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Reply #30 on: February 13, 2008, 12:53:29 am
Quote from: "DarthRobby"
oh my gosh, i know i wont go out there and never be wounded or killed or lose limbs, i just saw a show that showed a hospital full of iraq vets with missing legs, they all said they wanted to go back, and they were sad they couldn't fight without two hands!
i know it isnt fun and games, it is something i feel i need to do, and thank you boilermaker for being one of the few people who read the first post and didnt try to stop me without reading anything else

Have you watch the movie "Jarhead"? It's from real life story about marine who serve in Iraq on the first dessert storm operation. And there's part of the movie where there's some media who come to Iraq to interview the marine, then the sergeant tell them not to tell any truth but only say something full of spirit and supporting the nation. The dialogue gone like this :

Kruger: This is censorship.
Sgt. Siek: This is what?
Kruger: Censorship. You're telling us what we can and can't say to the press. Thats un-American.
Anthony 'Swoff' Swofford: Yeah, what about freedom of speech? The Constitution?
Sgt. Siek: No you signed a contract. You don't have any rights. You got any complaints you complain to Saddam Insane and see if he gives a *cabbage*.
Kruger: Why that's exactly what Saddam Hussein does. You're treating us the same way.
Sgt. Siek: You are a marine. There is no such thing as speech that is free. You must pay for everything you say.

Pretty much the same on every countries. What you see in tv and in real life are a very different things. But, i also agree that you have to do something that you enjoy doing it. So if you think army's a good option for your future, then do it  :P . And make sure you do it your best  :D .

Oh, btw...please don't say losing a limb or get killed like a simple thing. You don't know how's it like when you lose your body parts. I have friend who only have one leg, and yes maybe he run his life full of spirit, but it's not that easy..... :(
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Reply #31 on: February 13, 2008, 01:26:58 am
Quote from: "gagahput3ra"
Have you watch the movie "Jarhead"? It's from real life story about marine who serve in Iraq on the first dessert storm operation. And there's part of the movie where there's some media who come to Iraq to interview the marine, then the sergeant tell them not to tell any truth but only say something full of spirit and supporting the nation. The dialogue gone like this :

Kruger: This is censorship.
Sgt. Siek: This is what?
Kruger: Censorship. You're telling us what we can and can't say to the press. Thats un-American.
Anthony 'Swoff' Swofford: Yeah, what about freedom of speech? The Constitution?
Sgt. Siek: No you signed a contract. You don't have any rights. You got any complaints you complain to Saddam Insane and see if he gives a *cabbage*.
Kruger: Why that's exactly what Saddam Hussein does. You're treating us the same way.
Sgt. Siek: You are a marine. There is no such thing as speech that is free. You must pay for everything you say.

LOL  :o  Any organization, any job - this same basic tenet holds true.  I cannot badmouth the organization I work for without having to worry about the consequences.  When you sign a contract, as you do when you join the military, you agree to certain rules and restrictions.  In the US, if you don't agree to the rules, you certainly do not have to sign up.  It's that simple.  But if you agree to them, then you have no right to complain when they infringe upon your desire to do what you want.  The First Amendment only says that Congress shall pass no law abridging one's freedom of speech.  It does not mean that a contract - a legal, binding document entered into voluntarily by two parties - cannot place restrictions on those freedoms.  Also, keep in the mind that the intent of the Constitution is to limit the power of government, not to guarantee rights and freedoms.

The other thing, 'Jarhead' was a movie, not a documentary.  The fact that it was presented that way indicates that there has been some embellishment and, with as with any embellishment, an introduction of a bias - the setting up of two parties as the antagonist and protagonist.  It makes for a much better story.  To see what I mean, watch a documentary on D-Day and then watch the movie 'The Longest Day.'  They both are based on the same event, but you get a much different picture as you watch each.
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Reply #32 on: February 13, 2008, 02:05:00 am
Quote from: "OAAir"
Quote from: "gagahput3ra"
Have you watch the movie "Jarhead"? It's from real life story about marine who serve in Iraq on the first dessert storm operation. And there's part of the movie where there's some media who come to Iraq to interview the marine, then the sergeant tell them not to tell any truth but only say something full of spirit and supporting the nation. The dialogue gone like this :

Kruger: This is censorship.
Sgt. Siek: This is what?
Kruger: Censorship. You're telling us what we can and can't say to the press. Thats un-American.
Anthony 'Swoff' Swofford: Yeah, what about freedom of speech? The Constitution?
Sgt. Siek: No you signed a contract. You don't have any rights. You got any complaints you complain to Saddam Insane and see if he gives a *cabbage*.
Kruger: Why that's exactly what Saddam Hussein does. You're treating us the same way.
Sgt. Siek: You are a marine. There is no such thing as speech that is free. You must pay for everything you say.

LOL  :o  Any organization, any job - this same basic tenet holds true.  I cannot badmouth the organization I work for without having to worry about the consequences.  When you sign a contract, as you do when you join the military, you agree to certain rules and restrictions.  In the US, if you don't agree to the rules, you certainly do not have to sign up.  It's that simple.  But if you agree to them, then you have no right to complain when they infringe upon your desire to do what you want.  The First Amendment only says that Congress shall pass no law abridging one's freedom of speech.  It does not mean that a contract - a legal, binding document entered into voluntarily by two parties - cannot place restrictions on those freedoms.  Also, keep in the mind that the intent of the Constitution is to limit the power of government, not to guarantee rights and freedoms.

The other thing, 'Jarhead' was a movie, not a documentary.  The fact that it was presented that way indicates that there has been some embellishment and, with as with any embellishment, an introduction of a bias - the setting up of two parties as the antagonist and protagonist.  It makes for a much better story.  To see what I mean, watch a documentary on D-Day and then watch the movie 'The Longest Day.'  They both are based on the same event, but you get a much different picture as you watch each.

I agree with you, Jarhead might be a movie, but it based on a book by real life marine named Swofford. Yes, it might be bias and subjective, but what i want to simbolize by using Jarhead quotes is not "that contract is unbelieveable" or "that contract is only exist in army", but i try to simbolize the rules that is really exist in military system,that is censorship.

In the last darthrobby's post, he said he just saw "a show that showed a hospital full of iraq vets with missing legs that said they wanted to go back". In almost every military system in the world, what army said from their mouth is already being censored and filtered. That's why i don't want him to believe that every soldier with missing legs want to get back to war and fight after they loose their legs.

Movies always gonna be biased. Even documentary like Fahrenheit 9/11 contains with message that the director want to pass to its viewer. While that facts remain the same on every movies, the facts inside a movies will always be true. And i know, i'm sure you know too, that censorship is exist in military  :D
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Reply #33 on: February 13, 2008, 02:55:13 am
ok, i know, and i am not trying to say it like it is nothing, just that i am willing!

also i already know about that, and this was reality tv, and also i have seen a marine get a lecture for smiling on tv when they where doing a documentary on BCT
Undead Air


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Reply #34 on: February 13, 2008, 12:02:06 pm
Theres a guy over here on a few TV Programs called 'Ross Kemp'... He normally does documentary's on gangs all over the world, but his recent think has been 'Ross Kemp In Afghanistan'. If you can, have a look on google and i'm sure you'll find somewhere to watch some of them.

He follows a British regiment in Iraq, and trust me, it isn't nice. For example last night one of the lads got shot (Very unlucky, got him through a tiny gap in his body amour!). That one single death affected the whole regiment, all the lads wern't the same after his death (obviously not).

It may seem all fun and games, going out to Iraq shooting terrorists, coming back and being seen as a hero, but it really isn't Robby, it isn't. No offense, but your only 13 and your probably just going through a phase of thinking what you want to do. You've probably just watched too many films and played too many games where it all seems easy  :wink:

If you did go to war in the future, I can almost guarantee it would be completely different to the current ones. Weapons will be more advanced, and the tactics will get dirtier. I wouldn't rule off the fact of a nuclear war, or the 'enemy' using chemical weapons, its the sad truth I'm afraid. There is only so much humans can do before weapons take over.

Don't worry about it yet, get your head down at school, concentrate on your grades and having a good time! When the time comes to leave school you'll probably have a better idea of what you want to do.



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Reply #35 on: February 13, 2008, 12:47:23 pm
Quote from: "Darth Robby"
i am not allowed to play first person shooters, and i dont want to go out there are blindly kill people, i want to protect my country, no matter the cost!

come on guys, and this isnt a phase, i have always been interested in the military, i have just never rebeled against my parents!
Undead Air


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Reply #36 on: February 13, 2008, 02:03:24 pm
If you want to project your country why not join a group that does just that? I am not sure the name of the US organisation, but to me there is a very distinct difference between defending your country and going out to the middle east to spread democracy.
Stephen Murphy
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Reply #37 on: February 13, 2008, 02:51:04 pm
I agree with Stephen.

To be honest, who is going to attack America? No one...

America is by far a superior country with one of the worlds largest army, and probably has the biggest number of nuclear weapons. If you did have to go to war, it would probably be in another country.



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Reply #38 on: February 14, 2008, 02:47:52 am
The terrorist are trying to attack america, do you know how many terrorist attacks are stopped by homeland security? and that is after the military!
Undead Air

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Reply #39 on: February 14, 2008, 05:31:55 am
Quote from: "StephenM"
If you want to project your country why not join a group that does just that? I am not sure the name of the US organisation, but to me there is a very distinct difference between defending your country and going out to the middle east to spread democracy.

10 points

Quote from: "DarthRobby"
The terrorist are trying to attack america, do you know how many terrorist attacks are stopped by homeland security? and that is after the military!

They have stopped others too in their paranoia, I personally know of a guy who had to stay for 48 hours of "interrogation" including rectal exams just because he has a muslim name, that and it was very close to a known terrorists name. Heck he's a gay florist, and they sent him back to Sweden!!! Ok, florist rimes with terrorists but...
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Reply #40 on: February 14, 2008, 11:25:29 am
Robby war is not pretty and glamorous and nor is the military. My boyfriend served in Panama (took out Noreaga sp?) and Desert Storm. While his tour in Panama was fairly easy Desert Storm was not easy for him or some of our friends that served. He and some of our friends still suffer from that ordeal and how many years ago was that? I can't really sneak up behind the Mister and I have sometimes have to stand back if I try to wake him up because I might get knocked out. When he went into Kuait (sp) there were some large commercial type dryers and Sudam's army had put small children into the dryers and basically cooked them. And even though I think our government denies it for the most part many of the guys over there swear up and down that chemical weapons were used but they were not told to put on their protective gear and now many suffer some odd ailments that are not common unless one had been exposed chemical warfare. We've had friends that have recently served in Iraq and they will not talk about it. Why? Because they saw some awful *vegetable* happening over there and they would rather try to forget about it rather then talk about it and have to relive it.  I almost enlisted in the Navy back in 1995 and am glad that I didn't because I don't think I could handle what is going on over in the middle east and having to fight a war that I do not believe in. I think that it is honorable to serve ones country whether it be the UK, Canada, Brazil or the United States but before enlisting one much fully understand that it is not like the video games or what is in 99.99% of the movies. There is no joy in having to kill other people and not knowing if someone is friend or foe. Question for you. Why would you want to go to some place like West Point to be an officer if you are not wanting to make a full career out of it? That is a waste of energy. You're young and I hope that you will reconsider your choices and weigh all options once all the cards are shown. Recruiters only tell you the "great" stuff about the military and they fail to tell you what really goes on behind the scenes. Try talking to real military guys first before talking to the recruiters and I bet they will tell you more of the truth then those sitting behind a desk will. The recruiters will tell you anything to get you to sign on the dotted line because they have quotas to keep. They don't keep them and thy get pushed down. If you follow our advice you'll do ok. But it's advice so you can take it or leave it.
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Reply #41 on: February 14, 2008, 01:45:30 pm
i know its not glamorous and what not!!!
Quote from: "Dath Robby"
anyway, i never asked for people to tell me not to join the army, i am asking for army folk to tell me how they got there parents to be ok with it

please? if not lock this, please
Undead Air


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Reply #42 on: February 14, 2008, 02:16:31 pm
Your asking the impossible there. You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink!
Stephen Murphy
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Reply #43 on: February 14, 2008, 03:43:28 pm
Quote from: "DarthRobby"
The terrorist are trying to attack america, do you know how many terrorist attacks are stopped by homeland security?

I'd think "nil" would be a good answer :P

No, seriously: I know a Swiss guy who accidently flew ZRH-JFK and return with live ammunition in his hand luggage- and he wasn't stopped!
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Reply #44 on: February 14, 2008, 05:40:38 pm
For those that are saying bull*vegetable* i have to say only 2 words...


Quote from: "Dath Robby"
anyway, i never asked for people to tell me not to join the army, i am asking for army folk to tell me how they got there parents to be ok with it

For me it was easy, my dad is on Brazil Air Force, so he accepted...
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