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Messages - Stephy

Pages: 1
General Chat / Re: about the letter
« on: August 24, 2007, 01:29:56 pm »
Quote from: "dktc"
You are right I have forgotten that. The point being is, you are sitting in front of a computer, staring at the monitor and clicking your mouse. Although you are doing it consciously, you are still NOT running an airline. It is just a script in another computer that you are responding to. Please get that into your mind.

If you think you are not a human being, instead, a crowd of molecules with bonding linking together, fine with me.

Basically speaking, if a thief doesn't steal the stuff, another guys would come along and steal it. But then if the owner keep it safe, no one could steal it. In another word, the thief could not have prevent what would have happened, but the owner could. Plain and simple. It is not about the word "ultimate". It is about the fact derived from what we know.

you are assuming all theives will steal and all careless people will have their stuff dropped.
Theives can control themselves. If they are caught for stealing, they deserve punishment.

For the record, I don't see them as monsters, but sometimes on occasional situations, one of them (and that "one" can be a different one in different situations) could benefit from sitting down and being a thinker.

thanks for your information. we know them better now. :)

hmm... ok... you are not? :?  (don't want to argue because others can see your thread and judge for themselves)

The problem is that the admins can't agree on it among themselves~~
They too have their very own opinions which need to be worked out among themselves.

i don't know how others will judge me. but one thing they can see directly is someone get caught asking for an appeal.

ok...then to the admins: please work together or arguements and appeals will be endless. This is what i can say to them.

lastly, because admins can't solve the problems, then please lock this thread. looking forward for a solution.

General Chat / Re: about the letter
« on: August 24, 2007, 12:54:46 pm »
Quote from: "dktc"
I don't think I can ever get over this "realism" thing. This is a GAME for god's sake. This is UNREAL :roll: . Wake up form the day-dream please. You are NOT running an airline :roll:

You may forget how long since you quit Asia, as well as running an airline. What we are doing here if we are not running an airline? :roll:  If you think we are sitting in front of a computer, staring at the monitor and clicking mouse unconciously like a robot, you may need a doctor.  :oops:

The logic is if that formulae was not written that way, and if it were not provided to the player, this would not happen. Please go to the root of a problem before you bring out logic.

A similar example is that people blame the thief when their belongings got stolen. But the fact is that they themselves are responsible for not looking after their belongings and not keeping them safe. 90% of people would steal when given the opportunity to according to several academic studies. So, the thief do have the responsibility, but if the stuff were kept safe, they would not be able to steal it (ie, the owner has the ultimate responsibility and is the one to be blamed).

Weird. Both the theif and the owner have the responsibility. Please don't put in word 'ultimate'. They are of no difference in taking the responsibilities. Admins should work on a more perfect formulae, and the player should respect the the game (at least respect the admins' decision).

Being an admin in a game has to be objective. You can't let your emotion get the best out of you and run things emotionally. That would cause a lot of problems. Whenever someone here runs off doing something without thinking it through, arguments like this starts.

Don't take it too serious man. Don't think of the admins like an emotion monster.

Why is it always about you guys not being able to make money?? Do you have to kick everyone out of Asia and hand the game over to you?? You have the resources to put them out of business in-game if you are smart. They don't have any "unfair advantages" over you.

Big companies exsist in all econ sim. It is up to you to try to survive. You just can't say because they are big, break them down. This doesn't exsist except in US.

We and admin are not blame them for if they are big or rich or what, but of the 0.5 flights. Once they put up 0.5 flights, arguments are here. Finally, they will leave or we will leave. Otherwise, Admins, please state clear if high frequency 0.5 is a problem or not and we'll play more happier. :cry:

General Chat / SHOCKED by a SECOND WARNING from dl-3508
« on: August 24, 2007, 09:23:18 am »
Quote from: "WARREN"
I hope I can solve all of it in a short time, also I am happy you choose the routes of kings arm airlines as a example, it is because the ceo of this airlines always tell me that he want  to be a popular guy in the world,  so he always do some thing which is  unbelievable, he hope more passage about him can be posted in this forum. HAHAHAHA

Mo MO RAbbit Airlines
China Xiamen

shameless :x  
your alliance should be renamed "shameless alliance", no other word's better.
we small airlines suffer forever...

Bugs / Planes not even delivered to me yetcanbeusedonroutes
« on: August 24, 2007, 06:02:33 am »
Me too. I think we have to stop creating routes now until it is fixed.

General Chat / SHOCKED by a SECOND WARNING from dl-3508
« on: August 24, 2007, 05:58:42 am »
So, evidence are here. KMF Alliance has been making us small airlines in Asia a very bad time (now even other continents).
now i think you have choices; closing your alliance or make your 10*0.5 frequency to 10*1 frequency.

it's my pleasure for NOT entering your alliance. :roll:

General Chat / Re: about the letter
« on: August 24, 2007, 04:41:36 am »
Quote from: "dktc"

Nothing wrong with that route... except he is competing with you, which is NOT the reason why he should delete it. (@warren, if you delete it, let me know. I do have wide-bodies that I could use, as well as a base in MEX).

As for the 0.5 frequency "situation", I have long remained neutral about it. Why? Just because technically, this is NOT a cheat. Theoretically, a feature that is provided to all players does not constitutes any exploitation or any "unfair advantages". I am not saying that 0.5 is good / bad for the game situation, or that it is moral / immoral. It is just that you can't discipline the players for using a feature you provide them with.

As I have mentioned once in another thread, the problem lies on the revenue/profit formulae. It is not the players' faults. It is not a bad idea either. But it is a concern that has to be fixed, and I think AEB is working on it. So, as a result, I have to support KFAI and the others. Not because I agree on what they are doing but simply because the responsibility is not on them. That is, they should not be blamed. However, I do encourage players to shift from flying 0.5 frequencies to 1 frequencies, where possible. That would show your respect and courtesy to the game as well as other players.

of course the revenue/profit fomulae of the game isn't perfect. someone may be have responsibility to this. But as a airline simulation game, they should play as real as possible. Even though they are 'legally' allowed to operate 10*0.5 frequencies, they should realize that they are doing something far from realism. If kfai airlines plays unrealistically because the game formulae is bad, on what ground we can call this logic? He should take the responsibility for playing bad and he should not ask others those silly questions (very silly indeed). And I expect he will change 10*0.5 to 10*1 :lol:  in this way, admin can't warn him because he has lots of money.

so, i have to say again, if i was admin, i'll just click a button and send you out of AM forever. The game is mine and I don't welcome you here. yes, it can be this simple.

General Chat / SHOCKED by a SECOND WARNING from dl-3508
« on: August 23, 2007, 08:14:27 pm »
everyone will get angry when they were caught for wrongdoings. you can just let it be.
if i was admin, i'll just click a button and send you out of AM forever :lol:

Bugs / can't create a route
« on: August 23, 2007, 07:02:37 pm »
Me too. I can't create routes now.

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