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Mac, Windows, or Linux

blue25 · 10 · 2498


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on: January 25, 2009, 09:05:00 pm
I was just wondering what is best. Oh, and maybe you can tell me about a little of each. @Stephen <You can possibly get somebody out of here that knows Linux like the back of their hand> ;)
Alto Airlines [ID: 2167]


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Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 02:11:21 am
I'd love to learn more about Linux but I'm splashing away with only a basic knowledge of what I am doing. All command line so I'm missing out on the GUI for Linux.
Stephen Murphy
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Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 02:58:48 am
I would help you with Linux, but I'm not 18 nor can work a script without breaking it. :lol: Otherwise I'd take the position.
Alto Airlines [ID: 2167]


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Reply #4 on: January 26, 2009, 10:55:37 am
Well, I'll give an honest view based on my knowlegde about each of them.

Mac - Macs are easy to use, they are ideal for people who have little knowledge of computers. They are not that customisable, as in, little programming support from Apple. There's a big controvercy as to macs do or don't get viruses. In my opinion Macs are overpriced.

Windows -  Windows can be a bit more complicated than macs. In my opinion I think Windows is safer than macs because antivirus companies catch new discovered viruses fast. Lots of development support from Microsoft's websites(FREE development software for personal use, now thats better than macs).

Linux - Can be hard to use, you have to install somethings through the terminal. It has a lot of customisation available. Although there are some antiviruses that exist for linux also (such as avast) but I'm not sure if you need them. Lots of open source alternatives available, even though you can run windows programs through something called Wine, but wine has been known to catch and run windows viruses on your linux machine.

Whats best for me is: Windows, because I have alot of programs that run on that. I like a bit of developing on the side and I think it is safe.


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Reply #5 on: February 13, 2009, 01:23:12 am
Linux can be fun. I have a box that I mostly use for IRC chatting that runs Ubuntu Linux. When I'm uber bored or such, I'll play around with it like setting up a web server and such. Works fine for a day or two till I hit the wrong button and everything goes kaput.

I would like to try Mac. In my room... I have Starting from my left... Windows XP, Windows XP, Linux: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) with Gnome, Windows VISTA, with Wubi( ) and finally Windows XP.

So... I mostly have windows with a Linux and Wubi. Wubi is a good way to taste Linux. If your curious go download an install Wubi. It's like running a live CD of Linux, without the CD. =D
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Reply #6 on: February 13, 2009, 02:27:36 am
Mac - Macs are easy to use, they are ideal for people who have little knowledge of computers. They are not that customisable, as in, little programming support from Apple. There's a big controvercy as to macs do or don't get viruses. In my opinion Macs are overpriced.

I do not agree.  First off I used to be one of those people who said.  "Macs stink and PCs rock."  But let me tell you.  My friend convienced me to buy a Apple, and it had changed the way I look at computers.  Yes macs are easy to use, but no they aren't just for people with little knowledge of computers.  They are more customisable than you know.  And I believe you get what you pay for.  And I'll admit it I paid a lot of money for my apple, but it is well worth the price I paid.  I paid 4x more for my mac than I did my PC.  And my PC is the worst investment I ever made.  I love my apple and will never buy another PC ever!

Isn't it beautiful!  :lol:

Apple rocks that all you need to know.  :lol:

Mac OS X Leopard is the best!  :lol:
Bryce Rea


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Reply #7 on: February 13, 2009, 08:33:35 am
^ Lets say you bought a mac in 2001/2002, you still have some programs left that you want to be ran on your system, can they run? Or do macs get out of date really quick? I'm not trying to start a war here...


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Reply #8 on: February 17, 2009, 03:56:07 am
Macs are overpriced for their products and dont hold anything to a lovely Windows operating system.
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Reply #9 on: February 19, 2009, 01:24:07 am
In my opinion, (having used both), Macs ARE better than PCs. However, given that almost all of the world's software is written only for PCs, I'll have to stick with them. It's a catch-22 situation. :'(


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