Airline Mogul Forum

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Messages - NemoIV

Pages: 1
  Only 1 hub has 2 or more players: Rome.

unfortunately it's my hub :'(

join ppl join

we want you

Private World Discussion & Invitation / Now Opening PW#1215. Shangri-La
« on: January 05, 2010, 03:35:53 pm »
• PW#1215. Shangri-La
• Starting date 1989
• Years left 20
• Players : 8 [300]
• Starting With ATR 72-200 x3
• Starting cash 500.000
• Range North and South America, Africa Asia, Europe

No Password

world info

Game Strategy / About competition
« on: December 15, 2009, 07:33:28 pm »
Sorry for my english

Airline ID: 34794
World ID: 1110
Current world year: 1991
Current bases: Roma andMakedonia
DOC: 1342230
Forum code: Airline Mogul - See my airline

Goals:  I just want to learn how to play the game so that i don't make as many mistakes the next time.

I haven't completely understand about the competition when more airlines have commons routes...

If i am the only 1 on a route with "X fare" i got 100%Loadfactor...
then  what happen when an other airline makes the same route with "X-1 fare", my loadfactor should decrease and consequently my earnings?

I hope i was understandable

Thanks for help

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