Well some of you know more about me than I care to let you know, so I'm not going to mention my name. It'll likely compromise my anonymity here
But here's some more information: I live in California, and I go to university in New York. Econ major/law and society minor with law school and lawyer aspirations. I'm 20.
Some info about me:
Favored airlines
Singapore Airlines
Favorite Airplanes:
- Boeing 777-200ER/300ER
- E-190 series
- Airbus A320/A321
- Airbus A340-500/600
Planes I don't like:
- All turboprops (loud, slow, ugh)
- A318/319 (they look, well, awkward)
- A380 (from a business and aesthetic standpoint)
- The entire UA fleet (this is specific to the UA fleet; 777's operated by Asiana, for example, are fine by me
- All regional jets (horribly uncomfortable, and some of them ugly to boot)
- Russian planes (they look, well, so ugly)
- 737's (they're too short)
Most used airplane in AM (as of Januari 20 2009):
I haven't played in a while, but I think it was the A320 series and the A330-200.
Have been passenger in (most recently):
United Airlines (p.s.) Boeing 757-200
United Airlines (SkyWest) EMB-120
United Airlines A319
United Airlines Boeing 757-200
United Airlines CRJ-700
Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER
Asiana Airlines Boeing 747-400
Virgin America A320
jetBlue Airways A320
....and that's as far as I'm willing to list.
Want to fly once in:
An airbus widebody (all my widebody flights have been in Boeings as far as I know)
The Whalejet
Boeing 787 (if that thing ever gets around to actually flying)
A350XWB (ditto)
When I'm not playing AM:-Playing AM (different AM, not Airline Mogul)
-Studying for whatever exam my professors decide to throw at me
-Doing whatever problem set/homework my professors decide to throw at me
-Looking for an internship in a horribly down economy
-Studying for the LSAT (alas, I still haven't been released from the death grip of standardized exams)