Airline Mogul Forum

Banned/removed airlines


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on: October 05, 2022, 07:28:17 am
Is there a work-up in process for having removed or reset airlines, whether from good or bad issues, for having their routes removed from the respective world? It does not seem fair to the other airlines to have to share revenue with an airline that is no longer in the world. I understand we would need to update our routes if a change like this occurs, however, it would allow the remaining airlines a truer experience. I also do not know how much work it would be to write the code to achieve this. I know this is a simulator, and not so much an economy simulator...however, as I said, it would make the gameplay that much more enjoyable if it could be programmed into the game.

Is this even being discussed for the future, and if not, why not?

Thank you for your time, and I await a response.

Happy flying,



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Reply #1 on: October 05, 2022, 10:05:11 am
There used to be an automated script that reset airlines inactive for a month or more. That has been turned off for many years now. So to answer your question: no, there is nothing in place at the moment


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