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Topics - Siro

Pages: 1
General Chat / Just for a LOL
« on: May 27, 2008, 12:54:07 pm »
So just then I decided to figure out if it was better to discard one of my routes for profits sake and did it manually without crunching the numbers.... deleted the less profitable route and played with the other one.

Realized it was better to keep the route on, so went to re-create the route, did it successfully.

Then get out into my routes screen to see some .... had just undercut me, i'm like wow that was a seriously odd route for someone to compete with me for but ohh well... went to drop my prices went back to routes screen and found they'd managed to undercut me AGAIN!!!!! was like now this is a joke! Bots ruining the game.... Oh wait i've just created a competing route against my self......... LOL :oops:  :lol:

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