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Messages - AirTilly

Pages: 1
General Chat / Boring! Do Him a Favour!
« on: November 08, 2007, 12:04:57 am »
Doh I am getting old, I thought it was someone else....

Serves myself right for trying to look at it with Firefox text very small :-P

Mind you, would be nice to redistribute to the poor new starters :)

General Chat / Boring! Do Him a Favour!
« on: November 07, 2007, 11:56:02 pm »
107     This game is really boring - Give up my account     US €3,836,401,187 3,044 18.85%   5348

Can Admin do this guy a favour, and redistribute his wealth, his gates, and his planes!

Randomly select players who have just joined, and give them an early Christmas present :)

General Chat / 2x 0.5 Rule
« on: November 04, 2007, 11:03:43 pm »
Boeing 377 Stratocruiser   0.5   300.00
Boeing 377 Stratocruiser   0.5   300.00
Lockheed Super Constellation L-1049   0.5   300.00
Lockheed Super Constellation L-1049   0.5   300.00

All on the same route by same Airline - does this break the 2x 0.5 rule?

Or is this OK, because it's two different planes?

General Chat / To Those of You Who are Really, REALLY Bored
« on: November 04, 2007, 02:19:39 pm »
Quote from: "dktc"
I had banned them 2 days ago, when I was in a bad mood. I hate how they say they are bored, and then when I change there airline names to something like "leave if AM bores you" they would change them back. The most ridiculous part is that they are actually actively playing. But hey... at least no one email me about reactivating their accounts (yet), so I will wait a couple more days, then I will go deleted them.

Is this one of the accounts you have tagged :)

81     This game is really boring - Give up my account     US €3,663,906,350 3,489 21.61% 5348

Can I have his Aircraft Fleet  :D

Bugs / Alliance Base Routes
« on: October 26, 2007, 07:31:06 pm »
My bad a** - yep, it was the missing gate.  Just managed to create a route now using a allaince base where I had a gate.

Bugs / Alliance Base Routes
« on: October 26, 2007, 07:23:09 pm »
Probably me being dense  :shock:

Can't seem to be able to create any routes from any Alliance Bases.  It obviously works for some people, but whenever I try to create a route from an Alliance Base I always get the following message:

"...Error: The airport you have selected to depart from is not a focus city, hub, or base available to you. Please try again.  ..."

Not sure if it is a bug, or I am just doing something silly.  I can go on and create a route from my own bases with no problem,  so it's not an issue with gates/planes available.  

Tried the RTFM but no answer there  :)  :?:

General Chat / What am I doing wrong........
« on: October 23, 2007, 07:49:54 pm »
Got me plane, and it has 19 hours left.

Checked the route, and the range is well within range.

Checked my gates, and I have got spare slots.

So why will it not let me create a route, is this a ploy for my marketing dept to fleece me  :P

There must be something obvious I am missing  :shock:

General Chat / New to Here, but found an abuse
« on: October 22, 2007, 10:01:56 pm »
Introduce a Carbon Tax per plane :)

People can only afford to run at a loss till the money runs outs.

Mind you, the rich ones can run out the poor :(

General Chat / Leasing Prices
« on: October 22, 2007, 09:51:53 pm »
Rather than post a new topic, thought I would jump in on this one.

Notice on leases they have silly things like 999 months. Is their a penalty for returning early, i.e. like a %age of the remaining lease.  Can't seem to work it out for myself from the manual :)

Pages: 1
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