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Messages - zosorock

Pages: 1
General Chat / Re: Can someone explain what multiworlds is?
« on: February 29, 2008, 05:46:00 pm »
Quote from: "iranair777"

Multiworlds is Airline Mogul, But instead of having only one game at any one time, there may be 2, 10 or however many game worlds at the same time. The worlds will make a one world game (i.e. the one your playing now) into many worlds, thus slowing down stauration dramatically.

So the idea is to reduce the amount of airlines operating from/to a given airport? Is that all?

General Chat / Profitability on larger jets
« on: February 05, 2008, 02:24:26 am »
Ah gotcha! thanks buddy!  :D

General Chat / Profitability on larger jets
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:53:54 am »
Ok, just did a test with a Convair 990 on the same routes and it is still not profitable enough to pay for the lease. So basically one cannot lease larger aircraft, has to buy it to make long routes profitable and use lease only on short routes? Is that the key?

Thank you :)

General Chat / Profitability on larger jets
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:43:35 am »
But don't you agree that if there is no competition and there is demand, you should not be forced to lower the price so much to fill up the plane?

I must be missing something in the picture but I honestly don't see it. I guess I am just too much of a n00b  :oops:

General Chat / Profitability on larger jets
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:32:03 am »
I was wondering if anyone else has issues profiting with large jets. I just did a test and a quick math and it doesn't seem possible to profit from a 747-200 lease, even if you get a 5% rate (around 20 million/month).

I tried to establish one round trip in a route that is 3,996nm long and the profit was something ridiculous like €72k because I had to charge peanuts to get the thing full. The route is a good route with a 1000/2000 demand and no competition.

Then I went with two 0.5 trips, one to this destination and the other even further (5273nm). I don't think it would be possible to fly these two route on a same day but, let's leave that aside for now. The result was a little better but the most the plane will make a day is €181,000. I make more than that in my Page Herald and it costs only 1/80th. With this plane daily profit the maximum revenue is 4.3 million/month and the lease costs 20 million. On this math is better to have 80 Page Herald operating than a single Boeing 747-200.

I believe is partially because, for some reason, even with no competition, I am forced to charge very little to fill up the plane. Did any of you find a way to profit with the larger jets? Is this a known issue that's being worked on and I am unaware of?

I appreciate any comments :)

Game Data / Luanda airport - Angola
« on: January 17, 2008, 11:51:20 pm »
It is the proper Portuguese spelling and all, just hard to find. Since it is the Angolan capital airport, perhaps it would be good if it could be changed to "Luanda - 4 de Fevereiro" to make it easier for people to find on the list :) Or, of course, if we could have a "by country" filter. Just an idea  :D

Thank you!

Game Data / Aracati airport - wrong coordinates (I guess)
« on: January 17, 2008, 04:13:02 am »
Is that because you don't have the coordinates or some new game rule?

Wasn't really planning on flying there though. I just pointed it out because I noticed it was wrong :)

Game Data / Aracati airport - wrong coordinates (I guess)
« on: January 17, 2008, 03:26:37 am »
I think this airport has the wrong coordinates:

Aracati is in Ceará state, near Fortaleza not in Colombia  :D

Here is the correct info:

Game Data / Re: Luando airport - Angola
« on: January 17, 2008, 01:33:22 am »
Quote from: "AirHanoverInternational"

You may find airports via the "Rent Gate" page. In the field "Show data by" you need to select "Search". Then enter the three letter code of the airport you are looking for.

Oh I see, thank you guys! In the research page it is coming up under "Aeroporto 4 de Fevereiro". There is no reference to Angola or Luanda so it was hard to find :roll:

Game Data / Luanda airport - Angola
« on: January 16, 2008, 10:30:27 pm »
I was trying to add the Angola airport in Luanda (4 de Fevereiro - LAD - FNLU) and the system said it is already in the database. Does anyone know how can I find it?

It is not under Africa under the letter L, Q (for 'Quatro de Fevereiro') nor A (for Angola).

Thank you!

Bugs / [not a bug]fees not being pro-rated
« on: January 14, 2008, 12:09:59 am »
Ah I see. That would be a nice feature to add do you agree? It would have to divide the lease/rent by 24, times the number of days until next month and charge the player only that pro-rated amount. Possibly would help new players a lot :)

Anyhow, I am planning accordingly for now. Thank you!

Bugs / [not a bug]fees not being pro-rated
« on: January 13, 2008, 07:01:44 am »
Ah ok... but still don't you think they should be pro-rated? If I paid for a full month of lease or gate rental, then one day goes by and I get charged again?

I rented a Brasilia gate on the 20, five days later I was charged again. I rented a Goiania gate on the 24th, next day I was charged again.

Do you see what I am saying?

Bugs / [not a bug]fees not being pro-rated
« on: January 13, 2008, 06:16:28 am »
Not sure if this is a bug or not but I started the game and was adding gates as I was going... then the game suddenly jumped from the 24th of Aprial to the 1st of May and I got charged it all over again (for a full month) as you can see below:

1/5/1971   Monthly Gates Fees   €0   €1,000,000
24/4/1971   Gate Rental (Goiania - Santa Genoveva Airpo)   €0   €50,000
20/4/1971   Gate Rental (Brasilia Int´l Airport - Presi)   €0   €150,000
10/4/1971   Gate Rental (Rio de Janeiro - Santos Dumont)   €0   €100,000
9/4/1971   Gate Rental (Belo Horizonte - Tancredo Neve)   €0   €200,000
9/4/1971   Gate Rental (São Paulo - Guarulhos Int´l Ai)   €0   €200,000

And not to be pick but adding them all up comes to 700k not 1mi :)

The same happened with my airplanes. It got to be a pretty tight month. No one got paid overtime because of that!  :D LOL

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