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Messages - wavif

Pages: 1
Private World Discussion & Invitation / Re: Starting a new World
« on: April 17, 2010, 08:15:22 pm »
What would the rules be ?

Just one country ? omne continent ?

... I will like to join in as Iberia with Hub in Madrid.

OK ... i will be requesting them now !

EDIT : They will be the ones with the most range, i have ordered the first 3 at a markup of +5

and the last at 0 .
Hope this helps ...
That doesnt help you. You have to request them at -8%. this gives you a 8% discount off the retail price.

and also please request each aircraft separately. This will allow me to get the aircraft to you quicker.

Yeah i know ... i mean that that will allow you to win a bit more per plane ...
and ok i will request them separately .

General Chat / Re: Comments in Airline Reports
« on: June 20, 2009, 08:00:30 pm »
I love when people leave a comment on my airline report !

OK ... i will be requesting them now !

EDIT : They will be the ones with the most range, i have ordered the first 3 at a markup of +5
and the last at 0 .
Hope this helps ...

Yes I do, but there might be a short wait. I have 70million with a backlog of 10 orders all around the 15 million mark. I'll get to you as soon as I can, but if you want you can request the aircraft you want now :)

Also by the way, you can order an aircraft above 10 million as I may have the money to order it for you

I was thinking in ordering 4 319 ...
if you want i can wait until you have the cash.

Hi do you still just manage planes below 10M ??

Bugs / Re: Aircraft able to fly 25 hours ?
« on: June 19, 2009, 03:46:39 am »
Should be fixed now. Just create and close a route, that will rectify it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Sthepen ! i continue to have problems with aircraft hours i have one with 7 routes saying it's got 22 hours left, one with -6 hours left ... its weird !

But dont worry too much, they still bring the same profit as they were bringing.

Bugs / Aircraft able to fly 25 hours ?
« on: June 19, 2009, 03:00:28 am »
Hi guys today i was creating some routes and found the following  ( bug ??) :

As you can see in the photo the aircraft is able to fly 25 hours ... the problem is that i want to sell the aircraft but i cant so do you guys have any solution ??


Game Strategy / Re: Aircraft age
« on: June 17, 2009, 08:23:07 pm »
When you join a game the aircraft you receive is totally new

Game Strategy / Re: Miscellaneous expenses
« on: June 17, 2009, 08:22:01 pm »
I think that the most routes you fly the more you pay ... i think they are airport tax and other things

General Chat / Re: Rent another gate OR create another base?
« on: June 17, 2009, 08:14:06 pm »
Yes ... i would rent another gate and would open a new base until my DOC is around 5,000,000 € .

Game Strategy / Re: Advise needed on Beech B1900 aircraft
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:02:50 pm »
Do you already have gates rented for airports you do not still fly ?
i would advise against renting gates until you really need them  ;)

Game Strategy / Re: Fare pricing undercut strategy?
« on: May 06, 2009, 05:19:49 am »

Simply put, no player has the time to edit all their routes to get a 100% loadfactor. 

I know a exception ... a rival always has 100% loadfactor either he has nolife or he is cheating  :lol:

Pages: 1
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