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Messages - MaitlandAir

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General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:32:38 pm »
Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
What do you think toidious means?

For the record, I see it as bad grammar and spelling. :wink:  :lol:

General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:29:52 pm »
Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
Toidious because when i played a game called maplestory

*googles* Ohh thats an odd website.

Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
(Grant is my name)

Hmm.... what an Aussie name!

Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
and my mate called me Toid alot.

Almost sounds like being "toyed alot" :wink:

Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
Then his dad started calling me 'the Toidious one',

His dad? So all of a sudden, out of maplestory into real life. Must be a friend from school probably.

Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
I see it as an open eyed idiot kind of word.

Dyslexic people see things in many different ways :wink:

Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
Sounds just like me too.


General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:19:42 pm »
Quote from: "mg35pt"
Why a bear, anyway? Or a rabbit? And skinny, too. What does Toidious mean, anyway?

Does he ask the tough questions! :lol:

General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:05:57 pm »
Quote from: "MaitlandAir"
Stop being a dyslexic frog! :lol:

All im saying. :twisted:

General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:03:12 pm »
Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
ZOMG! Forget about my frog and bear mishap already!

I still dont see how you could mistake a frog for a bear..... :lol:

General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 02:50:07 pm »
Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
Who else what?

Stop being a dyslexic frog! :lol:

General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 02:46:34 pm »
Quote from: "StephenM"
and Daniel locked the main one.

Who else? :lol:

General Chat / Forum acting up
« on: June 12, 2008, 02:38:30 pm »
Quote from: "SkinnyRabbit"
oh ok. Maybe coz I post so fast your comp can't keep up.  8)

Now now, no need to post insults to the people who own the ban button of your account. :lol:

General Chat / Exams in Australia
« on: June 12, 2008, 02:34:07 pm »
Quote from: "AustraliaConnect"
aus was getting boring for i tried middle east :P

He was being pwned. I still remember him when he joined up and played for the first few days. Sent me a PM or two so I can watch out. :P  :lol:

General Chat / How do i report a cheater?
« on: June 12, 2008, 02:21:30 pm »
My thoughts on this as a member of the AM playing community. I would like to make it clear that I am not saying the user who is being accused doesn't have a brother who is playing AM, I am just going to provide another view.

First off. I would have to say AustraliaConnect was right in bringing the matter up. Many players who suspect cheating in the past have contacted the mods of AM and from there it could take two paths. My only problem is that AustraliaConnect has brought it up in public whilst also including the name of the two accounts/players he is accusing. It would have been better to email the mods at the address they keep posting every day for these sort of situations.

Quote from: "pyramids3"
FYI....aeroeuro is being operated by my brother...we don't bother our airlines. We only have identical logos for I make them for he doesn't know how to create his own using photoshop...and about our usernames..I was the one who made his account on this forum...he asked me to..ok.

"Brother" accounts come up often here at AM. In fact I remember one about a player who was claiming his 6 year old brother was on AM too. (dktc is going to love this :P). Unfortunately in my experience here, it seems that some sort of proof would have to be given and in most situations it looks rather bleak. Do remember that I am not a AM mod and am just expressing what I have actions and situations I have viewed in the passed here.

Quote from: "CHR"
Firstly, do you think he would name his airlines (and forum names) very similarly, a bit obvious?

He/they have names their airlines very similarly. The player who is being accused share the first word of the airlines name being "aero------" with his supposed brothers airline being "aero----". Sharing the same logo although with a different name and color scheme just backs up the point that both accounts have some sort of communality. Secondly, I dont know him so I am unable to know how smart he is. In fact, perhaps he chose those names and is making up the fake role of a brother for the reason to cheat.  Did you think of that? There just isnt any evidence to support his claim at this time and publicly available to you or I.

Quote from: "CHR"
Secondly, why would he bother to have two forum accounts, when one would suffice?

For the exact same reason that he might be trying to be two people. Wouldn't it look a bit suspicious when a single forum member is saying he has two AM accounts?

Quote from: "CHR"
Thirdly, if you try to make another account from the same IP address, you would get the following message:

The system has spotted that this IP has registered an account previously. As a result an admin will be notified of any more accounts registered and you will be contacted in time if you continue. ...

Firstly, I am wondering about how you know about that message. And Secondly we dont know if the accused player is getting those messages.

Quote from: "CHR"
This means the staff would know, and would have checked the situation out.
This suggests that nothing inappropriate has happened.

We dont know that. Perhaps they accidentally overlooked that? Maybe the system isnt working to alert them? I am going to say this, if the accused member has cleared it with the AM mods, I am more than sure he would have mentioned it by now.

Quote from: "CHR"
You also should not accuse players on the forum, but email the staff privately.

This is one point I agree one. AustraliaConnect shouldn't have accused the member in public and rather sent an email to the mods. Although I am going to give him credit for this, he created this thread to ask which is the email address to send a mod an email.

Quote from: "pyramids3"
ok...I understand...just be careful on judging others next time...there is a saying that goes "dont judge a book by its cover".

And that is a very good saying. But when one puts two and two situations/communality's and/or types together, they do judge. We judge people based on looks and appearance in everyday life and nothing on the internet changes. Look here, my post is going to be judged whether it is correct, whether I am too harsh or if I am correct. People are entitled to their own opinion whether it may be correct or not.

In the end, if this situation hasnt been noticed by the mods, this thread will make it be known. I have no doubt that someone of the AM team (thinking of someone specific here :P) will come along and either lock this thread or tell you to send an email to the proper address.

Once again, I would like to point out that I personally am not saying that this user doesnt a brother who is playing AM but also I am not saying that he does.

General Chat / Airline Mogul IRC Server
« on: May 23, 2008, 09:16:16 am »
Should have been done already :roll:

Anyway, great to see users are coming on and saying Hello. Remember, its open to everyone even if you arnt active in the forums.... just come by and say hello. :D

General Chat / Airline Mogul IRC Server
« on: May 22, 2008, 02:56:11 pm »
Enter #airlinemogul

General Chat / Airline Mogul IRC Server
« on: May 22, 2008, 02:51:52 pm »
The IRC server is the IRC channel is #airlinemogul

Now which one did you put where? :lol:

General Chat / Airline Mogul IRC Server
« on: May 22, 2008, 02:49:07 pm »
Hmm... after you entered all the mumbo jumbo I mentioned last time round, what did you do then?

General Chat / Airline Mogul IRC Server
« on: May 22, 2008, 02:46:03 pm »
No password for this channel. Off course you need to input a nickname too <-- that you want to be called.

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