General Chat / Re: Unrealistic routes
« on: July 02, 2011, 10:52:25 pm »Wasn't really making a suggestion, but for reference, the airport where I live is actually in the game, and it only has 120k passengers ingame.. we get flights three times a day from American Eagle..I guess spamming is too harsh of a word, if I should say. Spamming would have worked better in the old form, when an airline could have as many .5s around as possible. There are quite a few airlines that likely just send a single 737 sized aircraft, and nothing more!
I kinda have to think that the game engine makes multi-frequency 'realistic' routes something that doesn't appeal to everybody, since you kinda want to grow.. best way to do that is spam 1 freq routes everywhere..
I should find the thread from a few years back about .5s. It made got real nasty if I remember.
Maybe some adjustment for very large cities would be good, personally, I would be up for it! I'm just wondering though, if there is anything of a Hub effect programmed into the game yet. That alone would be a great help there, then would make multifreqs logical!