If your just starting to use AM Best way of making a proffit I found is to utilise your gates... dont start a base, and squeeze in as many routes as you can, pick destinations which willl have high loads, no more than 3... and try and get at least x2 frequencies for each route.
If you have a B99 with 19 seats and your flying to 6 destinations... you would prob end up paying more gate rental fees than proffit.
Also, try not to lease, you may find you have to initially.... and you can get some older slower aircraft for some good lease rates (Ive got some shorts skyvans leased at E100,000) ive leased one Convair 990 in this round for a total of 4 hours... (It seemed like a good idea at the time
Some of my top tips.....
Try and buy your own planes... not only does it increase your airline value (As you have more Assets)
Try and open a second base within resonable distance from your inital hub airport, I reccomend a close airport as if you are new to AM or at the start of a round, starting off you may have aircraft with limited range/slow etc... so by getting a second base close by it will help you
utilise your rented gates you already have.
Also, try and build your own terminal at your base airports if you can... cuts down gate rental fee to nothing at that particular airport, also gives you the oportunity to expand, whereas if you rented, expansion maybe limited if there are no gate rental options left.
Thats some of the tips I would suggest.... Im not saying thats the best way to do things.... I know how a lot of people on here like to critise other peoples opinions, this is just some of my reccomended practises!