Extra Information -
Airline Branding Center / Welcome to the Airline Help Center!
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:14:53 pm »You are now in the new section of the forum created to do just that! The Airline Help Center has been created to help any Airline Mogul user, new or old, create new airline names, logos, and paint schemes.
This is being done to help improve gameplay for everyone, help bring more activity to the forum, and help to help Airline Mogul be that much more enjoyable!
Game News / Be Active!
« on: September 02, 2010, 07:03:21 pm »Due to a recent clamp down on trademarked and copyright content, the Airline Mogul staff are afraid you are feeling that some of the fun in the game has been taken away. We want you to know that there are plenty of ways to still have fun playing Airline Mogul! We, the staff, have decided to unleash a new plan to help maintain a fun community-like atmosphere in Airline Mogul! Here are some suggestions on how to make your Airline Mogul experience as enjoyable as possible.
Suggestions to Make Your Airline Mogul Experience Better
1) Join and be active in the game forum it is the best place to keep up on new game features and to keep in touch with all the other players. You can even influence the next features that are being developed and help contribute to projects like the global states, provinces and region implementation.
2) Play in a public world. Private worlds can be fun and enjoyable in their own way, but you cannot experience the true potential of Airline Mogul unless you play in a public world.
3) Create your own individual airline. Due to the recent rule enforcement players are no longer allowed to use real airlines or alliances names or logos, but we encourage everyone to be creative and create airlines that are one of kind.
4) Be courteous and polite to all other players. Please be sure to follow all game rules and be nice to your fellow players. Remember we are trying to create a fun, enjoyable community centered atmosphere. Instead of getting mad at your fellow players because they decided to open a focus city at the same airport as you, send them a message welcoming them and wishing them luck. Yes this is a competitive game, but that doesn't mean we can't be courteous.
5) Like Airline Mogul on Facebook and follow us on Twitter as we are going to drastically increase the amount we use these two tools to help you, the players, follow and engage with Airline Mogul better!
6) Make use of the in game IRC chat system. This is a great way to have live communication with other Airline Mogul players, and Staff members. You can always drop into the IRC Channel and have a chat with fellow Airline Mogul players at any time of the day or night.
7) Be active. Post in the forum and let everyone know what you're doing. Create airline reports. Suggest new ideas. Be a community. Get to know everyone. Follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. I assure you if we can make Airline Mogul a stronger community, everyone will have more fun!
Future Plans to Improve Gameplay
1) Soon we will be releasing tutorials on certain game features to help new and old players understand and enjoy the wonderful features Airline Mogul has to offer. This way everyone can use Airline Mogul to its fullest extent!
2) We will soon be releasing weekly game newsletter for public worlds via the forum and Facebook, another way to help keep everyone up to date on the newest information regarding Airline Mogul.
3) We will be setting up certain awards and incentives for public worlds to help encourage activity in the forum and in public worlds. This will include a new score based ranking system that gives an incentive to users to come up with the best strategy for many types of airlines and not just the most achieving the goal of being the most valuable.
4) A new section in the forum will be created to help create logos and airline names for members in case you have been using a real airlines name or you just need a logo.
5) We will shortly be expanding the group of beta testers we have on Airline Mogul. This is typically achieved by selecting knowledgeable and experienced players who are active on the forums so look out for that in the coming weeks.
Future Releases to Improve Gameplay
1) There will be more ways a Private World admin can configure their world during a game including the ability to extend its lifespan and increase the number of users. On top of the recent ability to add in the new route maps to every new world, every world will be allowed to have up to two brokers who will receive a start up package and starting capital to keep the world engaging and interesting.
2) A number of key pages will be upgraded to improve the overall usability and user experience including the gates section which was released this week. New functionality here includes city names for most airports and state names for over half of the Airline Mogul airports.
3) With every new major release we will also have an accompanying premium feature along side it. Look out for our feature's market in the very near future.
4) Finally, we have put into motion a move to a new data centre which will give Airline Mogul performance improvements as well as the capability to grow further.
Stay tuned for more information on this new exciting plan and remember: be active!
Private World Discussion & Invitation / New North American World! (PW#1099. The World To Be In!)
« on: November 23, 2009, 01:45:22 am »World Specifications
Starting Cash: €5.000.000
Starting Plane: 2xBeech 1900D
Starting Year: 1994
Game length: 15
Game Map: North America (All Airports)
Number of bases: 3 (No Foreign)
Max. Players: 10
World Rules
1. The first and biggest rule is that all regular AM rules still apply in this world.
3. No complaining. If you like the world you can ask to join, if you don't like the way it looks then don't ask to join.
4. Ask the World Owner (me sla31) if you need it, and I will get to it as soon as possible.
5. No giving out the password unless you are me, and none of you are.
6. Have fun, and play professionally. Be courteous.
When you join this world, you agree with these rules and play accordingly to them. If you do not follow them you will first get a warning if you continue you will be removed from the world.
If you want to join the this world, please request the password by sending me a pm or using the in-game Request to Join function on the World Info page.
(There are 9 spots currently open)
General Chat / My new ride.
« on: April 29, 2009, 04:57:44 am »In the park.
In the snow.
That's not my car. But it is me in there.
General Chat / Doomed on the Downbeat
« on: October 05, 2008, 02:39:07 pm »