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Messages - empedocles

Pages: 1 2 3 4
Bugs / [FIXED] airline value red
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:13:00 pm »
Same here. Looks like the airline value is showing up as red instead of the cash amount when one is in a negative cash situation.

7641 W5 if it matters.

Bugs / Appraised value more than the new purchase price?
« on: April 21, 2008, 01:14:43 pm »
7641, world 5.

Put 2 aircraft up for sale this morning (373 & 415), and noticed that the appraised value is more than the new purchase price.
Aircraft are appreciating now?

Book value seems to be the depreciated value.

Saab-90 A-2 Scandia
New purchase price: €5,000,466
#373 Appraised Value: €5,344,392
#415 Appraised Value: €5,371,187

Oh, and I took them off the market for now, in case this actually is a bug.

Bugs / Leasing & the Aircraft Sale Log
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:09:19 am »
7641, Thanatos Air, World 5

I just removed and re-listed some aircraft on the lease market, and an entry was made in my Aircraft Sale Log each time I did so. Aircraft IDs 69 & 74 (Otters).

BTW, the Edit link for aircraft listed for lease doesn't work. Did it ever? I can't recall.  :oops:

General Chat / Why people scraped planes?
« on: March 31, 2008, 02:39:31 am »
As a round matures, most of the cheap planes won't sell anymore, even at 50%. Witness the meltdown in DC3s during the 50's round, where there were 20+ pages of DC3s on the market.

(Admittedly, that was mainly due to the bankrupt script.)

I did vote market, though. I have yet to scrap a plane.

General Chat / Want to know why Europe & America are so crowded?
« on: March 12, 2008, 02:03:26 pm »
You can make money in Africa. The key is initial base selection.

Problem with Johannesburg is there are no airports of a decent size within range of the entry-level aircraft, so it is really hard to grow rapidly. (I learned that last round.)

African airlines will never be as big as NA or European airlines, but with good decisionmaking, they can grow at a decent pace.

I've been watching you, and am intrigued by your strategy and how well it has worked. Eventually you are going to run out of suck- erm, "people willing to pay 20 mil a month for a 737." ;)

Bugs / Gate fees
« on: February 29, 2008, 01:08:34 pm »
You start with 2 gates at your initial base.

General Chat / neverending leases?
« on: February 28, 2008, 10:21:03 pm »
Lease time doesn't matter, as a leased aircraft can be returned at any time with no penalty. So people put in high numbers for the heck of it.

Basically, unless there is some side deal arranged (like in some of the lease-to-purchase schemes floating around), the leasee determines the length of lease.

General Chat / *What* do you Name Your Planes?
« on: February 28, 2008, 04:32:01 pm »
Base Aircraft Number

eg: CAI BAE 1

That way I can sort on the name field and glance down the column to see how many and what type for aircraft are running out of each base.

Bugs / duplicate airport
« on: January 15, 2008, 01:13:53 am »
It has been reported at least a couple times over the last quarter or so.

Bugs / seems to be a problem with the .5 coding?
« on: January 11, 2008, 02:32:57 am »
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"
hmm... technically the .5-1-.5 is an illogical route path still allowed by the code

How is .5-1-.5 illogical?

WWW-(XXX-YYY-XXX)-ZZZ works. The one-ways are WWW-XXX and XXX-ZZZ, and the round trip is XXX-YYY.

Day 1 starts in WWW, Day 2 starts in ZZZ. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Bugs / JNB-ZNZ: Incorrect Distance?
« on: December 31, 2007, 01:28:03 am »
Johannesburg (JNB) - Zanzibar (ZNZ)

Airline Mogul shows this route as 2,357 nm. (In both Create and Research Route.)

Great Circle Mapper shows 1550 miles or 1347 nm.

Who is correct?

Bugs / Route / LF
« on: December 30, 2007, 11:43:20 pm »
I've actually been able to go in every couple days and increase my fare by €10-20 while keeping 100% loads

Bugs / Wierd problem in the finance screen
« on: December 28, 2007, 09:52:45 pm »
Quote from: "AirHanoverInternational"
Just wondering what the "Misc. Expenses" are for as I have no a/c leased in. :roll:

I asked that elsewhere and received an answer a short time ago. :)

General Chat / What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
« on: December 28, 2007, 08:27:28 pm »
Cool, thank you everyone for the answers.

General Chat / What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
« on: December 28, 2007, 06:56:17 pm »
Specifically, the line item labeled Misc. Expense, which is separate from Misc. Revenue. Below Fuel & Staff, above Gate Rental, Maintenance, & Lease.

I don't remember it from the last round, but maybe I'm just experiencing early senility.

If it is Cost of Goods Sold for the Food & Drink, it means I'm only making about €300 per game month from food and drink, and I'm starting to wonder if that is worthwhile.

Misc. Revenue is food & drink sales, as noted previously by my esteemed colleagues. ;)

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