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it is very tired edit nearly 100 routes daily

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Reply #15 on: May 15, 2008, 08:53:31 pm
Quote from: "pseudoswede"
(to simulate someone with nothing better to do than sit in front of a computer to update routes every hour--which I also suspect happens).

Actually this is the best and most sophisticated way to maintain a high LF :)
Nevertheless, scripting such a thing isn't too complicated, you could even make it update the routes irregularly. But why would you want to do that? Where's the fun when everything is automated? You could just go and watch TV or so if you don't like full interaction...
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Reply #16 on: May 15, 2008, 08:56:24 pm
Quote from: "herrgoda"
Where's the fun when everything is automated?

Top ranking? Ensuring you always have the maximum amount of DOP flowing into your airline? One less (and very time-consuming) thing to do while you spend your billions on planes to fly to every single airport in the world?
Planet Express Airways
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Reply #17 on: May 15, 2008, 09:02:21 pm
I personally don't play to be top-notch, I do it to pass some time and enjoy myself while doing someting I'm interested in. As nice as a "sandbox" mode is for learning stuff, real playing should be a challenge, otherwise it will become boring quickly.
I know constantly updating your routes is tedious and takes a lot of time, no question about that. But, as with everything else in life: If you don't invest much time and energy and patience, you won't get far. Cheating in a game is more or less cheating on yourself. And in this case it's also ruining a lot of other peoples game experience. This is not some AI you are playing against, it's people who want to also enjoy playing the game without some crank spoiling it just because he only feels good when he's at number one. IMO that's plain sick and antisocial, sorry...
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Reply #18 on: May 15, 2008, 09:16:55 pm
Quote from: "herrgoda"
This is not some AI you are playing against, it's people who want to also enjoy playing the game without some crank spoiling it just because he only feels good when he's at number one. IMO that's plain sick and antisocial, sorry...


Sick is perhaps a little too harsh. "Loser-ish" is much better. :lol:
Planet Express Airways
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Reply #19 on: May 15, 2008, 09:22:07 pm
I wonder why I don't seem to have that problem with my airline, i spend 20 mins editing my routes at around midnight and leave them normally for the next 24 hrs. I just open up all the routes i want to edit in new tabs and then when i'm finished editing them go quickly through all those tabs clicking "Create routes" i guess if you check the logs thats why it looks like i edit 100 routes in 2 mins, i really am just clicking "create route" after i finish editing them.



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Reply #20 on: May 15, 2008, 09:23:55 pm
Till someone fully bans scripts and has a way to either disable them or find the offenders easily nothing will change.  Editing isn't to bad when you start out and maybe have 50 routes.  But now with 336 routes seems like its impossible to keep them decently updated.  Once a week maybe have them all back to 100% load just so an hour after finishing 50 of them are back down again :roll:  Some people I wonder about, seems like when editing, 2 out of 3 times there will be 5 or 6 routes that will drop back down from 100% instantly after clicking create route...The odds of someone being on the other end just happening to edit those same routes at the exact same time is zero to none.  This will continue till the next time I edit them and then they will stick for awhile...almost has to be a script.

Its hard to grow...the only way to grow is to expand.  But after a couple hundred routes maintaining them all is nearly impossible.  Wouldn't be so bad but on some routes €1 means the difference between having 100% load and a 25% load.

Some people may have no job and sit at the computer all day but some of us work for a living and have a life.  Its a great little time killer and once a few more additions are added it will be a good game.  But as with every game the cheaters ruin it quickly.

I mean, come can someone have 2255+ routes and manage to keep a 98.7%+ load all the time...I can't even do that with only 336 routes...and thats spending probably an hour in editing every day or so :roll:  Even if its someone who sits at the computer 12 hours a day...they never seem to drop below 98% any time, impossible without some kind of script or something...I sometimes drop from 100% to 90% in a matter of 2 hours :?

Why can't people just play fair...who cares if your #1...its how you play the game...not like theres a big cash prize at the end. :roll:
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Reply #21 on: May 15, 2008, 09:28:03 pm
Quote from: "Triple_7"
Some people I wonder about, seems like when editing, 2 out of 3 times there will be 5 or 6 routes that will drop back down from 100% instantly after clicking create route...The odds of someone being on the other end just happening to edit those same routes at the exact same time is zero to none.  This will continue till the next time I edit them and then they will stick for awhile...almost has to be a script.

When it approaches the top of the hour, it can happen.

I remember my first round--I was competing against Badgers. I think there was one time we dropped fares on one route 4-5 times about 90 seconds before the hour change! :lol:
Planet Express Airways
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Reply #22 on: May 15, 2008, 09:29:02 pm
Actually (I think I said that before) it's not that hard to keep your LF high. Okay, it isn't for me. I am working 12-14 hours a day, and AM is always running in background. Every 30-60 mins I check and edit 3 or 5 routes (usually it's not more than that). Takes a minute, maybe two. When things are going slow at work, I make additions to my fleet and network. I am actually spending more time on the forum than in the game, my game time each day is around an hour, but, as said, in very tiny bits at a time...
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Reply #23 on: May 15, 2008, 09:33:04 pm
Quote from: "herrgoda"
Actually (I think I said that before) it's not that hard to keep your LF high. Okay, it isn't for me. I am working 12-14 hours a day, and AM is always running in background. Every 30-60 mins I check and edit 3 or 5 routes (usually it's not more than that). Takes a minute, maybe two. When things are going slow at work, I make additions to my fleet and network. I am actually spending more time on the forum than in the game, my game time each day is around an hour, but, as said, in very tiny bits at a time...

What is your current LF? Do you adjust routes where LF is at 90+% also?
Planet Express Airways
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Reply #24 on: May 15, 2008, 09:37:21 pm
I set the view to display anything below 100%, and I adjust all of them. With 570 routes it's not that much to do. I usually don't go for the highest possible price but make larger steps down when adjusting. Not the best way to have a high DOP, but most routes show only once in 3 days or so... Current LF is 100, and by the time I log in in the morning it's usually down to 96 or something around that.
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Reply #25 on: May 15, 2008, 09:41:13 pm
Quote from: "Triple_7"
I mean, come can someone have 2255+ routes and manage to keep a 98.7%+ load all the time...I can't even do that with only 336 routes...

It's far easier to keep high LFs with 2,000 routes than with 300. For the simple reason that among a few thousand routes it doesn't matter if 10 or 20 have low LF.

I'm also of the opinion that an obsession with high LF won't get anyone very far in the tops. Not to mention the terrible stress that is sure to kill all the enjoyement. Instead, find ways to not have to deal with constant updating. There are ways to share routes and keep comfortable loads and, most importantly, a stable DOP. I just don't think that any sort of automated route editing will achieve this.


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Reply #26 on: May 15, 2008, 09:56:06 pm
I have thousands of routes, and the ones that require editing, I estimate are (currently) less than 250 a day.

Depends on your competition's mentality:
- Reasonable people can be convinced to share loads at reasonable load factors (85% +).
- Some people will require that you achieve route load equilibrium (100% all aircraft) as soon as possible. This is beneficial for all airlines actually, if you really look at it.
- Some will be satisfied with loads over 75% and won't edit till it drops below that.
- Some are completely childish and/or selfish, and will cut you by $1 multiple times a day, no matter how much you lower the price, or match theirs. These require special attention, and constant monitoring.

I know four of the top five airlines in my world (#3), and none of these uses any cheats, scripts, or unfair playing styles. Just lots of hard work.
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Reply #27 on: May 15, 2008, 10:12:51 pm
Quote from: "Fleur-de-Lis"
- Some people will require that you achieve route load equilibrium (100% all aircraft) as soon as possible. This is beneficial for all airlines actually, if you really look at it.
- Some are completely childish and/or selfish, and will cut you by $1 multiple times a day, no matter how much you lower the price, or match theirs. These require special attention, and constant monitoring.

A "trick" I learned from Pacific, on my first round, was to avoid what I call the €1 dance. Very seldomly do I lower my fares by €1 and I absolutely despise those who do. Instead I try to find equilibrium price faster. If that means cutting prices by €20 or more at a time, so be it. The time I save editing routes I can spend creating new ones.

I also tend to have a few nasty surprises in store for those that either engage in constant €1 lowering or that wait until the last second to update all their routes. :twisted:


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Reply #28 on: May 15, 2008, 10:56:26 pm
Quote from: "Fleur-de-Lis"
- Some people will require that you achieve route load equilibrium (100% all aircraft) as soon as possible. This is beneficial for all airlines actually, if you really look at it.

Quote from: "mg35pt"
A "trick" I learned from Pacific, on my first round, was to avoid what I call the €1 dance. Very seldomly do I lower my fares by €1 and I absolutely despise those who do. Instead I try to find equilibrium price faster. If that means cutting prices by €20 or more at a time, so be it. The time I save editing routes I can spend creating new ones.

I also tend to have a few nasty surprises in store for those that either engage in constant €1 lowering or that wait until the last second to update all their routes. :twisted:

Yep for me, it's not too hard to find the approximate equilibrium price so I really crash the prices down to it the moment competition enters.  I'm very pesky about this and mercilessly do it just for the sake of hitting 100.00%. :D  I've got a git doing the €1 dance but the equilibrium ("accelerated price drop" as I used to call it) strategy rules over the gits!

Second paragraph reminds me of my days in AE. :twisted:


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Reply #29 on: May 17, 2008, 07:26:48 am
Scripts are inherently unfair unless you're willing to teach the 90% of us that don't know how to use scripts how to create one. Otherwise keep it illegal.

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