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Filter for operations.


  • Airline Operative
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on: December 14, 2022, 03:04:55 pm
Hello friends, it would be great to implement a filter at this location:

Operations + create route, specifically in the arrival airports option.

When you create a route and choose the departure airport and then select the arrival airport, the system displays all airports where you have gates, whether or not aircraft are assigned, which becomes extremely complicated to locate routes to assign aircraft when you have hundreds of leased gates.

It would be good to create a filter under select continent and select airport, to filter if we want to show only airports without assigned airplanes and show all, this way it would be easier to manage the new destinations of those already assigned. 


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Reply #1 on: December 14, 2022, 03:14:33 pm
You can use Gate Search to see which of the airports already have a route from the selected departure airport. See the wiki for an explanation:


  • Airline Operative
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Reply #2 on: December 14, 2022, 06:49:21 pm
Thanks bro, but I mean when you go to create a new route, you already rented the gate and go to that option, when you select the departure airport and proceed to select the arrival airport, the system shows all the airports that you have rented, whether or not using them, something that is difficult to locate the one that is not being used, if they have many destinations, then it would be good to filter in that area specifically show only the airports that have no aircraft assigned and assign them an aircraft, I mean the location: Operations, create route.


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Reply #3 on: December 14, 2022, 08:14:31 pm
Some tips:

Gate search lets you rent the gate by clicking on OCP. It doesn't reload the page. Then you click on "Create Route" and the airports will be automatically selected.

When opening the list of gates, you can press one or more keys on the keyboard to jump to that letter or that string of letters. If I want to jump to "London" I simply just start typing "L-O-N ... " and it will automatically move focus to that point of the list.


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Reply #4 on: December 14, 2022, 10:47:01 pm
It is a good tip bro, unfortunately if you use cell phone does not allow you to apply it, another way would be when creating the route in the operations menu and create route, the system only shows the gates that do not have aircraft assigned, in the arrival airport section, after selecting the continent only show the rented gates without aircraft. 


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Reply #5 on: December 15, 2022, 08:43:49 am
Ah, you are on a phone? That is not really the best platform for playing Airline Mogul, I am afraid. Then there is not much I can do to help you, sorry :(


  • Airline Operative
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Reply #6 on: December 15, 2022, 12:13:09 pm
Don't worry brother, there are several ways to solve the problem.

1) Implementing a filter that has two options: a) show all and b) show only gates without assigned aircraft.

2) You could modify that when selecting the continent, the system only shows by default the airports that have no aircraft assigned.

3) You could create in operations + create route, after selecting the departure terminal, a search box to place the airport that has no aircraft assigned, in other words the tip you gave me but more simplified for all users ( PC and smartphone ).  :D


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