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New Graphics Card - Help Please

Hampo · 24 · 4472


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Reply #15 on: January 28, 2008, 07:32:16 pm
Quote from: "Stephen D"
Hmm, just got the link for this from Stephen. Apparently my "knowledge" was needed :D

As regards posting your PC's specs - a 3.0Ghz processor could be just fine if it's a Core2Duo, not as much if it's a Celeron - AMD similar story with Sempron/Athlon ;) Martin was certainly right - FS uses much more CPU than a lot of games and improving the graphics won't help there if you have a useless proc. Looks like yours is fine though pending confirmation that it's not something useless or really old.

What's your budget? I just picked up 2x7900GTX for €200 (about $300) and they run FS2004 fantastically. That said they were second hand, for a little more than that money a single 8800GT would be even better. If you have less than that in the coffers, an HD3850 should do a fine job at with FS9 on medium high. The 8800GT or GTS seem best value though, look for the OC versions with hjigher core speeds as default for a few yoyos/dollars more.

A lot of this is hearsay - I've never owned any of these cards I speak of - but I'd be very tempted to go with a nVidia card so I'd be pushin towards the 8800GT (around €250-€300, same in dollars).

wow :shock:  Theirs two Stephans :shock:
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Reply #16 on: January 28, 2008, 08:06:50 pm

Thanks for the reply :D

After a bit of looking around i found that my PC isn't really up to a 8800GT.

Apparently, my processor would hold back the graphics card and I wouldn't be getting the best out of it. I also found out that my PSU is a crappy 305watts... It would cost about £250 to get a 8800GT, 2gb RAM and a new PSU. For double the amount, I could probably build myself a high spec computer.

I have been advised to buy a second hand 7900 graphics card and see how it runs. That may be enough for all my needs until my computer finally has its day.




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Reply #17 on: January 29, 2008, 02:26:41 pm
With those power and CPU limitations, your best bet would be a high-end 7k GeForce series card, as you suggested, the 7900 would work quite well. Just be careful not to overclock it, as your PSU does seem slightly low for a mid-to-high-end PC...

In any case, I'd advise against getting an ATI: they just aren't as reliable or all-rounded as the nVidia cards are ;)
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Reply #18 on: January 29, 2008, 02:31:33 pm
Ordered myself 2gb of RAM which will boost it up to 2.5gb total and put a bid on a 7800GT so i'll see how it goes :D


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Reply #19 on: January 29, 2008, 03:30:42 pm
Suppose you are running FS9 and not FSX?
But, I also must say that buying a 7800 might ne throwing money away if you are looking to upgrading your cpu and mobo soon too, then you are stuck with a bottle neck GPU. 7800 is only DX9, while 8600-8800 are DX10.
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Reply #20 on: January 31, 2008, 03:04:38 pm
Yea, if you're planning to get a new PC any time soon (within the next 6 months), I'd live with what you have atm and get a higher end PC when you do purchase.
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Reply #21 on: January 31, 2008, 03:31:42 pm
Quote from: "Hampo"
Ordered myself 2gb of RAM which will boost it up to 2.5gb total and put a bid on a 7800GT so i'll see how it goes :D


Good choice, Nvidia card's are way better than anything else.. If you wanna spend a bit more, get more RAM, it's definetly alway's better to get more RAM without even thinking twice. Too bad you could'nt get the 8800GTX.. It's making me  :cry:

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Reply #22 on: January 31, 2008, 04:40:21 pm
Got my gfx card from the post office just then. I think the post office still have my RAM tho, but i'll get it tomorrow.

Time to install...


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Reply #23 on: January 31, 2008, 08:46:44 pm

I need your help guys.

I managed to install the card, install drivers etc and it was working. I restarted computer and when i got to the log in screen it just turned black and i couldn't see anything. I went into safe mode, uninstalled etc tried again but once again nothing worked.

Now when i try to go into safe mode the screen has all random black lines over it, everything is distorted and i cant see anything. I cant get onto anything in side my computer because the screen refuses to work.


Thanks, Sam


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