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Messages - Air2000

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General Chat / Where to start up the airline in multiworlds
« on: April 03, 2008, 01:25:10 pm »
Birmingham UK...

I wasnt very sucesful in Japan... Since I didnt know the Airports I iddnt have much of a passion to encourage my own expansion

Ill probly rename my airline back to Air 2000 or maybe something more British.

General Chat / What is going on????
« on: March 02, 2008, 07:30:58 pm »
Quote from: "thecoffeecake"
im not new, not retarted, i know gates cost money. how am i going to rent gates when im not on the computer from 2:30 - 10. that was the point. i gained 200K after all those hours. it did not happen in the last round

come on guys could you try and lower yourselfs down of your high horses... this chap is new!

do all of you need to say your sig is too big? (oh and 'second' it  :shock: )

General Chat / Airline Value dropping...
« on: March 01, 2008, 11:28:32 am »
Hey im just curious....

I created a second base this morning (I woke up and found a large ammount of cash in the bank!  :D )

I opened up base No2 at Seoul - Gimpo Intl.... close to my home base Tokyo Heneda HND.... purely becuase I could serve all the airports I already have gates rented at (Utilisation)

I based x2 aircraft there and ordered one more NAMC YS11A-500....

Opening up at Seoul increased my DOP by 900.000+ (with only 2 NAMC YS11A's based there at current)

On the ranking legue I then plumeted down from 102 (at the current time) to 169.

Is this becuase I spent a large proportion of my money on perishable services such as gate purchase and creating a base?

I would had thought that this would have increased my airline value or is this effect temporary?

All opinions welcome



View my Airline at:

General Chat / What's the actual benefit of being in an alliance?
« on: February 28, 2008, 11:54:31 pm »
I think they are good especially if you want to expand onto long haul...

imagine your a EU based airline, and a fellow member is based in the US, lets say at JFK.

By purchasing a gate at JFK you are able to fly to any destination from JFK you wish, (providing... you have gates there!) (up to 25 in total)

it could help you utilise your gates in the EU, especially the more expensive gates, such as, for e.g. LHR FRA CDG etc etc......

some alliances have rules/regs/terms, for e.g. you cant set up flights from an alliance base if the airline based at that airport already operates that route.

some alliance will refuse to allow airlines in if there hubs conflict with existing airline

General Chat / To those already doing 2+ frequencies on routes...
« on: February 27, 2008, 08:36:43 pm »
Quote from: "travismb99"
There's already people doing 4x frequencies on some California routes. :roll:

Friggin' insane.

People, get this through your thick heads: YOU MAKE WAY MORE MONEY DOING 1X FLIGHTS EVERYWHERE. Even WITH the gate costs, you come out way ahead. Going 2-3-4-5x with a 90-seat plane trashes yields and screws up the game.

You're destroying this round before it even starts.

 :idea: why dont we tatto it to some of the players heads :P

General Chat / What is your aim this round?
« on: February 26, 2008, 02:31:03 pm »
Mine is to develop into a Long Haul only Airline.

Im looking forward to this new round as ive moved bases to Asia... im starting from fresh in Tokyo Heneda. My first round being outisde Europe.
Also, changed my airlines name From Air 2000 (DP-) to Eastern Star* (***)

General Chat / Best 40-60 Seat Aircraft
« on: February 26, 2008, 12:45:49 pm »
I had a large Convair 580 fleet in the previous round! they were great!

General Chat / How do you make an airline that is profitable
« on: February 20, 2008, 07:18:55 pm »
If your just starting to use AM Best way of making a proffit I found is to utilise your gates... dont start a base, and squeeze in as many routes as you can, pick destinations which willl have high loads, no more than 3... and try and get at least x2 frequencies for each route.

If you have a B99 with 19 seats and your flying to 6 destinations... you would prob end up paying more gate rental fees than proffit.

Also, try not to lease, you may find you have to initially.... and you can get some older slower aircraft for some good lease rates (Ive got some shorts skyvans leased at E100,000) ive leased one Convair 990 in this round for a total of 4 hours... (It seemed like a good idea at the time  :roll: )
Some of my top tips.....

Try and buy your own planes... not only does it increase your airline value (As you have more Assets)

Try and open a second base within resonable distance from your inital hub airport, I reccomend a close airport as if you are new to AM or at the start of a round, starting off you may have aircraft with limited range/slow etc... so by getting a second base close by it will help you utilise your rented gates you already have.

Also, try and build your own terminal at your base airports if you can... cuts down gate rental fee to nothing at that particular airport, also gives you the oportunity to expand, whereas if you rented, expansion maybe limited if there are no gate rental options left.

Thats some of the tips I would suggest.... Im not saying thats the best way to do things.... I know how a lot of people on here like to critise other peoples opinions, this is just some of my reccomended practises!

General Chat / Demonstration of how to ruin a route :)
« on: February 12, 2008, 10:51:01 am »

General Chat / Your goal for this round
« on: February 12, 2008, 10:49:54 am »
Actually come to think of it....

One of my main goals is.... to Cover the cost of my Gate Rental Fees.... with Leasing Revenue.

e.g. My Gate Rental Fees total to, which will be covered by whatever money my leasing gets in. At curent, it covers only half, so after Ive finished my long haul expansaion, ill start cutting down the european routes and start putting my short/medium haul aircraft up for lease.

I will consolidate my fleet, below is what is planned to be going to lease.

This will include:

Boeing 720 (x3 )
Boeing 737-100 (x9)
Convair 580 (x35) (Some will remain operating my most lucrative routes)
Douglas DC-9-21 (x7) (Some will remain operating my most lucrative routes)

And I also carnt wait to get rid of the Beast. My L1011...

Lockheed L1011-1 (1)

And maybe (possible) eventually retire my DC-8's into my leasing fleet:

Douglas DC-8-20 (x9)

So my future fleet will just be Conviars 990's 580's and DC-9s!

General Chat / Next Round... What Will You Do Differently?
« on: February 12, 2008, 10:31:50 am »
isnt the point of multiworlds to reduce the ammount of players per round tho?

so whats the point of having two accounts in two different worlds?if everyone done that then there would be no point in openening up multiworlds


General Chat / Next Round... What Will You Do Differently?
« on: February 12, 2008, 10:13:23 am »
Next Round, whatever era it will be in... what would you do differently?

Ive done Europe Twice now (this is my second ever round)

Next round im going to try a different continent! Im thinking either Asia or South America!

What about everyone else?!

General Chat / Your goal for this round
« on: February 09, 2008, 11:14:44 pm »
Dump my intercontinental europe opperations and be a true Long Haul Carrier.

Watch this space for a large retail of Conviar 580's, DC9's and 737's!!!!!!

General Chat / Airbus A300B1
« on: February 09, 2008, 10:05:49 pm »
Quote from: "SeaBlue Pacific Air"
This is the most annoying plane in AM right now.  I deployed my Airbuses between big cities and it was fun seeing competition lower their prices way below optimal price.  However, in routes where I still use a Caravelle, some airliners use an Airbus.  I just realized this plane is so annoying.

This means more Airbus for me!  :D

Yes... ok.  :roll:     But...

Everyone new this was going to happen... it was discussed over the 747, L1011 and DC10 debates..... Big aircraft OVERKILL routes in the simulation, yeah understanably there are flaws, like No Business, First, Economy, which would make a A300 between big cities more suitable..... but Stephen carnt get it 100% accrute, he can only do what he can to make it realistic as he can, and hes doing pretty well.

What disapointed me was the bigger more experianced airlines jumping onto the overkill bandwagon. Within a couple of weeks these routes will escelate down to silly E25 flights etc.

Ive got to the point now where ive given up on flying in Continental Europe. Any routes that are not doing well will be chopped. Prioritory is on Long Haul expansion!

General Chat / x1 747 or x2 DC-8's
« on: January 27, 2008, 03:30:21 pm »
Quote from: "Air2000"
Ive got a nasty feeling this is going to happen with my new L1011 which is due 2moro

it is scheduled to fly:

MAN-ATL (.5)

I got 2 more DC8's on order, one is to replace my DC-7A, the other is to be based at MAN to serve the rest of my north american routes. If the L1011 does have poor operating performance, Ill sell or lease the beast out, and but more DC8's.

well moment of truth is here. L1011 for ME(this is my opinion on the performance not fact before u forum ganets start to attack me).... has slightly overkilled MAN-ATL and MAN-ORD on .5 frequencies but is making a nice £500.000 proffit per day.... but i doubt ill be purchasing the L1011 again, ill stick with my growing fleet of DC8's

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