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Messages - quatzalcoatl

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General Chat / Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: April 27, 2008, 09:44:02 pm »
And here's my 80's livery (but on a retro-style 744):

General Chat / Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: April 27, 2008, 09:38:51 pm »
Here is my livery on a 744:

General Chat / Bombardier C110/C130
« on: April 08, 2008, 12:13:00 am »
Quote from: "AirHanoverInternational"

Back on topic: Dornier was on the right way with its Do728 but had financial troubles before. The merger with Fairchild made that manufacturer collapse finally :cry:

Yeah, but without them they wouldn't have made it much further anyway. A real pity as i love the planes (i even go so far as to manufactoring my own line of die-cast do728s)
I think i saw them in the game somewhere, can't wait to get to 2003 and fly them :D

Another sad thing was the collapse of Fokker. I heard of plans to re-establish it as Rekkof (sounds really silly) and manufacture modified F70s and F100, but i don't really think they'll make it.

General Chat / Bombardier C110/C130
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:25:37 pm »
Dornier tried building some of these a few years back, but went bankrupt on it.
Sad thing really.
I think there is quite a market there or those type of planes as is mirrored by the number of new developements in that market
(Mitsubishi has a study as well as some chinese consortium)

I think with aviation technology advancing, regional (and maybe even local) flights will become much more popular.
I also agree with AirHanoverInternational, that it would be nice to have more types of planes on our airports.

General Chat / A Deep Philosophical Inquiry Into The Very Soul of AM
« on: April 03, 2008, 08:39:23 am »
Just to give my two cents to the discussion:

I don't think the game is too easy, but rather it don't change.
Once you found out how the game works and have developed a strategy, you can just keep on doing it and improve it slightly and you'll almost certainly make loads of money. What is missing are parameters that change like fuel pricing (i know it does, but only slightly) and stuff. I could even imagine inflation and the odd random hyperinflation (just a thought) so that peolpe have to develop new stratgies from tome to time.

Well, thats just my two cents.


General Chat / What is your DOP in PSM?
« on: April 01, 2008, 07:26:48 pm »
I'm opening a pet shop alliance now, who wants to join?

General Chat / What is your DOP in PSM?
« on: April 01, 2008, 10:34:39 am »
Quote from: "StephenM"
I have some overhauled Camels with full recline seating (Including a harness incase you fall off) doing Long Distance operations out of Dublin... Loadfactor 100%  8)

But making peanuts...

Yeah, i'm working towards those big eagles outta lord of the rings.
They'd be good for transatlantic flights.

General Chat / Tell me this is an April Fools joke....
« on: April 01, 2008, 10:32:36 am »
I'll by them. Do you know how many people want to eat rabbits at easter? :lol:

General Chat / What is your DOP in PSM?
« on: April 01, 2008, 10:29:46 am »
Oh yeah, selling at least 10 budgies a day, so thats a DOP of 100$ i think.
I can aford to breed dogs now, anybody up for breeding a new shepard dog. I was thinking of giving it 6 legs so it can herd sheep even on steep montains.

General Chat / The "Questions For Fun" Thread.
« on: February 28, 2008, 08:37:23 pm »
The Royal Clipper was built from a hull of some cruise liner in Russia i think. She was built in Gdansk, Poland. She was in the carribean on Feb 23rd, so i assume she'll be there now as well.

Was it developed from the F-111?
Service in
USA:1972-October 2006

General Chat / New UN thread
« on: February 27, 2008, 01:11:03 pm »
Germland would like to put a bid for 50 Transrapid trains instead of the maglevs. Transrapid are slightly slower, but more efficient and already in service ie. properly tested in service. Upgrading an existing airprt is fine with me, or even better, as it already has all necesary facilities. We would like to build 2 cargo terminals and 10 warehouses. All cargo passing through there will be equally distributed between the needy, so no military action there.
BMW builds a new production plant outside Tehran (producing all cars for Asia and the middle East there) and a new testing facility for cars. BMW now starts development on a new version of the Bugatti Veron, which will be powered by olive oil but about 600km/h fast.

Germland also approves of Irans use of the Dorniers.

General Chat / New UN thread
« on: February 27, 2008, 11:49:01 am »
Great, agreed.

Germland introduces a new law in leu with our new form of gouvernment:
-anybody who is not having fun in any way is punished to XX years of nightclubbing.

Germland uses its newly aquired Spartans for it's service Micronesia <-> Africa.
Germland also asks the iranian gouvernment for an embassy and to build a new airport to serve as a base for our flights from Micronesiato Africa to end famine there. As payment Germland wants to give every iranian citicen an BMW X5 and Dornier Do728/528/928 aircraft for Iranair. For specifications see our last post.

General Chat / New UN thread
« on: February 27, 2008, 09:19:27 am »
Germland would also like to join Italy with partying and puts a bid for an embassy in Rome.

We also want to sell some Dornier 528/728/928 aircraft to Alitalia. They run on olive oil, reducing the fuel usage by 50%, toxic gases output by 40% and leave a nice scent while passing.
Also included in the package would be 50 mill bottles of Jägermeister to be supplied to italian clubs and a contract with Porsche to give every italian person one Carrera3. Germland is giving them out to their own people right now.

If anybody else is interested in the package, please put a bid.

General Chat / New UN thread
« on: February 27, 2008, 12:11:35 am »
The Germlandish gouvernment approves of Micronesia's plan to end famine and helps in any way it can. We bought majority stocks in FedEx which would give us the largest civilian fleet of aircraft in the world, which will now be flying sceduled flights between Micronesia and Africa/crisis areas. The gap left by FedEx will be taken up by TNT. Germland puts and order for 30 A380F aircraft to expand it's worldwide charity transport service even more.

Germland also puts in a bid to build the island for NZ with our newly aquired technology.

Germland opens an embassy in Micronesia for improved relations between the two countries but at the same time requests an embassy in Greece, Singapore and NZ.

Does Greece want class 212A subs (most modern in the world)?

General Chat / New UN thread
« on: February 26, 2008, 08:43:11 pm »
Germland doesn't want to sell land, but we have other technology that could make you your island. There is a method where you by a type of scaffold and you pass a small electric current through it and then an island grows, isn't there. Germland bought the rights on it. We like to sell Micronesia an island under the condition that we can also build another island for a germlandish embassy.

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